Chapter Three: Murderer

The carriage wheels rumbled beneath them, and as they settled into a steady rhythm, Liamond turned to Leo with an smile. He gestured towards the Paladin who carried a formidable great sword.

"Leo, allow me to introduce Captain Edmond Goldenshield, our leader, and beside him is Mr. Gery Loup, a fellow Paladin and my trusted colleague."

Leo's gaze shifted to the two men, offering a polite nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Gery acknowledged him with a curt nod, while Captain Edmond regarded Leo with a straightforward gaze.

"Likewise. Tell me, when did you last encounter those troublemakers?" Edmond's voice was gruff, his inquiry direct.

Leo reflected briefly on the man's forthright demeanor before responding. "It was just yesterday. I can't be certain of the time—I wasn't wearing a watch—but it was around midday."

"And the outcome? Did you get beaten again?"

This time, Leo's response came with a hint of pride. "No, this time, I turned the tables on them."

Liamond couldn't help but interject with a surprised "Hoo…"

Leo proceeded to recount the previous day's events in detail to Edmond and the other Paladins.

After listening intently, Edmond asked, "Is that the entirety of the story?"

"Yes, sir," Leo confirmed.

Edmond's expression softened slightly. "There's no need for formalities. Just 'Captain Edmond' will do."

Edmond hit the carriage's wall twice. The carriage came to a halt after about 3 minutes. Liamond rose and opened the carriage door. He motioned for Leo to exit. All three Paladins left after Leo. More people were here, both Paladins and non-Paladins. Some were investigating and conversing with one another, while others were simply standing guard. Six bodies were covered in white sheets on the ground.

Liamond and Gery went to the other side and began conversing with someone dressed in a black coat who appeared to be a detective. Edmond began to make his way to the bodies. He came to a halt after 5 steps and returned his gaze to Leo. Leo realized what Edmond was meant and began following him. They make it to the bodies. Edmond sat near one of the bodies, staring at Leo.

"We need you to verify their identity."

Edmond removed the sheet as Leo sat near the body.


He almost puked. It was the fat boy who acted as the boss of the group. The blood from his nose and mouth had dried up.

"It's him; he is the one acting as the boss."


Edmond rose to his feet and addressed Liamond. When Liamond arrived, he offered Leo a glass of water.

"Drink it; you will feel better."

Leo watched, perplexed, as Edmond and Liamond engaged in a hushed conversation beside the carriage. Their words were indistinct, leaving Leo to his own thoughts. He took a sip from his glass of water, and to his surprise, a sense of well-being washed over him. He examined the glass, suspecting the water was more than it seemed. When the two men returned, Edmond addressed him with a grave tone.

"Leo Mantine, we require your assistance to apprehend a murderer."

Liamond interjected with concern, "Captain, isn't this too sudden for him?"

Edmond dismissed the caution with a wave of his hand. "He's capable."

Rubbing his temples, Liamond looked on as Leo turned his attention to Edmond.

"What could I possibly do that the Paladins cannot?" Leo asked, skepticism lacing his voice.

"To clarify your role, I must first detail the events that have transpired," Edmond replied.

With a nod of agreement, Leo followed them back into the carriage. As Edmond signaled the driver, the carriage lurched into motion. He then faced Leo, his expression somber.

"The individual responsible for these child murders is a serial killer, and our evidence suggests you're likely his next victim."

Leo's eyes widened in shock. "What?"

"Captain!" Liamond exclaimed, equally stunned.

Edmond held Leo's gaze, unflinching. "This city has seen his handiwork before."

"How can you be certain it's the same perpetrator?" Leo pressed.

"The method of murder is distinctive. The killer extracts a piece of the victim's body while they're still alive, yet leaves no physical wounds."

"How is that possible?" Leo's confusion was evident.

Liamond took up the explanation. "It's a sinister form of dark magic wielded by shadowy assassins. They can access your insides as if through a portal, all without breaking the skin."

"But why would they need to do it while the victim is alive?" Leo's question hung in the air.

