"Then come and kill us if you can!"
Xan's voice was commanding and powerful. Excitement was overflowing from his smile.
"Is that an invitation?"
A new voice reached his ear. Soldiers flooded into the room and stood beside the girls. Raphael walked into the room covered in blood and holding a bust-up gun. Behind him were Roxanne, Ryder, and Chul.
(These four are dangerous.)
Drax measured up the newcomers. Xan's smile slowly dropped.
"I take it from you're here you took care of all our soldiers and knights?"
"My sister and I took care of your soldiers. The ones who terrorized your knights were my younger brothers. Being sniped and being ripped to pieces…"
Raphael shook his head.
"That's not how I would want to go."
"You might not have a choice."
Drax spoke up.
"You mentioned you all were siblings, why?"
Raphael glanced at Damini and Gina, and they nodded.
"I see…So he's the one."
He faced Drax again.
"I wanted you people to know that this is personal. I wanted you to know your death wasn't because of whose side you fought on. It wasn't divine justice or whatever other reason your Lord and Kelz are fighting for."
He pointed at himself.
"It's because 6 kids lost their father and now they want to burn the world down as tribute."
He threw his gun away and pressed on button on his powersuit. The suit disassembled and fell at his feet, revealing his military clothing.
"Your death screams will make a great requiem for my father."
He flicked pieces of the suit in the air and launched them with lightning-fast kicks. Drax evaded the pieces of the suit while locking eyes with Raphael.
"Sir Xan, let's send them to meet their father."
Xan pointed his axe with a huge grin. Raphael fastened gauntlets on his arms and pointed his fist at his enemy. Xan and he roared simultaneously.
"Glory to the Almighty Lord!"
"Death to the Devil's enemies!"
The two sides rushed at each other and chaos erupted. Droids clashed with knights without fear. Even as they were ripped in two they lodged their weapons in their enemies and fired at their heads.
"My soldiers, no retreat no surrender! Fight and die with honour!"
A droid controlled by Alfa roared at the top of its voice. That voice didn't lose to the explosions erupting from the grenades Gina threw. She threw orbs that released bursts of water, fire, air, and lightning. The knights forced through these explosions and charged at her.
"Do you think I can only throw bombs?"
She rushed at them swinging her steel whip. The whip ripped through armour as it slapped the knights. She ducked under a club and lifted her attacker off the ground with an uppercut. She caught them with her whip and flung them into their comrades. She hit a knight with a backkick and launched them backwards. Several shots hit her torso breaking her powersuit. She took a fragment of the suit and slit the eyes of the knights closest to her. She then threw the fragment into another knight's neck.
"Fuck off!"
Ryker grabbed one of the knights closest to her and smashed their face into the ground. He sent several knights flying with swift but monstrous punches. Knights pounced on him, stabbing him in the back. Their blades penetrated his powersuit and into his flesh. With a swoosh, Gina's whip wrapped around their necks. She pulled it and the blades ripped their heads off.
"Ryder, are you okay?!"
Ryder didn't respond. He started charging through the knights mowing them down. His punches grew stronger with every impact. Soon, he was smashing through armours and bodies with his bare hands.
"There's no one left to stop me…"
He easily evaded attacks from every angle before crushing skulls with punches and kicks. With every step he took, blood and flesh would dance in the air.
Gina saw this and closely followed behind him.
Meanwhile, Chul and Damini were combining to clear a path. Chul was firing railguns without pause in every direction. Damini would slaughter those who did everything to defend themselves. She looked for any opening to cut them into pieces.
"Little girl!"
She looked up to see Xan swinging his giant axe down at her. She leapt back and the axe shook the building as it crashed into the floor. Damini didn't get any time to breathe. Xan chased after her swinging at her waist. Chul pulled Damini back causing him to miss. Chul slammed his leg in Xan's head. Xan stumbled but only for a second.
"So big brother steps in?!"
Can swung his axe at Chul who tried to block it with his rifles. The axe shattered the guns and cut into Chul's side.
