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Resets Weekly! [Monday]
That day, Lys was making her way from the kitchen with a pot of stewed chicken legs, intending to share them with Madam Pomfrey. School had been in session for two weeks, and she hadn't properly visited the matron yet.
Upon entering the hospital wing, she found Remus Lupin lying in one of the beds, his face ashen and his exposed arms covered in scratches and bite marks.
Barely sparing him a glance, Lys announced, "Madam Pomfrey? I've brought you some homemade chicken legs. They're quite delicious!"
Seeing such a tiny child struggling with a pot nearly one-third her height, Madam Pomfrey hastily relieved her of her burden, setting it on a nearby table. She then gently cupped Lys's face in her hands, examining it closely. "My dear child, what happened to cause these scars?"
Before Lys could explain about the bird-human battle from the term's start, Madam Pomfrey had already covered her face with a healing salve. "This will help fade the scars. Apply it once daily for a week, dear child."
"And these calluses on your hands - what have you been doing during your holiday?"
The calluses were from handling the silver potioning knife, but Lys hesitated, unsure if explaining would reveal too much about her home life. Her silence led Madam Pomfrey to draw her own conclusions, prompting the matron to pat her hands sympathetically.
"Such a thoughtful child, bringing me treats. Though this is rather a lot," Madam Pomfrey remarked, thoroughly impressed by the aroma wafting from the pot, though she noted the ginger root with curiosity.
After transferring some chicken legs to a plate, Lys realized she'd brought far too much. While she didn't want to take them back, the hospital wing wasn't exactly the place for such aromatic food.
Glancing around, her eyes landed on Lupin. She piled a generous portion onto a plate and brought it to his bedside. "Here, try some! They're absolutely delicious!" She even thoughtfully adjusted his pillows so he could sit up properly.
Lupin had been craving meat desperately, as Madam Pomfrey had restricted him to a light diet of mostly vegetables for breakfast and lunch.
He couldn't help but swallow longingly at the sight of the meat.
"What happened to you? Been to the Forbidden Forest, have you? Looking quite worse for wear. Where were your precious friends when this happened? The Headmaster specifically warned everyone at the start of term to stay away, especially during full moons when magical creatures are particularly agitated. Typical Gryffindor bravado, thinking you can go anywhere!" Lys commented while munching on a chicken leg herself. The Forbidden Forest was the only place she could think of where someone might get injured by creatures on school grounds.
Seeing Lupin's hesitation, she practically shoved a chicken leg into his mouth. "Madam Pomfrey's given permission, so eat up!"
Lupin looked up at this classmate who had been victimized by his friends just months ago. "Aren't you angry? About what James and Sirius did..."
"Oh, I'm furious, absolutely furious," Lys cut in. "But that's hardly your fault, is it? You've never shown any real malice. Though I still don't like you... Now hurry up and eat, I've got class to attend." With that, she bid Madam Pomfrey farewell and dashed off, a chicken leg dangling from her mouth.
As Madam Pomfrey collected Lupin's empty plate, she murmured, "Such a nice child, isn't she? Though life can't be easy for her."
Lupin, drowsy from his satisfying meal, missed Madam Pomfrey's words, though he had to admit the chicken had been excellent.
Lately, Lys had been struggling with her academic performance. Her essays barely scraped by with passing grades, and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor flatly refused to accept illustrations in place of written explanations, no matter how detailed or accurate they might be. This had resulted in consistent failing grades in that subject.
Professor Flitwick had grown increasingly dissatisfied with her classroom performance, even threatening to reinstate after-class tutoring.
To make matters worse, Professor Sprout had discovered through Madam Pomfrey that Lys had used her reward ginger roots - intended for studying - in her chicken stew. The Herbology professor had meant for gifted students to cultivate the plants themselves to better appreciate their magical properties, not cook them for dinner. This discovery had earned Lys nearly a month of cold shoulders from Professor Sprout.
As for History of Magic, well, the endless parade of historical terms and names served only to lull Lys into particularly deep slumbers. She only stirred when Gnarby persistently rubbed against her face, by which time the classroom had emptied entirely.
After a silent apology to the ancient ghost professor, she gathered her belongings and headed for the door. Just as she stepped out, Lys quickly withdrew her foot.
The four Gryffindors had cornered Evans and Snape in the corridor. Lys pursed her lips in disapproval - other Gryffindors were generally warm-hearted and cheerful, and while they might not be friendly toward Slytherins, at least they weren't as insufferable as these four.
Crouching behind the door, waiting for the confrontation to disperse, she heard Evans cry out, "Oh God, Sev, you're hurt!" Lys rubbed her ears in irritation - of course he was hurt; when did Snape ever encounter those three without ending up injured?
Wasn't this the trouble you brought upon him yourself? Hmm... was that the right way to phrase it?
But surprisingly, the situation showed no signs of resolving itself. Evans grew increasingly agitated, "Potter, you shouldn't... you're being... how could you... Snape is a good Slytherin, he's my friend!" This declaration irritated Lys - so what did that make other Slytherins? Bad? They merely valued honor and victory; it wasn't as if Slytherins went around bullying people. What was there to criticize?
Peering out again, Lys quickly emerged from her hiding spot. Snape's head was bleeding, his already greasy hair now matted with blood against his face, looking quite severe. Potter was physically preventing Evans from helping Snape leave.
Lys held a favorable opinion of Snape, who had been the first person to speak to her at Hogwarts and had even remembered her with a Christmas gift.
Despite his perpetually gloomy, sarcastic tone and tendency to stare silently, Lys had never detected any real malice behind his awkward attempts at guidance.
Before intervening, Lys assessed the situation: Lupin typically played peacemaker, and Peter wouldn't act without a clear advantage, so it should be safe enough to step in now. She had promised her mother she would win, or at least not lose!
"Evans, Snape needs the hospital wing - he's bleeding. Stop wasting time arguing with them." Passing carefully between Peter and Lupin, while giving that arrogant dog a wide berth, she grabbed Snape's sleeve and pulled him away. After this reminder, Evans too seemed ready to disengage from Potter.
"Lily, Gryffindor has Herbology next period. You need to attend class. You wouldn't want Gryffindor to lose points, would you?" James Potter called out quickly, seeing Lily about to leave with that rat-like girl to take the disgusting Snivellus to the hospital wing.
The points would be deducted from you, Potter, since you're the one who injured another student, Lys thought bitterly. But Evans was hesitating - actually hesitating! Hadn't she just declared Snape her best friend? And now she was just going to leave?
Just going to leave him in Lys's care?