Chapter 50

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After finishing the Defense Against Dark Arts book, Christmas arrived. At the feast, all four houses shared one long table. This year, no Hufflepuffs were willing to sit with her, so she claimed a corner spot early.

As she was enjoying a box of sweet-smelling cookies, she noticed Professor Slughorn at the staff table, raising the cookies she'd given him in acknowledgment.

With cookie crumbs still on her face, she flashed him a bright smile.

Turning back to her treats, she awaited the turkey. Last year, she'd been too preoccupied with plotting against Black to enjoy it properly - this year she was determined to make up for that.

She cast a precise cutting charm on the turkey, managing to spear an enormous leg onto her plate with feigned elegance. Finally tasting her long-anticipated turkey, she found it flavorful but frustratingly tough and dry to swallow...

After the feast, Lys remembered the presents waiting at her bedside. She'd been hesitant to look earlier, fearing there might be none, but discovering three packages made her heart soar with joy.

The first was from Snape - containing two spell analyses and a magic stabilizing potion. The note simply read: "Snake molt." Lys heaved a heavy sigh - she shouldn't have let him off with just a cleaning charm last time; he deserved a two-day hospital stay too!

The second was from El - no letter or message included, but inside was an exquisite quill set with matching ink, featuring a silver quill design. The gift filled Lys with delight.

Though they'd grown distant, their friendship endured.

The third package initially puzzled her. Opening it revealed biscuits - incredibly hard, though not quite as impenetrable as her failed batch, as she managed to nibble off a corner after some effort.

The note read: "Thanks for your cookies. Hope I can help you. -Hagrid"

Ah, now Lys remembered - she'd planned to use those cookies as bait while hunting in the Forbidden Forest, but a persistent grey-black owl had chased her all around.

When she'd finally stumbled out from some unknown boundary, she'd found Hagrid standing before his hut, his beetle-black eyes fixed upon her.

"This ain't a place for students. The Forest's dangerous. I ought to take you to your professor..."

Desperate to avoid more punishment duties, Lys had quickly improvised: "Um, yes. I was actually looking for you, but I was shy. Yes, shy. I wanted to ask for help. And this - this is a gift, a Christmas gift!"

Her thoughts scrambled, she'd babbled whatever came to mind, finally thrusting forward the package of rock-hard cookies.

Hagrid had seemed wary of the Slytherin-robed Lys. Though he accepted the bag, he'd remained silent. After an awkward minute, she'd fled.

Back at the castle, she'd hoped his teeth would survive the encounter.

Surprisingly, he not only reciprocated but appeared to have sent his gift via house-elf, as he seemed unaware of her identity, even mentioning her fabricated request for help. What could she possibly need from a half-giant living at the forest's edge...

Living at the forest's edge...

On the second day of break, Lys took a bag of house-elf-made cream toffees to Hagrid's hut.

Standing before the door, she marveled at how it seemed simultaneously tiny and enormous - the doorknob nearly matched her height.

After a polite knock received no response, she settled onto a pile of firewood by the door.

Feeling Crunch growing cold in her vest, she pulled her cloak tighter, deciding to wait just two more minutes before departing.

"Oh, it's you. What brings you here?" Hagrid emerged from the nearby woods like a great bear, his wild hair topped with a black fur coat.

He hadn't intended to invite Lys inside, but noticing her shivering as she stood, he hesitated before welcoming her in.

"Sit down. Just a moment, I'll get the stove going to warm things up," Hagrid mumbled, attending to the fireplace.

Lys produced the cream toffees, now hardened by the cold. "Last time's cookies were rather hard, so I brought cream toffees instead. Um, they should soften once it's warmer."

"Hmm, those cookies from before - I must say, I loved them. They suited me perfectly. Other food's always too soft for my taste." Hagrid continued mumbling, retrieving the cookie box from under the table and popping one in his mouth. "And they're delicious."

Lys watched in amazement as the cookie crumbled in his mouth like ordinary shortbread, while he crunched through the frozen toffees with equal ease.

As the fire grew stronger, Lys felt the chill receding and unconsciously edged closer to the welcoming flames.