It is a summer afternoon. The heat of the day has passed and so has lunch. About 15 kids from ages 3 to 7 run around a fairly small playground.
There is a group of adults around the playground. Most of them moms a single father and grandparents. One of them is Maria Raud.
She feels a bit pissed at the child she's taking care of. It's not that she doesn't know her way around kids. Raising 13 children, most of them to adulthood, gives you the experience.
The child is her daughter's, Kristel's. It was always getting into trouble. Disrespecting people, disobeying, getting into conflicts. It kept trying to sweet mouth out of trouble. But Maria knew what it was.
Kristel named her Lenna. Maria doesn't understand why she insists to keep her. Kristel got pregnant during university, barley finishing her degree.
Maria see's her husband sitting on a bench. He seems to be sleeping. Typical. She was left with the responsibility of taking care of the child.
Lenna got into several fight's with other kids. She was stronger then most of them. A tooth was knocked out several cried.
She made it her personal mission to anger random passing adults. Often office workers already in a bad mood. Calling them names, following them around.
Still children want to be friends with her. Naive little things. They don't see what she is.
How could her Kristel let this happen? Didn't she raise her better? Letting a... demon like that be the father of her child. Good thing she found about that. They won't be seeing him ever again.
A cool summer breeze tickles her cheek. She looks at the playground looking for Lenna. She's not there.
Looking around she spots a group of children near the bench were an elder lady feeds the pigeons. Some of them are crying. Most of them. She already knows why.
As she comes closer her suspicion is proved correct. Lenna sits in the middle of the circle. Brown hair falling into her eyes. Her eyes. They're doing that thing with the colours again.
She looks down at something in her hands with... disappointment? Maria's gaze travels to it. Her heart stops beating for a long while. It takes a lot for her lunch not to climb out of her stomach and onto the side walk.
A bird is in Lenna's hands. It lays on its back. With a hole in it's chest. River of blood coming out of it. Oozing out. A pigeon probably. It's hard to tell with the red.
The child's hands are rose red. A finger inside the chest. It looks like it's searching for something. Picking the animal apart.
Slowly it looks up. Not a single drop of guilt. This can't be a child. Cold bloodied. Monster. Unholy.
Monotone voice. Lifeless. A chill runs down Maria's spine.
The people around them are starring. Judging. They're going to talk. And the gossip of the month- no YEAR will be born.
With swift strides she makes her way to the thing for a granddaughter. The first emotion crosses it's face. Fear. It takes a few steps back. Good. It knows that it did something worth punishing.
She almost takes it's hand to drag behind her. It's bloody gross hand.
It follows trying to keep up with her pace. Dead pigeon still in it's hands.
How dare it talk to me after what it did.
"What?! What can you possibly want?"
It's quiet for a while. She starts to hope that it will shut up. But no.
"Why don't pigeons have red balls in they're body's?"
She stops. What the hell is it on about.
"People have one so why don't animals? Look"
It raises the pigeon for her to see.
"Throw that away. People don't have red balls or whatever in they're bodies."
"No but's. Just shut up."
And it does. For a long time.
[This is a shorter in between chapter a flashback.
I was thinking of having it as a prologue
tell me what you think]