Yokai World

This is just for the extra information about this series. Here will be data updated time by time about the things or system or power or about creatures and entity. This is generally just to get a easy explanation about story character and powers and other things.


1) When a yokai merges with human as per the requirements it need, they become a new entity known as Kaijins.

2) If they fails the requirement, then both, the host and the Yokai dies on the moment leaving traces of their ash.

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There would be three factions of World Government army. As story will continue data will be added here.

I) Navy system :

a) Sub-divisonal Tōshi - ( Lowest rank)

b) Toshi - ( upper rank from Tōshi, 26 sub-divisonal Tōshi works under a each Tōshi)

c) Hōbu - ( a group or a section leader of Tōshi's, 37 of Tōshi works under a each Hōbu)

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Eclispera -

1) It is a mysterious place that lies at the end of Yokai world. About it no one knows now. All the data about it had been lost a long ago with the old time period. It is said that the last king left one of a treasure. Anyone who gets it first will become the next Yokai King.