But it only cut a few inches deep. Damini had kicked the handle of the axe the moment it cut through Chul's guns. This caused Xan's strike to fall short. Chul pulled a serpent-shaped handgun and fired at Xan's face. His head flew back but quickly returned with a grin on his bleeding face. He stomped Chul in the stomach and sent him flying through a wall. Damini stabbed at his neck. His body flickered and he appeared behind her swinging his axe.
"Hey, old man!"
A foot clashed with the axe and stopped it mid-swing. Xan's eyes widened as he looked at a droid that had its leg destroyed by the axe. It was being held up by three other droids. They worked together to stop Xan's attack.
"Our army will never accept defeat!"
The droid wrapped its arms around Xan and blew up. The explosion caused Xan to stumble. The other droids jumped on him and self-destructed one after the other. Each explosion rocked Xan's body vigorously.
He roared and rushed towards Damini with horrible burns over his body. Damini gripped her blades tightly and rushed at him. He swung his axe as if it weighed nothing. A storm of axe swings rushed at Damini. She used her speed and agility to evade the swings but not completely. The axe chipped away at her powersuit and it broke in seconds. Soon her flesh was starting to be sliced off her body. Yet, she didn't flinch.
Damini roared as she slashed and stabbed at Xan. Like her, his armour was quickly chipped away. Damini's slashes carved into his flesh. The two didn't retreat an inch as they weaved through the onslaught of attacks and aimed to cut down the one standing before them.
A change occurred with a shout. Damini leaped back and Chul instantly popped up in front of Xan.
"You dare interrupt our battle?!"
"Fuck your battle!"
Xan's axe instantly severed Chul's right arm. Chul slammed his fist in Xan's mouth destroying his teeth as he stuffed something inside. It was a grenade. Chul pulled the pin and lost his other arm in the process of retreating. The grenade exploded in Xan's mouth turning his face into a bloody mess. Yet-
He chased after Chul with his axe. Damini slammed into him like a truck and blew him back.
Two droids flew at him low from behind with blades to slice his legs off. Xan leapt over them and stomped them into the ground. He then blocked shots from two droids with his axe.
However, the droids under him clung to his legs. They exploded causing him to scream in agony. His legs were charred and barely holding up. Shots hit them and finished them off. As he was tumbling over he saw Damini appear above him.
"Gina told you earlier, didn't she?"
Xan lifted his axe in front of him. Damini stomped his axe and forced him into the ground. She looked down at Xan and stared into his eyes as she stood on his chest.
"We came here to murder you."
She thrust her blades down and stabbed Xan in the face. She started rapidly stabbing him without mercy. Blood and flesh splattered as Xan's screams echoed out. The knights around him tried rushing to his side.
Ryder blew them all away with broken bodies. Gina ripped through the rest with her whip and the droids helping her. Xan tried pushing Damini off but she was relentless. Even as her legs were being broken by his fists, she stabbed his face. Once she couldn't stand she fell on him and bit into his neck. She ripped his flesh apart with her teeth while penetrating his skull with her blades. Eventually, Xan's stopped moving and his screams were no more. Even then, Damini didn't stop.
"Damini, it's over."
Chul stood beside her. He watched as she continued to mutilate the body. He sighed and kicked her off him.
"The fight isn't over yet. Remember, the bastard deserving of your rage isn't dead yet. So don't use it up."
Damini lay on the ground without moving.
"Do you understand?"
Damini silently sat up. Her face was covered in Xan's blood but traces of tears were there. She wiped her mouth and nodded.
"Good, then help me reattach my arms. We need to help Roxanne and Raphael. They're fighting Drax and he has something that can make our regeneration meaningless."
"…Legs still need to regenerate. Give me a second."
Chul looked at her for a bit and sighed. He stood next to her and looked away as she wiped the tears from her face.
Meanwhile, Raphael and Roxanne were facing Drax as Chul said.
"All this trouble for one outsider. All this death for one life. Whether it's you or Lady Kelz, I can't understand the need to throw everything away to satisfy your emotions."
Drax spoke while taking out his sacred artefact and activating it. Raphael and Roxanne readied their weapons.
"If you can't understand it…"
"Just ask our father when you meet him in hell!"