Pit of hell

That day he found himself locked in a chamber.

HE noticed that he was the only soul there. His life drains to insanity. Is this his fate? He had a dream to be a doctor, will it ever come true?.

"Why don't I just die, I can't take it anymore." He said as he looked at his rusty hand. A drop of tear fell on the bed. The bed got wet as he began to shed more tears. "Mom, Dad take me from this place. Somebody ...…please somebody." He screamed his soul out. "Will that thing come again---- this time I will kill it" the boy's eye turned red as more emotions and thoughts began to overflow his mind. Time passes by. How long he have been in this, 1 week? 1 month? Or a year. "45662------ 45663--------45664" a fly passes over his head. He quickly clapped his hand letting the place go silent. "I GOT IT, wonder how would it taste like?" he slowly opens his mouth and sticks it on the tip of his tongue and chews on it. "oh I lost count". The sound of water drop from the sink annoys him as if being alone wasn't enough. Well technically he is not alone some monster comes and visits him after ….. after how long? Nobody can tell. As some time passes the boy hears someone's foot steps. "I think it's that thing again" the boy stands up. As the sound grew stronger he unplugged the dimming light over his head and shattered it. He took the biggest piece of broken glass and hid it behind his back.

"hey kid how are you?" a square head creature with one eye said to the boy. The creature has golden transparent muffler around its neck and it has no legs. It's neck is narrow and two horns are coming out of his head.

"look I am here to help you, if you don't believe me, I can clearly see the reasons." The creature said in a calming tone yet it sounded awful. As the words pierces through the boys ear he starts speaking "here to help me, huh is that so? Why everytime you come and leave a mice for me to feast on? Can't you get me any food other than a fucking mice?".

"Look I give you what I've found. I have came from a place where people eat much worse than this" The monster slipped his hand through the bars and tried to give him a dead mice.

"People? You said people. Do a monster like you even know what people means!" the boy shouted as he grabbed the creatures neck and stabs its head with the glass shard letting all his frustration come out. He tears the creature throat as blood Began to shower on him. The floating body of the creature fell on the ground.

The boy dragged it inside but only half of its lower body could come. He searched for keys but nothing is there. His plan to kill it was to find a way to escape. But now there is no hope. "nothings gonna work….. nothing gonna work...nothings gonna work….. nothings gonna work ." he spinning his head and slamming it on the bars of the chamber. "haha…..haahah…hahaha…. Right I have lost my mind. I have lost it completely" He suddenly stops laughing like a Physcopath and shouts as he starts punching the mirror which was hanging up on basin. He punches and punches until The mirror shatters into pieces. His hand is bleeding. As the blood drips on the floor he sees a blade in small space behind where the mirror was placed. There was still some hope left. He grabbed the blade like a vicious monster and started cutting the bars of the chamber. He breathes heavily as he is cutting the bars. Finally, he cut the rod and escaped the pit of hell.


When he got out of the chamber, he saw a ladder leading up to a hollow space. He was not sure if he would climb it or not but there seems to be no other choice. Well that thing technically help him, didn't he? There is no time to think about this. He chose to not climb the ladder rather he walked to dark path next to chamber .

"oh, what Am I doing? I should go back and take the cutted bar. Yeah that's right I have to go back." The boy said calmly. He understands what might happen if he is unaware of his safety. As he walked back he was flabbergasted. The creature's body isn't their not even a drop of blood. Everything is crystal clean.

"What! Where's the body? Minutes ago I…I killed that thing. But now it's all gone!" the boy said in a Shakey voice leaving him completely confused. Well that's not the first time of the place being odd.