"To get the organ while it is fresh, the more fresh an organ is, the better quality it has for necromancy use, and children's organs are even healthier, so he can sell them at a higher price."

Leo was speechless.

Edmond eventually said.

"He's already left his mark on you, We can remove it, but we don't know if he has other ways of following you around, and we can't put someone in charge of protecting you and your family forever."

"Wait a minute, when did he put his mark on me? What exactly do you mean, my family?"

"When you kicked those boys, a little of your mana stayed with them; he can trace that, and when you said someone was staring at you, it was most likely him, Also, do you believe that when he comes for you, he will simply kill you and leave your family alone?"

"Mana is the soul's energy, which you use for spells and skills, It's similar to stamina," Liamond explained.

'I know what mana is,' Leo thought.

Edmond's eyes met Leo's, a silent question hanging between them.

"You're asking me to serve as bait, then?" Leo inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and curiosity.

With a heavy sigh, Edmond confirmed, "Yes, that's the situation."

Liamond interjected hastily, "We'll be there to guard you at all times. And should you decline, we'll still endeavor to ensure your safety."

"But there's no absolute assurance of my safety in either case, correct?" Leo pressed, seeking clarity.

The somber looks on Edmond and Liamond's faces spoke volumes before Edmond's simple "No" cemented the reality.

Leo weighed his options. 'This is fraught with peril, yet it presents a rare chance to witness magic firsthand. Regardless of my choice, danger looms—so why not choose the path that offers some advantage and protection for my family?'

"Ok, I'll do it," Leo declared, his decision firm.

Liamond, taken aback, nearly leaped from his seat. "What???"

A trace of relief flickered across Edmond's stern visage. "You're certain?"

"Yes," Leo affirmed.

"Very well, it's settled," Edmond stated.

As the carriage drew to a stop, Edmond gave Liamond a nod. "explain the plan to him."

Edmond then exited the carriage and walked away. The carriage began to move again. Liamond finally looked at Leo.

"You are a brave young man, Leo, We'll come and get you tonight. Come out of the house at 7 p.m. and into the carriage. Frank will accompany you the entire time. Don't worry, your family will be sleeping when this happens."

Liamond took out his pocket watch and handed it to Leo.

"You can use this to see the exact time; keep it close," he said as he locked his gaze on Leo.

"Is there something wrong?"

"You can read a watch, right?"

Leo snapped .

"Of course I can!!!"

"Ok, ok, better safe than sorry."

Then the carriage stopped. Liamond pushed open the carriage door.

"Go now and remember, 7 o'clock."

Leo took off, Liamond shut the door, and the carriage drove away.

'Did they contact Mr. Frank already?'

Leo entered his house and unlocked the door. Before he could say anything, his mother rushed to him and hugged him.

"what happened? Are you all right? Did they hurt you?"

"Calm down, Mom, I am ok, They only wanted to ask questions."

His mother examined every area of his face, giving him another hug once she was certain he was alright.

"Ok, come to the kitchen; let's eat lunch."

Leo looked around.

"Mom, where is the paladin that stayed here."

"I don't know, he was outside, I told him to come inside but he refused, he said that he need to stay on guard." His mother responded without turning around.

Leo did not continue looking for him; instead, he returned to his room after lunch and took the watch from his pocket to examine it. The gold-colored pocket watch had a mark on the back. The mark resembled a cross but had a wider bottom, similar to a plus sign. There wasn't anything else interesting about it. He put the watch back in his pocket.

"Okay, now what should I do until 7? There's nothing to do here."

With little else to occupy his time, Leo decided to grab one of the books from his small collection. He flipped through the pages, skimming over subjects he had already mastered. After about two hours, frustration began to creep in—the material was far too easy, offering no real challenge.

"Alright, I didn't get much sleep last night anyway. Might as well take a nap for a few hours."

He laid down on his bed, letting exhaustion take over, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later, he awoke suddenly, blinking in the dim light of his room. Something felt off, though he couldn't quite place it. He pulled out his watch and checked the time. It was 6:45.

