Never Enough to Spend

When Mike was still at the level-1 shelter, he had unlocked several tech projects, all of which only required survival points to activate. But now, on the level-2 tech tree, Mike noticed that some of the techs required not just survival points, but also a small amount of electronic components.

Though the quantities were not large—each individual project only needed a handful of components—it added up quickly if he had to unlock too many of them.

"Tech shelters are indeed a deep pit," Mike sighed. "Lacking both points and materials... they're way harder to manage than other shelters."

He couldn't help but feel frustrated. The mysterious system that guided everyone in choosing their shelters hadn't even given a hint about this, and Mike himself found it difficult. He couldn't imagine how painful it must be for survivors with insufficient resources, should they opt for a tech shelter upgrade.

"At this point, though, I can't change my shelter type anymore," Mike thought grimly. "I just have to grit my teeth and push forward."

Level-2 tech projects were essential, and there were certain tech rooms that Mike absolutely had to build.

"Let's focus on unlocking these key techs first. At least, by doing so, I can provide the research team with better materials, and that might help them upgrade their skill levels."

After some careful consideration, Mike realized that although the investment in a tech shelter was heavy, the returns were enormous—far greater than those from other shelter types.

With that in mind, Mike swiftly unlocked a few essential tech projects:

Basic Heat Weapon Production Technology: Required 3000 survival points + 20 electronic components. After activation, it allowed the shelter to build a Heat Weapon Production Line Room, Bullet Production Line Room, and an Automated Ammo Supply Module.

Intermediate Power System: Required 2000 survival points + 5 electronic components. This tech would provide more power, supporting additional tech equipment and production lines.

Intermediate Autonomous Water System: Required 2000 survival points + 5 electronic components. It would generate more self-sustained water and purify various water sources.

Intermediate Research & Exploration Enhancement: Required 2500 survival points + 2 electronic components. It would increase the research speed in the shelter and enhance exploration rewards.

Agricultural Automation System: Required 2000 survival points + 3 electronic components. This tech enabled the shelter to automate its farming process, improving food supply without manual labor.

Basic Machinery Processing Equipment: Required 1500 survival points + 5 electronic components. After activation, it would allow the shelter to build production-related rooms and support manufacturing lines.

Communication & Networking System (LAN version): Required 2000 survival points + 3 electronic components. It would set up a local area network to enhance communication speed and provide computing power for smart modules.

Energy Storage & Management System: Required 2000 survival points + 5 electronic components. This system would improve resource management and ensure stable shelter operations, even generating emergency resources during crises.

After purchasing these tech projects, Mike immediately opened the build interface and selected several shelter rooms he had already considered:

Machinery Processing Room: 2000 survival points. It housed basic machinery equipment and produced mechanical tools, parts, and assembly lines.

Ammunition Manufacturing Room: 2000 survival points. It would produce various types of basic ammunition to ensure a stable supply.

Weapon Manufacturing Room: 3000 survival points. It would produce various types of basic heat weapons to ensure a constant stock of firearms and personal weapons.

Energy Storage Room: 2000 survival points. It stored resources and energy modules, equipped with a smart planning system and emergency energy modules.

Basic Automated Agricultural Room: 2000 survival points. It could grow two types of crops and automatically cultivate edible plants.

Communication Command Center (LAN): 2000 survival points. This room set up the shelter's internal communication network to improve information transmission efficiency and mass-produce communication devices.

Defensive Bunker: 1500 survival points. This could be placed anywhere within the shelter (no need for vacant rooms) and provided basic defense against weapons, with slight anti-air capabilities.

"Ugh, this really burns through the points," Mike muttered after finishing the construction. "Not only do I need to unlock the prerequisite techs, but I also have to buy the corresponding rooms. For weapons alone, just unlocking the tech isn't enough; I have to buy the rooms too."

"It might look like 2000 points will cover it, but I end up spending four or five thousand points just to get everything in place."

Mike took a deep breath. He looked up at the several golden-glowing rooms in the main building, many of which had already been completed. Outside, on the open ground and the rooftop, defensive bunkers had been set up—each capable of housing two or three people.

Although this investment wasn't small, the shelter had undergone a qualitative leap.

"With all these new techs and rooms, my shelter is now almost fully self-sustaining, and it has far better defense capabilities."

"Wow, this place is starting to resemble a military base."

Mike chuckled. With everything in motion, his next steps were simple. He needed to have Jiang Xiaoci arrange people to gather materials from the city—especially iron, copper, aluminum, and the basic chemicals needed for gunpowder.

"With enough materials, I can meet the ammunition production demands. Of course, if we can't find enough, it won't be a problem. Each production room generates a small amount of materials daily, though it won't cover the needs of my 500-strong army."

"The city doesn't have many materials left. The military probably took most of it when the apocalypse started."

Mike sighed, but then his eyes gleamed. "But it's fine, I'll just buy more with my points. I can't be stingy with this."

He opened the points shop, targeting the material category. With the level-2 shelter upgrade, the shop now had more available items, including materials for ammunition production. Without hesitation, Mike spent 20,000 points to purchase large quantities of production materials, as well as a variety of seeds for farming.

After completing all these purchases, Mike checked his remaining points.

"Still 236,365 survival points!" Mike gasped. "Damn, I feel like I've spent so much, but there's still so much left!"

He checked everything again, scrutinizing both the build interface and the tech tree, making sure he hadn't missed anything.

After a few rounds of checking, he was sure that he had bought everything important. The shelter now had all the necessary resources for its development.

"I've covered all the essentials—materials, survival, defense... everything."

At this point, Mike even began to consider using his surplus points to push for a level-3 shelter.

"Never enough, it's like I can't spend it all!" Mike exclaimed with a laugh. "So this is what being rich feels like?"

While other survivors were struggling, unable to gather enough points to upgrade their shelters or build rooms, Mike had already achieved his first level of point freedom—so much that he didn't even know how to spend it all.