Kelz stopped moving the pieces of the holographic puzzle and it disappeared. The gems stopped glowing and returned to their default blue colour. She turned around and faced Raphael.
"I finished reprogramming the gate. It will now connect to a teleportation array near my allies. We've already disconnected the gate on their end so we don't have to fear an attack."
"What if they fly down from the upper island?"
"You don't think it's possible or did you not think of that possibility?"
"….The latter."
Raphael nodded.
"Just as I was able to think of such a thing I'm certain the Outsiders on your brother's side can do the same. This means we don't have all the time in the world. We should make our move. If we're lucky, someone will put the idea to send people down here to take us out while we're secretly in the Promised already."
"I see, it will weaken their forces and create an opening."
Kelz pondered Raphael's words and grinned.
"This can work. Zagon will believe I've completely captured this island without anyone to keep me in check. He'll definitely send an army, especially since he knows I have Outsiders helping me. He doesn't know our forces and will definitely think the worst. With this, the Holy Knights and Zagon will be distracted. Meaning we can go straight for the temple first and regain my powers before we fight them."
(As I thought, Kelz is highly intelligent. The problem is she lacks experience as a General. She needs good advisers around her.)
Raphael thought while looking at Fayax and Brix.
"Kelz, can I speak with these two alone for a bit?"
"….I don't see the problem."
"Then, will you two follow me?"
He turned around and walked away. Fayax and Brix followed him only after looking at Kelz and getting a nod. They followed him until they were on a vacant floor.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Fayax asked after seeing that Raphael stopped.
"How long have you two known, Kelz?"
"Over a hundred years."
Brix answered.
"Have you always been her servants?"
"That's right."
"What about the current Lord? How do you feel about him? Do you hate him?"
"I don't know what your goal is here, but we don't hate anyone. We're only fighting against him because we trust in Lady Kelz and what she believes in."
Fayax snapped at Raphael.
"So you're driven by loyalty? Then would you be willing to step down if it might seal Kelz's victory?"
"…What are you trying to say?"
"Kelz is inexperienced which is probably the reason she was betrayed. Her brother received guidance from Outsiders and was able to steal everything from her. In order to take back what is hers, she needs someone who can make up for her inexperience."
"Is that person you?"
Brix's eyes were bloodshot.
"That's right."
"I don't care if you're angry. I'm merely speaking facts."
Raphael cut her off.
"While Kelz was down here with you, her brother was learning all kinds of things from the Outsiders he took in. He learned how to be cunning, how to be deceitful, how to be ruthless, how to be cruel."
Raphael placed his hand over his heart.
"We from the outside are cruel, devious bastards by design. Do you think you can beat us in a war when we're willing to do anything to win?"
Fayax and Brix were quiet.
"Kelz need to sink to their level or even lower to win. She needs people who won't hesitate to commit the most atrocious acts for victory."
He walked up to them and stared them down.
"This isn't a game! If people like me are involved, this will be an ugly ugly war! Something your people aren't used to!"
He placed his hands on their shoulders.
"I'm not saying that you should leave her side. Stay beside her and protect her as you've always done, just allow us to help guide her. If you think she's being led astray then you can step up and protect her as always."
He looked them in the eyes.
"However, if you let your pride blind you from what needs to be done, then it's best you start digging Kelz's grave."
They locked eyes with Raphael for a while without saying anything.
Fayax was the first to speak up.
"We'll do as you say, however, we will be there fighting by Lady Kelz's side."
Raphael smiled.
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
A few hours later. Raphael had gathered his siblings.
"How are your conditions?"
"I'm pretty much healed up."
Roxanne answered.
"I lost my arms and had my insides cut open. I'm fine now but I'm gonna have nightmares after I leave this island."
Chul mumbled.
"I'm mostly fine, Damini and Ryder took the most damage."
Gina spoke while touching Damini and Ryder on their shoulder.
"I'm good now. Don't worry."
Damini wore a strained smile. Ryder didn't say anything.
"Ryder, do you want to sleep?"
Raphael asked.
"I'm good."
Raphael saw the dullness in his eyes.
"So you're willing to revert back to Spawn permanently?"
"…If it means we win in the end. My predecessor would approve."
(Father said he used something like brainwashing to stabilize his mind enough to be taught how to function as a person, and not a weapon. Once it wore off, his original personality would return but a bit more stable.)
Raphael nodded.
"Alright, as long as you're on our side you're free to do as you like."
He faced the rest of his siblings.
"Alright, let's get ready to move out."
Soon they gathered with Kelz's people in front of the Holy Gate.
"Alright, we're going to pass through the gate and arrive near the heavenly temple. Once we're there, I'll break into the temple while Fayax and Brix will lead the rest of you to where our allies should be."
The gate lit up after she touched it. She looked at her comrades with a wide grin.
"Let's go!"
She walked through the gate with Fayax and Brix behind her. Her soldiers followed closely behind her.
"Gina, how many droids do we have left?"
Gina answered Roxanne while stretching.
"Revolving Cannons and railguns?"
"We all have one railgun each."
Chul answered while showing his broken guns.
"What about explosives?"
"We're all out."
Damini answered.
"So we have 18 droids and mostly melee weapons left?"
Roxanne looked at Raphael.
"How should we proceed from now on? We lost our Powersuits as well. Although I doubt they would serve any good now."
"We follow Kelz. There's a possibility her brother has seen through her plans. Her allies might betray her too."
"It has been decades since they've met. The current Lord could have full control over everything in the Promised Land."
"So we're abandoning everybody who is going to meet her allies?"
Chul asked.
"There's no reason for us to split up and risk our lives protecting them. Especially, in a strange land we know nothing about. As long as we're with Kelz, we can win. We just need to protect her until she can regain her abilities as Lord. Until then and even after that, we will slaughter all her enemies."
Chul nodded.
"I agree with you."
(Also, I need to confirm the thing with Gustav. If they turned him into our enemy, I got to prepare myself for the greatest battle of my life.)
"I'm more scared of fighting him than Kelz or the Lord."
Raphael mumbled under his breath. He walked towards the gate and the others followed behind him.
"Let's go."
At the same time, Feng was inside his laboratory operating a supercomputer. On the monitor was an image of a man. He clicked on the man's arm and the screen was filled with data.
"This is more impressive than I expected."
He clicked on the chest.
"He's been revived and his injuries have all recovered…. But this body is insane."
He clicked off the body and brought several images of the same person but at different ages.
"He's absorbing God Essence at the same rate as a Royal with no signs of side effects. His body is quickly returning to its peak. I mean it's supposed to do that but not at this rate…"
He paused and stared at the screen.
"Could the rumour about him being raised as a super soldier be true? It wasn't just another baseless rumour on the internet?"
He removed the images and walked away from the computer. He walked over to the giant glass tank. Inside it a man was floating with wires and tubes attached to him.
"I've modified Outsiders and Locals for years now and this is the first time I'm nervous."
He remembered Drax's and Julius's warnings.
"My mind is telling me to abort…."
He grinned.
"But my heart as a man in pursuit of knowledge wants to know….No, it needs to know, just what am I dealing with?"
He placed his hand on the glass.
"Just what are you, Gustav Fernandez?"