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Resets Weekly! [Monday]
Lys was plagued daily by unstable magic and unresolved emotions, leaving her weak and pale. Even the slightest movement or spell would cause her nose to bleed profusely.
"Did that spell harm you so severely? It's been two weeks, why are you still so weak?"
Lys, sprawled across the table, struggled to respond. "It's from long-term magical depletion after overexertion. My body needs time to adjust... at least that's what Madam Pomfrey said."
Snape eventually had to drag Lys to the hospital wing when her nosebleed wouldn't stop—she looked like she was at death's door.
Madam Pomfrey was surprised; she'd thought the child had recovered long ago. To have weakened herself to such a state was quite an achievement.
This time, Lys stayed in the hospital wing for several days. Since pets weren't allowed, she left Crunch in a cage with Snape.
But of course, something had to go wrong during those few days.
When Madam Pomfrey finally declared her recovered, Lys happily rushed back to her dormitory clutching a potions book she'd been reading to pass the time. "Crunch, Crunch, I'm back!"
She imagined how Crunch's triangular patterns would ripple along its sides as it crawled over to her like a caterpillar, keeping her company while she read. For the first time, Lys thought Madam Pomfrey had been overcautious in not allowing Crunch to stay with her.
Ignoring the strange looks and disdain from the older students, Lys determinedly waited at the boys' dormitory stairs for Snape, eager to see Crunch.
But Snape didn't emerge from the dormitory—instead, he approached from outside, carrying the snake cage.
Spotting her snake from afar, Lys excitedly called out, "Crunch, did you miss—"
Through the cage bars, Crunch was hard to see clearly, but Snape's expression was unmistakable. He avoided Lys's gaze, his long black hair falling to hide his eyes, but couldn't conceal the shame that permeated the air around him.
Lys quickly grabbed the cage. Crunch, curled at the bottom, let out two soft hisses. The snake had only made a sound once before, when the pet shop owner helped establish their contract. Otherwise, it never bothered to hiss.
This was the second time Lys heard Crunch hiss, and the first time she received its emotional message—distress.
Crunch was distressed!
She hastily opened the cage and pulled Crunch out, examining it carefully. The snake had lost weight and its movements were irregular. Though there were no visible wounds, its ribs seemed broken.
Lys was nearly crying with anger, creating quite a scene that drew the attention of passing senior students.
When Snape remained silent about what had happened, Lys shoved him hard. "How did Crunch get hurt?! Weren't you just collecting venom?!"
Snape didn't dodge, but kept his head turned away, lips pressed together in apparent irritation.
The commotion attracted students fresh from class, including Snape's roommates. Seeing Lys crying while holding her snake, they burst out laughing.
"So that's why the half-blood got so angry when Avery and I were testing spells on that snake! He was protecting his girlfriend's pet. How fitting—trash with trash!"
Though others found the crude words distasteful, they didn't disagree. Some even laughed in agreement.
Noble bloodlines and class shouldn't be tainted—half-bloods with worthless ones was still better than with Mudbloods.
But Lys ignored the mockery completely. With Crunch coiled around her right hand holding her wand, she dropped her book and grabbed Snape's collar and hair with her left hand. "They did this?"
Though Snape maintained his deadpan expression without speaking, his slightly shifting dark eyes betrayed his guilt. Snape probably didn't realize how expressive his large black eyes were—the slightest movement was obvious.
Lys released her aching left hand and tucked Crunch inside her shirt collar with her right—an action that disgusted some watching female students.
But the next moment, Lys cast a Leg-Locker Curse that sent the mocking Mulciber flying. A Bat-Bogey Hex struck the ground at her feet, cast by Avery who had also tormented Crunch.
Lys fired off spells rapidly and steadily, though her aim was slightly off. Concerned seniors cast Shield Charms around themselves and nearby ladies to avoid being caught in the crossfire.
Lys showed no restraint. Fresh from the hospital wing, the magical restorative potions she'd just taken were still in effect. After dodging an incoming spell, she unleashed the curses her mother had taught her over break one after another. The display made even the senior students frown—it was quite intense for a children's fight.
Looking at her two unconscious opponents on the ground, Lys steadied her breathing, stepped forward, and stomped down hard.
One foot on each of them, hearing the familiar sound of breaking bones, Lys finally began to calm down.
Adjusting her spell-damaged clothes, she noticed the seniors watching her with unreadable expressions and belatedly felt afraid.
Why were they looking at her with such evaluating eyes?