chapter 4

The police surrounded Dr Austin's office paramedics rushed into the office to bring out Dr Austin's dead body.

The media surrounded the area like flies.

Seal the area I want the forensics to handle this scene detective James said.

Detective James turned to the receptionist and started asking her questions

I-I heard m-miss bates scream and I rushed into t-the office Dr Austin's head was blown off I don't know anything apart from that the receptionist said

Miss bates can you tell us your part of what happened.

Melanie voice cracks as she began to narrate what happened

I ca-ca-came for a-an appointment,Dr Austin said she wants to tell me a secret about my p-parents death and she was shot.

Miss bates do you notice anything suspicious detective James asked

No,I didn't

Miss bates you are arrested as one of the leading suspect in the death of Dr Austin detective James said while signaling his fellow police officers to handcuff her.

As Melanie was led to the police van the reporters surrounded her.

Miss bates what do you know about Dr Austin's murder

Did you murder Dr Austin

Aiden arrived at the crime scene with his assistant and bodyguards(trained assassins) with a dead body dumped in front of detective James.

I believe the case is closed Aiden said leaving Melanie confused.

But we have apprehended the suspect detective James said.

You're too dumb to be a detective,instead of you to arrest the murderer you're arresting a victim Aiden sneered.

How do you know he's the murderer,what's your proof you can't interrupt a police investigation detective James said

I can and I will Aiden said coldly.

Don't you know stopping a police man from investigating is a crime you will be punished by law a policeman spoke up

Officers I....AM....THE....LAW Aiden said then he turned to mike "call the chief of police and tell him about the nuisance that has occurred "

Mike bowed before leaving to make a call,shortly after mike came back the chief of police called detective James reprimanding him.

M-Mr Williams I didn't know it was you,the case has been closed and I'm sorry miss bates. Melanie was confused about how things turned out within 10 minutes of Aiden's arrival.

The officer who challenged Aiden also apologized before taking the handcuffs off Melanie.

Aiden offered to take Melanie home which she accepted,when she entered Aiden limousine did she realize that wealth has different category. She felt nervous this is the first time she has been in close contact with Aiden.

Mr Williams thank you but why-y did you help me Melanie asked timidly

Because we are engaged,any scandal you're involved in will always reflect on the Williams and your parents asked me to protect you.melanie eyes glistened with tears as she heard the last part of his sentence. Mr Williams can I ask for a favor

If it's within my power I will fulfill it Aiden said truthfully

Mr Williams can you help me find my parents murderer,I know my parents were murdered I didn't even see their dead bodies, I miss them so much it hurts Melanie sobbed in Aiden's arms

Aiden confused patted her back,don't worry I will do as you wish Miss bates.

The next day,Sofia arrived at the bates mansion around 9am. Sofia aren't you a little bit too early Melanie asked

The earliest the better,we are late at this point I hope we find good dresses Sofia said while eating from Melanie's plate.

After a while Melanie and Sofia left the bates mansion to a high end boutique when they arrived they were greeted by the owner madam DuPont

Welcome mesdemoiselles! Sofia and Melanie it's nice to meet you again. I heard about your parents death it must be hard on you Mia cara I'm glad you're getting better don't worry I'll give you a 20% percent discount for your purchase today.

Thanks madam DuPont Sofia and Melanie said simultaneously.

After searching for a while Sofia couldn't find what she wants.

Sofia let's just pick anyone Melanie said.

No we have to find the perfect fit for the Williams corporation anniversary Sofia said while search desperately for another dress.

Wait you guys are going for the Williams anniversary madam DuPont asked

Yes we are,but we can't find the right dress if I knew this would happen I would have come earlier Sofia said faking a cry

No worry madam DuPont always have a solution,I saved two dresses I was planning on auctioning it for the highest bidder but you two are in dire need of it I will sell it to you but there won't be discount madam DuPont said

Agreed Sofia said hurriedly

Louise bring out the dresses madam DuPont shouted

Here they are madame Louise said bringing out a traveling bag he opened the bag and brought out two dresses a black and a red one.

The black dress was backless long gown while the

red short dress hand a V line straight to the stomach.

When Melanie and Sofia came out of the dressing Louise exclaimed

Mia cara so beautiful,if I wasn't gay I would have proposed right away

The girls laughed slightly. How much is it madame DuPont Melanie asked

Total of 200k Louise said

At Melanie brought out her credit card to pay for the dress.

Sofia what about shoes Melanie asked

Don't worry just ordered two pairs of the limited edition of fucking red bottoms they will arrive at your place in an hour Sofia replied

Those red bottoms super expensively and there are only 2 in the entire world how did you order the two Melanie asked

Had to use the status of the Royal family and spent up to a million dollars to be able to obtain it Sofia said.

Now it remains our nails,hair and makeup but Selena has been booked where are we going to find a stylist the last minute Sofia exclaimed dramatically.

Don't worry my cousin manon happens to be a stylist madam DuPont said giving the girls a ray of hope