
Sophie Lane slammed the hot cup of tea on the table as it burnt her tongue. She hissed slightly at the irritation but that didnʼt mean she would stop. Tea tasted better when it was hot, however Sophie was aware that it didnʼt have to be very hot, she just preferred all shades of weird. Only now she wouldnʼt be able to get the taste right. Her tongue was burnt and a burnt tongue meant tasteless food.

She had found her newest obsession after she heard the news of her friendʼs death. She didnʼt drink alcohol, her father even though he was rich had been the son of a catholic priest and he had made sure to pass on those dignifying habits to her. She decided to get addicted to drinking teas especially chamomile which helped her to get rest.

It was still unbelievable, she had talked to Olivia the day before her death. They had both gone out to party. How was it possible that her friend got into an accident that caused her demise?