"this will come in handy" He said as he quickly grabbed the rod and the blade he left earlier. He left the room as he heads back to the dark path. As he walks he observes the wall of the place. Various symbols are written on it as if it was of some alien species base. The creature he killed also looked like a alien. But If this was aliens all along what are they planning to do? and what they want from him?. there is no time to think of it.only goal for him is to get out of this hell. after walking for a while he came across two paths. One is narrow and the other one Is wide. Though the wide path was easier to go through but there were screeching noises . The noises are sounding like as if a old man is getting boiled for demons food and screaming his lungs out. "what a gross and awful place" he said with pure disgust on his face. He made his decision and went to the narrow path. The path gets more narrower as he tries to get to the other side. He passes through gaps but soon he got stuck. At this point the walls are only 10 centimetres away from from the boy's chest And if this was not enough for him he hears something rushing towards him. "Come on" the rushing noise gets intense "come on". the boy is trying his heart and soul to slip out the walls. Suddenly the noise stops. "oh no this ain't a good sign" the boys says as he hurries. He realises this is the clam before the Strom. Suddenly A hairy pale hand with long sharp edge came from darkness and was one inch away from taking away the boys eye. The boy kicks the wall and manages to unstuck his self. He passes fastly between the walls. One by one red hands emerges from the walls and tries to drag the boy within the walls. Soon they stop. "what the hell is going on?" the boy shouts as he chews on his teeth. The whole place suddenly blows up into dust. The boy fell from at least 10 feet height. His eyes are blurry now. He got very nice injury on his ankle by the fall. He rubbed his eyes and finally could see clearly. But he couldn't believe his eyes for the monstrosity he is seeing right now. A big flesh blob is covering the front wall of the room made by the destruction. "uh oh!" the boy clamly regerts for his choice to come on this path. One big eye is sticking out of the flesh body. There are hundreds of hands attached to it. The monster grabs the boys leg and slams him on the side wall. On one blow the boy starts to bleed. The monster then tries to separate the boys head from his body. It grabs the boys head and legs. Is this it? Is this his end? The boy thinks to himself. As the skin on his neck begans to tear up he quickly throws the sharp edged rod on the monster's eye. It had pierced and went through the eye. "yes now I have some time" the boy reassures himself. The monster started to scream. The boy quickly rushed back . He is running as fast as can. The monster stops screaming . It has grown spikes on his front and now he only have two giant hand. The boy is running as if it was his last run. Using the wall the monster starts to move towards the boy. "Huh a dead end!" the boy lost all his hopes as he saw no other ways to get out. "no use" the boy said with dead eyes. There is no time to loose hope this was not written on his fate. The monster is coming towards him with intense speed. "i will not let you kill me!" The boy shouted with a sudden spark of hope to live. The boy rushed to the monster and jumped and landed on the hole that he made on the monster's eye. The grabbed both part of the eye and start splitting it. " aaaaagggggghh!" the boy his trying very hard. It seems to be that he hit the weak spot. The monster screams and couldn't do anything. At last he is able to split up the eye. With hellish scream the monster blasted. The whole room is covered in blood now. The boy is also drenched in the nasty dark red blood of the monster. "oh damn I didn't knew I was this strong." The boy bluffs. He walks to his left and grabs the rod and some of the spikes of the monster. He attached the spike on the end of the rod with the gooey thing he got from the monsters eye. "hey now i have a spear" the boy smiles and continues to walk. After some time he sees a humanoid creature crawling to a empty gap behind the shady wall. It has large beak. The body is half decapitated. It seems like something large have taken a bite from it's body. It slowly crawled away while leaving blood patches. Once it was gone the boy went to the gap and peaked through it. "what the...…" the boy was shocked and disgusted by what he saw "is this a nest of this things?. Nah I better runaway". The boy turns left and starts to walk. Sheer boredom has abducted him. He is walking in a long bridge connecting the cavern between huge chunks of the place. "is that a human?" the boy couldn't believe his eyes. He quickly started to run to that person. But who is he? He thinks as tries get to the person. That so-called human also started running. "hey stop wait" the boy shouted. Then run through many gaps and narrow hallways. This was until there was a turn in the road. The being or creature tripped and fell. The boy stopped at the turn. He putted one hand on the wall and the other one on his knees. He ran out of breath.

"Stop please don't kill me." The thing turns out to be human. He is covered in wounds and wearing a dark green t-shirt and short pants. With dark yellow eyes and light blue hair, he looks like someone straight out of romance manhwa.

"Neon! what are you doing here?" the boy was left amazed. Not just because he found a human but also for he knows that person.

"Brac Aldenson. Thank god I found my bro" the yellow eyed boy replied with a relief.

"What happened to you are covered in blood?and .. oo… whats that on your neck?" Neon asked Brac with a slight fear.

"Uh that's just daily dealings" the smirk on Brac's face and clearly tell that he wanted to sound badass. "lets walk and talk, shall we?"

"so how did you get here?" Neon asked. "i Dont know anything! How long I have been here .. I don't know" Brac said with dead eyes.

"Same here. But the first what we need to do is to get out of here. This place is Hella weird." The tension call also be seen on neons face .

"Listen , don't look back. On my counting run‼" Brac said as he noticed something following them.

" what.. uu" Neon tries to look back. But soon Brac stops him.

"hey! what are you doing!. As I said on my counting"

"1....2...3… go!!!"