Killer Mushrooms and a Trolling System

Visual: The Gate Park Min-Ho stepped into led to a gloomy forest overgrown with gigantic mushrooms. Dim light barely penetrated the dense veil of poisonous green mist. The ground squished underfoot, and the air was filled with the smell of rot and spores.

— Well, hero, are you ready for some heroic deeds? - the System's sarcastic voice echoed in Park Min-Ho's head.

— Do I have a choice? — he grumbled, warily looking around.

— Of course not. Your destiny is to suffer and overcome. Or die, which is also a good option.

— Thanks, you're always so "supportive," — muttered Park Min-Ho, kicking a particularly large mushroom that grew in his path.

— Careful, idiot! That's a poisonous Killer Mushroom!

— How was I supposed to know?! — retorted Park Min-Ho, jumping back. — You could have warned me!

— And what's the point? You'd have stepped on it anyway. You're a walking disaster.

— Very funny, — hissed Park Min-Ho. — Maybe you could stop mocking me and help me instead?

— Help? You? Don't make me laugh my non-existent ass off! My task is to make you stronger. And the best way to become stronger is to face danger head-on.

— And die? — clarified Park Min-Ho.

— Possibly. But don't worry, I'll be right here. I'll be commentating on your pathetic attempts to survive. And maybe I'll even laugh at your ridiculous death.

— What an honor, — muttered Park Min-Ho, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

He carefully moved forward, trying not to step on the mushrooms and avoiding particularly suspicious patches of fog. The forest seemed endless, and the atmosphere was oppressive. Park Min-Ho felt like a tiny bug lost in a vast, hostile world.

— Look at you, you're not as hopeless as I thought, — the System said unexpectedly. — You even managed to walk ten whole meters without dying. Congratulations.

— Thanks, — muttered Park Min-Ho, unsure whether to be happy or not.

— Don't get too excited. It doesn't mean anything. You still have a lot of pain and suffering ahead of you.

— I didn't doubt it for a second, — sighed Park Min-Ho.

Suddenly, a strange rustling sound came from behind the trees. Park Min-Ho froze, listening intently. The rustling was getting closer.

— Looks like we have company, — commented the System. — And judging by the sound, they're not very friendly.

Several ugly creatures, resembling a cross between a human and a mushroom, emerged from the fog. Their bodies were covered with growths and spores, and instead of eyes, they had empty black holes.

— Mushroom Goons, — stated the System. — Danger level - medium. But for you, most likely lethal.

— Very "reassuring," — muttered Park Min-Ho, frantically trying to remember any combat techniques.

— Don't worry, I'm sure you'll show them what you're capable of, — the System said mockingly. — And then they'll kill you. It'll be fun!

The Mushroom Goons, swaying, moved towards Park Min-Ho, emitting guttural growls.

— Hey, guys, how about we part ways peacefully? — Park Min-Ho suggested timidly, backing away. — I haven't done anything wrong to you...

— Oh, so you're a master negotiator now, I see, — the System chuckled.

The Mushroom Goons didn't appreciate Park Min-Ho's peaceful intentions and, picking up their pace, rushed to attack.

— Well, this is it, — whispered Park Min-Ho, closing his eyes and preparing for his inevitable death. — Goodbye, cruel world...

— Hey, what are you doing sitting there? - the System suddenly barked. — Defend yourself, you idiot!

Park Min-Ho opened his eyes and saw that one of the Mushroom Goons was swinging its gnarled claw-hand at him. There was no time to think.

— Aaaah! — yelled Park Min-Ho, instinctively raising his hands in front of him.

Suddenly, a stream of blinding white light burst from his palms, hitting the Mushroom Goon directly. It flew back several meters and crashed into a tree with a loud crack.

— What... what was that? - Park Min-Ho muttered in surprise, examining his hands.

— It seems your hidden power has awakened, — the System said, in a surprisingly serious tone. — Congratulations, you're not as useless as I thought.

— Really? — Park Min-Ho couldn't believe his ears.

— Don't get too excited, it doesn't mean anything, — the System immediately returned to its usual tone. — You're still far from being a real Hunter. And besides, it was probably just a fluke.

— But...

— No buts! There are still two left. Come on, show them what you're made of!

The remaining Mushroom Goons, apparently not expecting such a turn of events, froze in indecision.

— Well, freaks, who's next?! — yelled Park Min-Ho, feeling an unfamiliar anger boiling inside him. All the resentment, all the humiliation he had endured for so long, burst out.

— Wow, you're actually brave, for once, — the System said, surprised.

— Shut up! — barked Park Min-Ho and, gathering all his will, attacked the Mushroom Goons again.

Visual: Park Min-Ho, unexpectedly, easily deals with the remaining Mushroom Goons. He is overwhelmed with a feeling of euphoria and... anger?