Some Irate Survivors Part 1

As Thomas dismissed the meeting, Phillip went into the room and saluted. 

"Pardon for the interruptions, ladies and gentlemen, but can I borrow our Supreme Commander for a few seconds?" 

"What's this about Phillip?" Thomas asked.

"I'd like to discuss it in private." 

"Don't worry, you can have our Supreme Commander as we have just finished our meeting," Rebecca said as she smiled warmly. 

"Thank you, ma'am?" Phillip asked.

"Rebecca, Rebecca Langley. I'm the newly summoned official of Mr. Estaris. I am the Director of Civilian Affairs." 

"Director of Civilian Affairs?" Phillip repeated as if pondering something. "Very well, I think you should come with me as well Ms. Langley. The concern is related to your position."

Thomas glanced at Rebecca and then back to Phillip. "Very well, let's convene in my office." 

The two followed Thomas to his office. They entered the office with Phillip closing the door behind him.