Morning sunlight streamed through the tall windows which covered the entire wall of Ariana's penthouse residence. She occupied the dining table while her mind worked on multiple tasks without touching her coffee. She needed to measure each action she takes must be calculated and executed with precision. Antony together with Rachel were beginning to sense the subtle changes. The couple wasn't without intelligence because they dedicated years to manipulating her after all.
She glanced at her phone. An unexpected text message appeared on her screen from a hidden caller.
"Rachel's spreading rumors. Be ready."
Ariana's lips curled slightly. Ariana already knew what Rachel had on her mind without needing any warning. The woman acted according to plan with a sense of desperation visible in her actions. The rumor served to tarnish her reputation by showing her as unfaithful thus turning both the elite and Antony against her.
It was a weak move. The weakness of lies stemmed from the numerous individuals who accepted false information as fact.
Ariana carefully sipped her coffee while thinking about her upcoming plan of action.
The rumors spread like wildfire.
When Ariana entered the afternoon tea party the gossip about her infidelity was already traveling through the crowd. Women at the gathering looked at Ariana through their champagne glasses while using hushed but sharp voice.
" I heard she is seeing another man behind Anthony's back"
"No wonder Antony looks so distracted lately."
"Does she really think she can act so brazenly and get away with it?"
Ariana entered the venue without shifting her gaze as she maintained a composed posture with an unflappable expression. Through her composure she managed to mask her intentions as she directed public perception by steering her private story.
She saw Antony at the bar speaking with a group of business executives while looking tense. The tension showed through Antony's usually charming manner which seemed less confident than usual. Rachel achieved her objective by establishing doubt in Antony's mind. Now Antony was watching her.
Good. Let him wonder. Let him question.
Ariana stood at the bar yet avoided direct conversation with Antony. Ordering a drink functioned as her way to maintain control over the situation. She gave Antony a tiny understanding grin by turning her face enough for their eyes to connect.
It worked. His hands clenched around the glass as a brief shadow of darkness passed across his features.
From a few feet away Rachel observed what was happening. Her eyes narrowed in irritation.
Through her actions Ariana transformed the rumor into a powerful tool she used against others. She radiated an unapproachable aura which made her seem untouchable rather than defensive or guilty.
That evening Ariana entered a quiet upscale café where her private booth awaited her arrival.
A woman sat across from her.
Her childhood friend. Years ago, due to Racheal manipulation, Ariana pushed her away. but now she has returned.
Eleanor Langley had changed. From the wide-eyed innocent girl Ariana knew she had evolved into a powerful and self-assured woman. A successful actress, well-connected and dangerously smart. Ariana felt overwhelming sorrow in her heart but refused to acknowledge it.
The two women maintained complete silent for a moment, neither of them spoke.
Eleanor relaxed her posture and folded her arms across her body. "Took you long enough."
Ariana's lips twitched. "I wasn't sure if you will want to see me, after what happened."
Eleanor's expression softened—only slightly. "I didn't. Not for a long time."
Ariana exhaled slowly. "I was wrong. About a lot of things."
Eleanor observed her carefully to determine whether she could place any trust in the woman who stood before her. "You were blind," she corrected. "Surrounding yourself with snakes leads to this kind of experience."
Ariana didn't deny it. Ariana pushed her away from herself because she trusted Rachel's deception which resulted in her own social isolation. The mistake she made caused her to lose more than she could ever describe.
Reminiscence was not Eleanor's purpose for being present there. She possessed authority which Ariana needed at this time.
"I want to help," Eleanor said finally. I recognize the genuine nature of Rachel so I give my forgiveness because I know what she represents. Your current behavior proves to me that you are not that fool that was easily manipulated like before"
Ariana responded with a grip in her throat when she looked at Eleanor. "Thank you."
Eleanor smirked slightly. "Don't thank me yet. You have a war to win."
Jesse Ren occupied his dim study while reading a report with a whiskey glass in his hand.
The enterprise board members had stopped Antony from taking additional control over Cameloe Enterprises. Not publicly. Not obviously. His sense of power dwindled through these subtle actions which made Antony perceive unseen forces constricting his authority.
His nature was to avoid getting involved without good reason. The way Ariana handled her challenges on this battlefield fascinated him.
She wasn't asking for help. She wasn't seeking allies. She imposed a new perspective which made people view her in an unexpected manner.
Watching others execute a game with skill brought Jesse great satisfaction.
Antony walked back and forth within his office,The hum voice of Rachel stayed behind his back.
"She's hiding something," Rachel insisted. "I know she is."
Antony didn't respond immediately. Everyone around him noticed Ariana's transformation obviously. The simple woman who depended on his words had vanished from existence. Her temper has calm down a lot, if it was before she would have come to explain to him, but now she was different. The question remained whether she had the capability to plan an attack against him.
He needed to know.
He needed proof.
He fixed his eyes on Rachel while giving her a harsh examination. "I'll handle this."
Rachel frowned. "How?"
Antony's lips curled. "I'll set a trap. If she is lying to me I will catch her"
And then, Ariana would have nowhere left to run."/