Chapter Eighteen

3:55 PM

That was the time when I looked at my phone's clock. There are only five minutes left before she arrives. I'm in a coffee shop in Makati City, a neighboring city of Manila. Though there are many coffee shops in Manila, I still chose this. It's because I don't want to risk people seeing us together.

I had already ordered our drinks. Apart from me, there are about three more customers here. This is a perfect location to chill. But, I'm not exactly chill right now.

Honestly, I'm not prepared for this meeting. I want to back out. Maybe I can still think of another way. Texting her to meet up was less frustrating because I didn't get to see her. But now... damn. I opened my Message App.

Maybe I should bail. It's almost 4 and she's still not here. Perhaps she's also thinking of bailing. Yes. That could be it.

I opened our message conversation and began to type a message. But suddenly, my phone stopped responding. Then the next thing I knew, a caller ID popped out.

Evil Snake is calling...

Damn! It's her! Why is she calling? Is she going to cancel?

"Hello..." I answered the call while looking out through the glass window.

"Don't text me anymore. I'm already here," she replied.

Before I could think of a reply, I heard the door chime tinged. I looked away from the window and saw her walking towards me with her phone still pressed to her ear. We held each other's gaze as she took her seat across me. She puts down her phone on the table. I put mine in my pocket.

We were silent at first, staring at each other. I was contemplating what to say to her. I honestly do not know what to say. But then she decided to pull me off my contemplation as she spoke first.

"Well hello. It's nice to see you again after a few months." She greets with fake joy.

"I don't see what's so nice about seeing you again."

"Ouch! That hurt my heart," she said with a devilish smile.

"How can something you don't have, feel hurt?" I talked back. Why I'm feeling savage right now? Is it because I'm hungry for revenge? But right now, I shouldn't be like this.

The evil snake looked at me with an amused smile on her face and said.

"As much as I love your "compliments", that isn't the reason why you asked us to meet today, right?". The evil snake's smile disappeared and was replaced by a serious expression. "So why?".

"I need your help," I said.

She looked at me with one eyebrow raised. Then she burst out laughing, the humiliating kind of laugh.

"Well... I didn't expect this. You're seriously asking me, of all people, for help. Since you amused me, what kind of help do you need me to do?". She managed to say when she was able to contain her laughter. "Believe me. If only you are not involved, I will never ask any help from you."

"Cut to the chase. What do you need me to help you with?"

"You knew Ryan and Diane broke up, didn't you?"

She looked at me with a serious expression before saying...

"Yes, I do know. Diane was crying about it recently." Her voice had a tone of sadness.

"Well, I guess you knew the reason why they broke up."

"No.," she said.

"What? Diane didn't tell you why?"

"I never asked. You seem to know why. Then, may you kindly enlighten me?"

"They broke up because of us," I said and I continued to tell her what Ryan told me. She listened to me without making any side comments. Now that I can see it, she can be serious if she wants to. After I was done with my explanation, she raised an eyebrow.

"So, you're telling me... Since we are the reason why they fought and broke up, we should do something to get them back together?"


She looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"But isn't it more beneficial if they just remain like this?"

"What do you mean? How can this be beneficial?"

"I mean... since the two broken up, there's no reason for us to encounter one another. We no longer have that indirect connection."

"Isn't it too cruel for you to think about more of your benefits rather than the happiness of your cousin? You said it yourself. She was unhappy when they broke up and so is Ryan."

"She's unhappy now. But I can't say she'll be unhappy for the rest of her life. Life simply goes on. She'll get over it and find someone else."

Unbelievable! How can she be so sure that Diane will get over this as easily as she made it sound? I knew for a fact that Ryan could never be the same after this breakup. I can also see Diane being the same. They have already been through a lot but nothing broke them apart before.

This relationship still had hope. Why can't she see that? But of course, how can I forget? This is the woman who would heartlessly steal someone else's girlfriend. Then, she'll break the girl's heart for entertainment.

"It's easy for you to say that because you never took any of your relationships seriously."She just smiled at me but before she could speak. The waiter arrived with our coffee frappes.

"Two mocha espresso coffee frappes with extra pearls." The waiter said as he set down our drinks on the table.

He quickly placed mine but took his time giving the evil snakes hers. The way he looked at her made me feel uncomfortable. Don't tell me his crushing on her.

"Here is yours, Ma'am." the waiter even said.

"Thank you," she said with a small bow but did not make any eye contact with the waiter.

"Is there anything else you need?" the waiter only asked her as if I wasn't even there.

Damn, dude! If only you knew who you were trying to flirt with...

"None. You may go now," she said completely dismissing him.

