Chapter 3 - Start

As in the last Chapter the announcement got completed by the Richard and Lord Getten folding about adventure and finding a Compitable Human Body for the Adventure. On there other hand the human realm was show where a guy name Ren rejected going over to Hokkaido with his parents, as to prepare for the upcoming exams. After eating dinner Ren wents to his room to sleep.

Let's continue the further story....

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Air was thick with the sweet fragrance of fruit-laden trees, branches glowing faintly in hues of purple and gold. Ground covered in a lush carpet of grass , soft and smooth just like silk. Ground shimmering silver in the light. The trees looking like towering giant figure, their leaves different in colours, leaves shifting slightly with the wind.

Across it were flower of different design, some shaped like spirals, their petals curling inwards, some other looked like translucent lanterns, glowing in a rhythm. The flower's color seemed to shift with wind, creating ever-changing colour design of blue, pinks and radiant oranges. Sky covered in the layer of Blue color with cotton like clouds hanging on the canvas of sky.

With a yawn a boy woke up, rubbing his eyes as he still was in a state of sleep and awake.

"Hmmm~. Uh!? " A sensation of unrealistic felt through the mind of boy.

"Wait...! " Boy rubbed his eyes again as he can't believe the scenery where he found himself m

"Whattttttttttt-!? " Boy yelled loudly. "Where am I? And what is this all?"

"Wait... " A thought ran through the boy mind. "Do I die? Am I dead now? Is this Heaven?" Boy started feel like flying in sky with White wings... But in his mind as he was thinking that.

"Hmm? But I don't feel like I am dead. " Boy put his two fingers on his chin making a expression of thinking.

"Such an Idiot you are. " A voice resonated through air. "Did I choose the wrong human? "

"..... " For a moment the air hold up the silence. "Huh? Wait... Was this my misconception? Or did there was really someone voice. " Boy thought in his mind.

"You really are an idiot. " The same voice came again. "I totally choose a defect. " The voice started crying like a kid who made a wrong choice.

"Oyee! What do you mean huh? And where are you? Can't you came face to face to talk. Why hiding? " With a frustrated voice Boy replied.

"Oh wait. That's my mistake because I took your body for me and took in Yokai realm." The voice replied.

"Wa... Wait~. What do you mean by Yokai Rea Realm...? And what about the part you entered my body?" With a mix of emotion of hesitation and frustration boy said.

"Maybe I should Clear to you." The voice replied with a explaining voice. "When you was sleeping in your room, I came from a Yokai Realm. I saw you and entered your body and took you with me in Yokai Realm. " With a joyful tone the voice replied.

"Ehhhhh~? But it still doesn't give me full explanation. And why you took only my body huh? " The boy replied with a tone of frustration and asking.

"Because I find your body Compitable to enter. Maybe because you don't have a mind so I was able to Enter it without any probl-. " The sentence of voice cut off by boy.

"What do you mean by empty mind? " Boy asked in angry and frustrated way. "Are you making fun me. Are you trying to pick a fight with me? "

"Huh~." With a deep sigh voice started saying again. "That's why I don't like Human. Always like this. "

"Maybe you trying to pick fight." Boy replied with fiery eyes.

A moment of silence took place. Then the voice started talking again.

"You see there is fuss happened in our Realm. Our Yokai King is dead now. And because of it all the new Generation of Yokai have to go an adventure and have to find a thing which will make them King. " Voice replied with a steady voice. "But to achieve it and to start our Journey we have to find a Body that would be Suitable for us. Because we Yokai can't wonder in other places as we were in our form. So for completing the Quest and to find the Treasure we needed to Join ourselves with human. After it we can Go anywhere in our world. "

"Hmmm... That seems reasonable. " Boy replied with a tone of thinking. "So where it is? And how much time will it gonna take? And when I can return to my world? " Boy asked.

"Return? Ahemm... Sorry about it but you can't return to Human Realm until we become the king. And for the Treasure. It lies in the 'Oboritsuki'. And that place line on the end of this world. " Voice replied with a mixture of tone of Explaining and sorry.

"So you mean I can't return my home now? " Boy started crying.

"Don't be a kid. You have to be strong so we can win. If we Yokais won't be able to Achieve treasure soon and become king, then the calamity with show it's destruction. " With a serious tone the voice replied.

"Okay okay, I get what you mean. And for a moment... You are inside of me, aren't you? " Boy asked. And with a happy tone the voice replied "yes! "

"It isn't any achievement for what you smiling, bakayaro. " Boy yelled.

"Well I am Ren. How about you? " Ren asked.

"I'm... " For a moment the environment seemed to stop, grasses moment stopped, the smell from petals stopped as listening to what that Yokai was to tell. "...Obiriyu."

"Okay okay. I get it. So your name is Obiriyu. Well let's work off our ass and get the hell out of here! " Ren said With enthusiasm.

"Hahhh~~. You seriously are an idiot. I do really gonna have to take care of you. " Voice replied.

"Ah... You don't have to worry about it. Let's do our best, because I'm gonna be the next Yokai King!" Ren said enthusiastically with his right hand in air and his left hand on his waist.