Realizing he didn't have much time left, he hurried out of bed, changed into fresh clothes, and made his way downstairs. The house was unusually quiet, a calmness hanging in the air. He glanced around, noticing his mother resting peacefully on the sofa. So deeply asleep that it almost seemed unnatural.

"Is this... some kind of spell?" he wondered, the thought lingering as he stared at her unnaturally deep slumber.

He stepped outside and noticed the carriage. Someone suddenly placed a hand on his shoulder. Leo jumped up and turned around.

"Don't be afraid; it's me."

"Mr. Rove…?!"

"Call me Frank" with an smile he answered.

Leo wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. They walked to the carriage after Frank nodded.

The carriage began to move and then came to a halt after 15 minutes. Leo and Frank took off. Before them loomed an old house constructed from weathered black timber. Leo tilted his head upward, realizing the structure stretched three stories high, its size nearly big. 

As they ascended, a question surfaced in Leo's thoughts. 

"Mr. Frank, isn't there a risk the assassin will notice I'm being moved and grow suspicious?" he inquired, voicing his concern.

Frank responded with confidence, "We've erected a magical barrier around you. It conceals your mana signature from detection until we choose to remove it."

Leo pondered the implications, his curiosity piqued. 'If they're capable of shielding me with a barrier, then what's the purpose of my presence here?'

Seemingly attuned to Leo's silent query, Frank elaborated, "The barrier we've placed is temporary. We must act swiftly to apprehend the assassin before the magic dissipates."

Understanding the urgency, Leo simply nodded in agreement.

Frank led Leo to the house's second floor, The house was dark and the stairs creaked as they climbed, there were three doors on the second floor. They entered one of them, which was a small room.

"I will be in the next room hiding; captain and others are also here, so don't worry, nothing is going to happen to you; just stay here and go sit on the bed."


Leo sat down on the bed. Frank exited and shut the door. From what Leo could hear, Frank went to another room, shut the door, and then there was nothing but silence. Leo began to freak out.

'What the hell, am I really safe here?!'

He was trembling as he sat there. He couldn't even take his watch out to see how much time had passed. After God's know-how-much time, he suddenly heard a sound other than his own breathing. The room darkened even more. It appeared that darkness was coming from every direction. Suddenly, a figure appeared at the far end of the room, where there was nothing. It was a man dressed in a black robe and wearing a hat that obscured his face. The man got closer and closer to Leo. He removed his hat. 

There was a man with a strange, unsettling face beneath the hood. His skin was marred with scars. But the most prominent scar ran jaggedly from the corner of his left lip, as though his mouth had been torn open at some point and crudely healed. His dark, black eyes glinted with a strange intensity, and his long, crooked nose gave his face an almost predatory look. 

He was smiling—an eerie, unsettling grin that only made him seem more dangerous—as he slowly moved closer. Leo could feel his heart quicken as the man approached, but just as abruptly, the man stopped in his tracks. 

"You?? I've already killed you! I extracted your stomach, Why are you still alive?" said the assassin in hushed tones.

"What?" Leo's surprise overcame his fear.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Frank dashed in, his sword already drawn. The assassin quickly turned around. A shadowy hand emerged from his left side and grabbed Frank's sword-wielding hand. At the same time, he launched an attack with his other hand, which was clutching a dagger. Frank wrist's armor begins to glow, and he uses it to deflect the assassin's dagger. The blow was so powerful that the assassin's dagger flew out of his grasp, and it fell next to Leo. When Frank fisted his hand, it began to glow, He then threw a punch, which landed in the air.

The assassin vanished in a blur of black smoke, disappearing for a split second before materializing in front of Frank. Without hesitation, he delivered a brutal kick to Frank's stomach. The force of the blow sent Frank flying across the room, crashing into the wall with a sickening thud.

Before Frank could even catch his breath, the assassin was already closing in on him. His hand was now engulfed in a shadowy, twisting energy that pulsed with a deadly intent. Leo's eyes widened in horror as he watched, every fiber of his being certain—the assassin was preparing to deliver the killing blow.

