We have reunited as an family again pt2

When I had came to i felt a little groggy lifting my head as i saw the letter that was laying on top of my chest but i felt different...it felt...as if...something was flowing through me with it feeling foreign as it also felt...that it made me stronger.

Moving the letter off my chest before i had gotten up i headed to my parents bathroom looking in the mirror as i immediately came to noticed the changes that'recurrently present.

My long flowing hair that is brown until half way it stops with it leading to where it starts to turn white as my eyes are blue now.

Causing me too let out an shriek do to the shock that i saw "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO MY APPEARANCE!...." But it didn't just stop at there...my chest has also grown bigger by two sizes as i also felt something that was... hard where my nether region should be...

Stepping away i'd looked down to have saw something to be poking out of my skirt that's was hard very long.

Freezing with terror at what i saw as reality had seem to be having its point to sink in a very slow way"n...n...no...w...w...way! This... this...can be...NO FUCKING WAY...NO WAY HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!

Poking it with my finger as i was making it move a little before grabbing it hard having me to feel the pain from grabbing "NOO... HOW...DO I...HAVE AN...DICKK...NOWW!"

Calming myself down as i "it ok...it's ok...t... there must be an explanation for all...these changes for now being that i'm sweaty and dirty let's take a shower."

Running the water so that it can warm up while i'd went to get my an wash clothe and a towel from my...parents bathroom so i can put them on the sink counter.

'Well with the reason changes to my body that i've under gone with in the last 30-60 minutes while i was unconscious i can most likely fit moms clothes now.'

As I also think 'it probably would be for the best if i'd called her auntie...now with how i know she's my aunt but i've called her my... mom for the entirety of my life...it won't really just change for me to do that as i'd called her it the whole duration of my life.'

Sighing,"forget it for now" as i make my way to my parents closet looking at her clothes "begin now that i'm mom height at 5'8 with me guessing that my chest has also became the same now with begin an G-cup. Making me be able to now fit her things without them being baggy.

After picking out a outfit i got to my mom's underwear draw as i open it to look down an saw that it had shrink in size making so that i should be fine to wear panties plus now if it'd made it to were i wouldn't be able to with my body rivaling aunty's...it would have me be very disappointed if i couldn't wear them anymore.

Opening my mom's underwear drawer and thought 'me and mom...did always have the same taste when it came to our underwear.'

Grabbing an nice set of cherry red laced panties and bra i made my way toward the way back to the bathroom.

Closing the bathroom door i went to place the clothes on top of the towel after grabbing the wash cloth.

Putting the wash cloth on top of the clothes as i'd check the water seeing it's the right temperature i pull the small hing to make the water flow out of the shower head.

After i closed the curtains so the water is'nt able to get on the floor i start to get undress.

Finishing with getting undressed I turned to grabbed my wash cloth an enter the shower opening the curtains so that i could step in before closing it.

Stepping forward a little while letting the water run over me while i'd turned in a circle before stopping with my back getting hit with the water while letting my worries, and with the sadness washing away i've titled my head back to have the water run over it while it fell down.

Yhe water was running over my hair while i ran my hand through it before letting my arm return back to my side.

Standing there for a few minutes i unfold the wet cloth to bend over to pick up the scented rose flower body wash on it.

Rubbing the cloth together i wash up after 15 minutes i turn the shower off as push down the hinge to let the remainder of the water to flow out.

I open the curtains to get out i grab the towel moving the clothes to the side for me to be able to unfold the towel an dry off.

After drying off i'd realized i forgot to bring lotion with me wrapping the towel around me after i finished drying my hair i had opened the bathroom door walking in to the room.

I walk in front of the bed to see the letter and decide to continue reading it.

I skipped the dear Chrissy to read the part about it sayung "for you to be reading...this part...that must mean...that the seal on you should've been removed...as the seal was meant to conceal not only yours true look but your...cultivation as well as your identity.

While i know that the transformation you just went was an big shock.

I'm sorry that...me...and your uncle couldn't have...been there for you as we could have been talking you through it as we also could have talked to you beforehand...But we want you to now the choice that your parents and us made was an unanimous one so too keep you safe and hidden.

The seal was put on you not to only protect you but it also gave the hope that one day when you returned you could be an family again."

'Yeah...right...it was a really an big shock...try more like traumatizing' as i continue to read the letter.

"Chrissy...you...your born to an family full of cultivators but not just any cultivation family... that you are born from is an family that is born from the original vampires and dragons of the world. With your mom side being born of the original vampire with your very own mother who is from the original dragon.

Your mom isn't an original like you but she's a original vampire while your mother is also a original dragon as the key difference being their regional area's that leads to their very appearance.

Surprised,"w-what...original dragons... vampires...what're you talking about mom... also what're these...cultivators that you're talking about. As...your not only telling...me that your not all my parents...but what we as humanity thinks to be nothing but myth and fairy tales are not only real...but our family are...descendants from them...but that both of my birth parents are...FEMALESSS!..."

With me still tryingnto wrap my head around that "mom...i mean auntie...what are you... saying...its complete nonsense...they don't exist there nothing but exactly that...fairy... nothing but fairy tales that parents tell their kids before bed time as stories that helped them sleep during night."

With me sitting still on the bed thats when i feel as if something...is trying to make an... connection too me as...if...someone is trying to reach out too me...but mentally.

So not knowing what this feeling is i let it be able to connect...when i do...the first thing i hear is an worried but...yet caring voice that is also gentle as it's just as soft say timidly "C...Chrissy."