Chapter 24: Blood Ritual


Kelz and the High Priest left the halls of the temple and entered a room. The room was dimly lit and had barely any furniture inside. She stopped and looked at the wall with dozens of portraits on it. Everyone in the portraits had azure hair with streaks of gold like her. 

"I thought my portrait would be here as well." 

"That's impossible, My Lord. Only previous Lords who ascended to the holy realm would be here." 

The High Priest smiled. 

"You're very much alive." 

Kelz smiled back. 

"I guess I am." 

"Come, we must start the ritual." 

He pulled a knob on the wall and it opened up to reveal a stairway leading underground. 

"Lead the way, High Priest." 

"Of course." 

The High Priest walked down the stairs without hesitation, and Kelz followed behind him. They walked in silence while going down the dimly lit stairway. They were surrounded by darkness and could only make the next couple of steps in front of them. They travelled down these steps for a few minutes before the High Priest clapped. A flash of light illuminated the area. They were in a huge open space with an altar in the centre. Around the altar were statues of warriors wielding swords, forming a circle. In the centre of the altar was the insignia of a serpent entangling with a bird. 

"Right this way, My Lord." 

The High Priest gestured to the altar. Kelz looked at him for a bit before walking towards it. She stopped in front of the steps and took a deep breath. She then took a step on the stairs. With a flash blue flames engulfed the statues. Kelz didn't stop and climbed to reach the altar. The moment her feet touched it, the flames grew until she was standing inside a flaming circle. 

She silently approached the insignia in the centre. Once there, she kneeled and bowed her head until her forehead touched the floor. 

"This lowly one's name is Kelz Tiama Octivius! I am the 15th ruler and daughter of the Phoenix!" 

Her voice echoed in the open space. 

"This lowly one has lost her birthright at the hands of the son of the Serpent! I call on my ancestors and our holy father and mother to help me right this wrong! I beseech thee to restore my strength so that I can regain what's rightfully mine! More importantly, I beseech thee to allow me to lead my people to the righteous path once again!" 

The flames disappeared and everything became quiet. 


Kelz's body trembled as her forehead pressed against the ground. 

"I was rejected?" 

"That's right." 

She lifted her head and turned to the High Priest, who wore a smile. 

"Only one Lord can exist at a time, that means they must be worthy. The moment your brother was able to steal your powers you were deemed unworthy." 

"…I see. So that's why you were being so formal with me. You wanted to witness the moment my hopes get crushed." 

"My, I'm not that sinister of a person. I was merely paying respects to a former Lord." 

He chuckled a bit. 

"Also, it was your brother's orders. He knew you'd make it to this place one day, so he told me to allow you to do as you pleased. He was certain the gods would reject you." 

"He's that convinced he's in the right, huh?" 

Kelz stood up and dusted herself off. 

"Oh well." 

The High Priest's eyes twitched. 

"What is this lack of reaction?" 

"What do you mean? If my brother was certain I would get rejected, why wouldn't I consider the possibility?" 

Kelz smiled. 

"So you came here to take a gamble?" 

The High Priest's eyes narrowed. 

"What if there was an ambush waiting for you?" 

"I want to say because you wouldn't shed blood in holy grounds…" 

She grinned. 

"Who said I didn't take that into consideration?" 

A cold sensation assaulted the High Priest's neck. 

"Move and I'll send you to your gods." 

A venomous voice entered his ears. Beside him, Raphael stood facing the altar. Damini was behind him pressing a blade at his neck. 

"So the ritual failed?" 

Kelz nodded. 

"I wonder if a blood sacrifice would do the trick?" 

As Raphael said that, the rest of the siblings emerged from the dark dragging a corpse draped in robes similar to the High Priest. 

"They were laying in the wait so we took them out." 

"Good job." 

"Kelz, you dared to invite Outsiders into the Holy Grounds? Do you have no shame?!" 

"Unfortunately, High Priest all my shame died when my brother cast me out of the Promised Land." 

Kelz's eyes held a murderous glow. 

"I'm going to take back what's mind even if I have spit in the faces of the gods." 

She took out a knife and slit her wrist. She poured her blood over the insignia. 

"Impossible….You're still going through with the ritual?! The Gods rejected you! Your ancestors rejected you!" 

Kelz smirked. 

"What Lord takes no for an answer?" 

Kelz lifted her arms to the sky. 

"Hear me, you arrogant bastards I call ancestors! I know you are the ones who are rejecting me! The Serpent and the Phoenix don't care about how many hold their powers, it was you who made that stupid rule to monopolize power! They just went with it because you're their beloved children!" 

Blood drained from the High Priest's face after hearing her words. 

"It's not time to care about traditions or pride! Our people are on the verge of destruction and we need the outside world in order to survive! My brother wishes to conquer the outsiders to save our people, while I wish to work with them! It's not because I'm a coward, I just don't want our people to turn into men lower than beasts for their own survival! I want the innocent to remain innocent! I don't want them to feel the pain of losing a loved one!" 

Kelz clenched her teeth. 

"I don't want to start a cycle of hatred that won't be broken until one side is eliminated! I don't want to destroy this world! I want to explore it! I want to enjoy it! I want to open up the borders and become one with the outside! If any of you agree with me, please lend me your strength! 

Her thunderous voice caused the space to tremble. Her shouts were followed by silence. The High Priest's eyes lit up. He opened his mouth to speak- 

(Interesting speech, Daughter of mine.) 

He shut it after a voice echoed in his head. 

"The fuck?!" 

The siblings looked around after hearing the same voice. 


Kelz's eyes widened at the sight of the insignia lighting up. 

(While I don't agree with everything you said, I felt your passion and desires. Also, I'm curious to see the result of a clash between two children who are trying to save their people in their own way.) 

A small chuckle echoed in their head. 

(Do well to entertain me and my wife.) 

A light peek out of Kelz top. She lifted it up and looked at the tattoo on her stomach. The scar over it healed and it returned to its original state. 


Power rushed through her body, and a familiar strength was returned to her. She kneeled and cuffed her hands above her head. 

"Phoenix Octivinus, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!" 

"…I can't believe it. The Phoenix himself stepped in?" 

Raphael mumbled. 


He turned his head and saw the High Priest kneeling and his forehead pressing on the ground. 

"Hail to the Phoenix! Hail to the Holy Father!" 

He screamed while blood flowed out of his neck. He choked on his own blood and still kneeled with reverence. 

"Did we just meet a god?" 

Chul mumbled. 

"Technically, we only heard it's voice." 

Roxanne wore a troubled expression. 

(My daughter, do as you like. Fight for what you believe in with all of your might. My wife and I await the result of your clash of ideals.) 


The voice disappeared and the insignia stopped glowing. After kneeling for at least another minute, Kelz finally stood up. She looked at her hands and formed a fist. She then looked at Raphael. 

"Let's get that elixir for the person you came here to save before we move out." 

Elsewhere, someone was sitting on a throne in a palace in the Promised Land. This person looked identical to Kelz and was dressed in loose clothing. This was the current Lord, Zagon. 


He silently lifted his clothes and looked at a tattoo on his stomach. He felt a burning sensation coming from this tattoo. He gently rubbed the tattoo before bringing his shirt back down. He sighed and leaned in his seat. His eyes wandered over the empty room he sat in. After a few minutes of silence, he stood from his throne and stretched his body. He then left the room without saying a word.