Throwing my hands up in surrender as i lowered my head in defeat "you win...i will marry them both of you as well." As i knew that this would be the outcome anyways.
(5 minutes later)
Sitting on the couch with Leandra and Danny besides me with bright smiles on their faces as i hand my head that caused everyone to chuckle.
Rachel: Smiling, "you knew that you were going to give in anyways so why didn't you from the start."
Ruthie: Giggling, "Rachel is right baby girl after all you knew that you wouldn't be able to deny them and just giving in. So why try to put an resistance when the outcome was to be what we all expected it to be."
Lift me head as i looked at mom " i just had to's not normal in the normal world to take siblings as wedding partners. So i just had to ok...even if i was going to be able too put up a resistance for long."
Sighing, as i had us move on from it "now that we have gotten all of that out of the way can we move on to what you and mother wanted to talk about."
With mother smiling at me as she nods as she says "ok, know that we have everyone here let move to heirs taking their rightful role as the next leaders of their families."
Valentina: Looking at Valissa, Sofia, Zena, Luna,an Leon "now that Chrissy has returned to us you all have no problem with this right.
With taking your roles as leaders of you own family's as you will take on the responsibility of supporting Chrissy in leading the main and the branch family's respectedly your own and the ones under yours."
Getting up and kneeling in front of mother as she looked at me an the parents of Luna,Val, Sofia, Zena, and Leon as their parents stood on each side of us forming a line at the side of us. While we were kneeling in front of mother and mom as mother seated and mom was at her side.
Val, Zena, Sofia, Luna, and Leon had start to recite the pledge and the oath that has been passed along the branch family's. "We the 5 branch family's will abide by and follow the pledge that our ancestors had made to pro-tect the main family and to protect the leader heirs to the main family."
With them finishing it was mines, Leandra, an Danny turn to recite our family pledge and the oath that we had to the branch family's as to show that just as their ancestors had gaven their loyalty to our ancestors. They wanted to give the same back to show their gratitude an to show that the trust that they had placed in them when they start this family back then to extend it back to them as well.
"We the heirs and the leaders over the main and branch family's will abide by the pledge and follow the oath that our founding an also ancestors had made that we will protect, lead and govern the main and the branch family's.
Without abusing our authority and trust that'd they placed in us sinced the anciented times after the incident of the crimson war with the oath they made that we will protect, support and to continue take an bride from each of the 5 guardians families."
And with that a blue circle appeared under as it covered the room with blue light before it'd disappeared sealing the pledge and the oath that we all made solidifying our roles as the knew leaders and heads of of our families.
Lifting my head to see smiles on the faces of my parents but also of Val, Zena, Luna, Sofia, and Leon parents as they'd finally been able to pass the reins to their heirs after the years of me being gone from the cultivation world.
Leaving the rein to them as they had to lead the cultivation world and govern our city as other cities had their own family watch it.
Standing up as i smiled at mom and mother as mother got up an they both had made their way over to us mother and mom hugged me as mother said. "Welcome home our dear an sweet baby girl if there anything that we can do for you as the road ahead will be an hard one don't be afraid to ask as we are here to give you guides and support."
Hugging mother back as tears leave my eye's "i'm happy to be back home mother as i have missed you and mom very much my..."
Before i could finish i collapsed in my mother embrace as she had to tighten her hold on me before i landed on the floor panting while i sweating like i just ran an marathon causing her to raised her voice as she called out to me.
Valentina: Cradling her in one arm i place my hand to her head feeling her radiating off an lot of heat while she was panting i place my hand on her chest closing my eye's to be able to focus my attention on what was happening to her while i was going to send my energy through her.
Just as i was about to begin the others snap out of their shock as Ruthie kneeled down next me causing me to open my eyes as you now can see that worry and fear was clearly now in her eyes and showing on face.
Ruthie: Seeing the condition of my daughter as the other gather around us as i saw that my wife was about to send her own energy in to Chrissy as i felt Valentina look at me as the feelings of fear and worry was clearly showed in both my eye's and expression i called out to Chrissy " girl...can you... hear's your mom...what wrong...huh? Please open your eyes for me...please...just.. that i can... know you hear me."
Hearing my mom gentle voice as i could hear the fear, worry, and pleading in as i continue to panting with sweat covering my entire body as i felt to weak to even open my eyes until i felt two pair of hand grab both of my hands and felt them send energy in to me as it gave me enough strength to open my eyes.