The waiter left disappointed. The evil snake didn't seem to notice what he was trying to do. But since she's a lesbian, maybe it's normal for her to be oblivious around guys.

"Is this what you really want me to help you with?" she asked as I was taking a sip of my frappe. Finally! She started to cooperate.

"Yes. We need to get them back together."

"But should we be involved in this? This is their relationship after all. They are the ones who should fix this on their own."

"Yes. That's right. But, we are the ones who caused the breakup. They can't fix their relationship if we are still fighting."

"So how do you plan to execute this plan of yours?"

"Since it is because of our fight, we need to stop fighting. But to give it a push, we need to become friends."

As expected, she began laughing.

"Why the hell are we going to do that? How can we be friends?" she said laughing sarcastically.

"We can pretend," I said.

"And you honestly think that they will buy that? Who would believe us if we suddenly become BFFs out of nowhere?"

"Well, I was thinking we can take it slow. The more gradual it is, the more believable."

"I think taking it slow isn't the issue here. The most important is how we are even going to start being less hostile towards each other. We can't say "Oh, I don't want to fight with you anymore, let's be friends," just out of the blue. Plus, the two will notice the timing. They'll easily figure out your plot"

I have to admit. I didn't think of that.

"Yes. That's true. We need some sort of connection that will look like it forced us to get along." I said.

"What kind of connection is that?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

"You messaged me here, to meet up with you, to propose a plan you had not even thought through yet?" she said not liking how the plan was not even complete yet.

"Well, to be fair, I honestly didn't think you'd show up anyway."

"Oh God," she said as she put a hand on her forehead.

"Maybe we can say we had a project together?" I try to suggest.

The evil snake looked at me with one eyebrow raised obviously not liking my idea. Then suddenly, her eyes went wide.

"That's it!"

Wait? What?

"What's it?"

"I have a Human Resource Management research project. It's due by the end of this semester. Our professor mentioned that we could seek help from a Psychology student. We'll tell the two that it was a mandatory joint project. Also, the professor's the one who assigned the partners."

That was a brilliant idea. But, I do have a concern.

"So we are going to work on a real project?"

"Yes. That will make it very believable since we'll have actual evidence. Is there an issue with that?"

"Well, the thing is... it's your project so-"

"So.... you're worried you'll be using your own time and effort on a project you won't benefit from. Don't worry too much. I'll pay you for it." she said cutting me off.

I wasn't thinking like that. I wanted to say that I'm not really good at Industrial Psychology. I'm majoring in Psychiatric Therapy. But never mind... it won't matter to her anyway. "Okay. But we still need to take it slow. We'll still have to show that we are fighting at first. Then, we'll gradually get along."

"Right. Let's begin telling them about the project three days before we begin working on it."

We discussed further details of the plan. Though she didn't say it straight away, I can tell she's already on board. This is working out better than I expected.

"Now that's all settled, what happens afterward?" She asks.


"Yes. After the project's over and the two got back together, what do we do then?" Oh... that.

"We go back to the way we were before."

"As enemies? Don't you think they might revert as well?"

"Then, we'll just stay out of each other's way."

She nodded.

"So, do we have a deal?" I said as I extended my hand towards her.

She grabbed it to shake and said "Deal."

I was amazed at how soft her hands were. How can she have such soft hands?

She let go of my hand. I took my almost-finished frappe and took my last sip. She took her frappe which I noticed that she had not yet drunk. She took a sniff of it then she handed it to me.

"Here. Drink this as well," she said. I felt irritated.

"Why? I bought that for you as an act of hospitality. I know you can buy lots of that, but at least appreciate the gesture and effort." I said. For the first time ever, she looked like she was taken aback for a good second. But, it disappeared and was replaced by an irritated smirk

"First of all, Mr. Justin Cyrus, if there is someone between us who knows hospitality better, that's me. After all, I manage restaurants that promote that "hospitality". I also know that what you did is a hospitable gesture. My parents taught me that too. Second, I'm not being a rich snob for refusing your "hospitality" because..." she trailed off as she stood up from her seat.

"Lastly, I'm allergic to coffee. I do not wish to waste the money you used to provide me with your "hospitality". That is why I'm giving it to you." she said with an irritated smile.

I couldn't speak. I don't really know what to say. Damn. That was embarrassing. I shouldn't have said that to her.

"Anyway, if there is nothing else, I need to be somewhere else. Message me if there are some changes. Bye." she said leaving immediately and not wanting a reply from me.

I was left here at the coffee shop with guilty feelings. I took her frappe that is already melting. It still tastes good. She isn't as bad as I thought.