Edmond and Liamond were standing outside the house, ready to attack. Liamond took out his book and begins to cast a spell.


"Captain?" there was concern in Liamond's Voice.

"I want to see what happens."

"But captain….."

"Don't worry, if the situation becomes critical, I will step in."

With that, Liamond stopped his spell and looked at the room's window.

Leo's gaze fell to the dagger lying near his feet, its blade catching the faint light of the room. A rush of thoughts flooded his mind, each one a pressing weight on his conscience.

'What's the right move here? Do I intervene? And where in the world are Liamond and the rest?' he muttered under his breath, his eyes darting around the room for any sign of others.

His attention snapped back to the present danger as the assassin, with a cold precision, was moments away from delivering a fatal blow to his target.

"This isn't right. I can't just stand by and let this happen," Leo resolved, feeling a surge of determination that overpowered his fear.

With a burst of adrenaline, he snatched the dagger from the ground, charged at the assassin, and drove the blade into the assailant's right thigh.

The assassin howled in pain, "Aaaa… you bastard!"

In a swift motion fueled by rage, the assassin grabbed Leo by his shirt and hurled him across the room. Leo's body crashed against the wall with a thud before collapsing onto the bed. Meanwhile, the assassin conjured a shadowy chain that slithered across the floor and bound Frank without a touch, as he slowly advanced towards Leo.

"If you're so eager to meet your end, I'll oblige," the assassin sneered, his presence looming over Leo.

Panic seized Leo, his breath caught in his throat as death stared him down. But before the final moment could arrive, his surroundings blurred and shifted unexpectedly.

He was outside, the cool night air a stark contrast to the room's tension. Liamond stood beside him with an unfazed expression on his face.

"Mr. Hammart?! What just happened?" Leo gasped, bewildered by the sudden change.

"It's simple. I swapped your place with Captain Edmond. And please, just Liamond will do," he replied, his tone even.

Leo's mind reeled. "But how? And what about Captain Edmond?"

Liamond offered a reassuring smile. "The watch I gave you—it's enchanted. It's my way of protecting you when things get dire."

"And if I had lost it?" Leo's voice was a mix of concern and curiosity.

"I did advise you to keep it close, didn't I?" Liamond's eyes twinkled with a hint of mirth.

Leo's worry returned. "What about the captain, then?"

"Don't fret. Captain Edmond is a B-rank Paladin. An assassin of that level poses no real threat to him."


Inside the building, the boy vanished in front of the assassin's eyes, and a large man wielding a massive sword appeared. The assassin stepped back and looked at the man.

"Paladins, eyy? So you set a trap for me, but it's not going to work."

The shadow on his hand morphed into a dark sword. With a burst of speed, he lunged toward the large Paladin. But before he could close the distance, the Paladin's sword slashed through the air. The strike was so swift he couldn't react. Though shielded by a layer of shadow magic meant to repel physical and light-based attacks, the sword cleaved through his defenses and hit his neck. His head separated cleanly, falling as his body slumped to the ground. 

"Don't waste your time talking in a fight"


Outside, Leo was looking at the window of the house. He couldn't hear anything. After a while a man came out of the door, it was Edmond.


"Send a group in to help Frank clean up"

'Wow, that was quick,' Leo thought.

Liamond put his hand on his forehead and closed his eye, He opened his eyes after a few moments. After about 5 minutes of standing there, a group of Paladins and agents arrived, took orders from Edmond, and entered the house. Some of them remain outside and begin patrolling the area, Edmond approached Leo.

"You are a brave kid, Mantine; thanks to your bravery, we got the assassin." Edmond stated, a note of respect in his voice. 

"I was just protecting myself and my family."

"Either way, what you did took guts. It's not something just anyone could have managed," Edmond replied, his gaze steady on Leo. 

After a moment of silence, he continued, "You've got a rare kind of bravery, and that's something we need. How about joining our team? We could use someone with your spirit."