Chapter 6

When Melanie and Sofia arrived they went to greet Mr and Mrs Rodriguez Sofia's parents.

 Good evening your majesty Sofia and Melanie said together 

 Oh my dear Melanie how are you coping with your parents death,I wanted to come for the burial but my hands were tied Mrs Rodriguez said.

 It's fine your majesty I understand Melanie said with a smile

 Hey Sofia what the hell are you wearing,you know you're a royal you can't keep dressing like a cheap slut. 

 What Leonor said made MR and Mrs Rodriguez scrutinize what Sofia was wearing.

 Sofia I want you to change that gown immediately MR Rodriguez said angrily 

 Sorry to interrupt but MR Blackwood wants to have a word with you a bodyguard told Sofia's parents.

 Oh it must be about the engagement I will come with you Leonor said

 I'm sorry but Mr Blackwood only requests to see the king and queen 

 Melanie stiffened her laughter which made Leonor very angry 

 As they were discussing Xander and James Johnson were staring at them.

 I can't believe you chose Cassandra over Melanie,it's like you choosing a rusted iron over a diamond. Look at that shape,true definition of a woman she looks ethereal James told Xander sarcastically 

 I was drunk and horny I wouldn't choose Cassandra over Melanie anytime. It's just a matter of time I hope she can forgive me Xander muttered

 Cassandra proudly walked towards Melanie and Sofia 

 Good evening,princess Leonor Cassandra said sheepishly 

 Miss Bowen I didn't know you would be here Leonor replied 

 If it isn't Melanie Bates the ex girlfriend of Xander Williams Cassandra said smirking 

 Ex-girlfriend,so Xander and Melanie broke up. Wow Sofia said laughing

 I understand Melanie dressing like a bop well she's trying to get her man back what about you Sofia or you're just trying to tarnish the royal family name

 I'm getting engaged to Liam I promised mom I will look after you once you finish your high school you will study in Spain since you're going to be the heir. I will also tell my fiancé to put more bodyguards around you don't want you to whore around.

 Tears glisten from Sofia's eyes,Melanie let's go to our seat.

 Melanie quietly followed Sofia, Sofia what's wrong this is the first time I've literally seen you cry.

 My parents have always favored Leonor over me,I thought if I study in another school they'll miss me more. But it got worse,the last time I went home they refused to let me go because I refused to Leonor the gown I bought. I don't want to talk about it Melanie 

 It's fine Sofia I'm sorry I didn't know any of these was happening.

 Aiden and Liam had been watching Melanie and Sofia closely.

 I can't believe it worked,the memory loss pills worked and your Fiancee was the first test subject 

 Stop it Liam.She was crying I had to test it besides it's a win win situation.

 Meanwhile in the lounge, Liam's father just finished discussing with Sofia's parents 

 I hope you can understand this was not my decision MR Blackwood said

 But how will I tell Leonor,she has been talking about it nonstop it can harm her mental health 

 That's for you to figure out MR Rodriguez Liam's father.

 Good day ladies and gentlemen you're welcome to the Williams corporation 70th anniversary. My father and his father old master Williams started this business at the peak of their careers.

 Then my good friend Pius Williams and I took over and now we're handing the business over the our children and our children will also do the same.

 To our loyal customers and recent ones,to her former ambassadors and recent ones and to everyone who support the business we're very honored to have you here.

 Let's merry and I hope to see you all again next year. Liam's father said before handing the microphone to the emcee.

 A toast to greater heights,a toast to the founders The emcee said as he raise his glass

 Cheers ,everyone chorused.

 Suddenly a slap rang out in the entire hall. Cassandra was on the floor while Xander stared furiously at her Aiden knowing the broadcast was live told a bodyguard to bring Xander to him.

 I'm sorry uncle,I was just angry it won't happen again Xander said with his head bowed.

 It's fine just stay here for now.

 Small uncle I have a request,Melanie and I had a misunderstanding small uncle can you help me talk to her I know she will listen to you.

 You want to rekindle your relationship with her and I'm sorry it's not possible Liam told Xander 

 Why uncle Liam? Xander said

 She's engaged to your uncle,it was part of her parents will there's nothing you can do Liam told Xander 

 That's not possible,small uncle you know I love Melanie I'm willing to take any punishment I just want to be with her small uncle

 Shut it, prepare yourself tomorrow you're going to Utah Melanie won't be comfortable living with you here. You will take over the company there. Aiden said furiously 

 Small uncle I'm still a student how can I handle a company Xander said with his head bowed

 There are tutors who are there for you,you'll leave at dawn.

 Mr Blackwood was called to the stage again by the emcee.

 I want to thank all of you who attended this event and to those watching online we are great full. There are rumors circling around so I will like to clarify it before we end this gala.

 My Godson Aiden Williams is engaged to miss Melanie bates and they're engagement party will be held later.

 And my son Liam Blackwood is also engaged but not to princess Leonor but infanta Sofia Rodriguez.

 I hope we'll see you at their engagement ceremonies and any further news will be passed through the media. Thank you all once again.good night