Chapter 24: The perfect bait 

"This AI startup receives money from leading investors who possess substantial industry wealth." Antony read the information his secretary brought to his meeting by resting in his chair. NovaTech documents appeared perfect with their glossy paper and predictions that made the company seem unstoppable in the tech market. The information presentation exceeded expectations although it came across as too picture-perfect.

His secretary George Kim reacted with a subtle nervousness when speaking. "Yes, sir. It's a rare opportunity. Investing today will grant you substantial ownership before the company becomes public stock market.

Antony showed his smile while checking his desk numbers with his fingers. "Then let's move fast. I need to join this investment now because others will come next.

"Of course, sir. I'll make the arrangements."

As he sat up straight his spark in eyes matched his hopeful smirk. The news he received provided him exactly what he wanted. He wanted a big victory to regain his position as the strongest business figure in his field. Numerous setbacks dented his standing but he had taken aim to climb back toward the top.

Little did he know, he was walking into Ariana trap.

Ariana sat in her location that day and showed her approval through her smile as she drank her coffee. "Hook, line, and sinker," she murmured under her breath as she glanced over the progress Leo feng had made on their latest operation.

Leo feng started working at his computer to generate additional fake data for Antony. As Leo feng made his moves behind the scenes the startup gained increasing investor support and public trust. Antony's desire for profits quickly and Ariana took advantage of this weakness to carry out her scheme.

"Everything's set, the entire team will believe this proposal tomorrow is their safest route of action." Leo feng said with confidence in his voice.

The plan was put to rest as Ariana shifted her focus to the future steps. "Perfect. We've built the perfect bait. The final step depends on Antony taking the bait"

The scene in her mind: showing him entering the meeting with a strong desire to rule and rejecting even a great prospect just to prove himself. She knew Antony well because he always showed excessive confidence before falling into deadly traps.

Her cell phone rang unexpectedly as she thought.

It was a message from Jesse.

Jesse: Your move, Ariana. Think hard before continuing on with this game.

Ariana chuckled to herself. She knew Jesse was intrigued. He handled only tough challenges with determination. He secretly enjoyed viewing this scenario because he already knew he had achieved success. He trusted her thinking abilities from the start.

Ariana: Just watch.

During this moment Rachel Lawrence grew more fixated with her investigation.

Her research to identify who drove Ariana away in the expensive car failed completely. Smooth talks and favors could not reveal the identity of the person driving the vehicle no matter how many associates Rachel Lawrence approached.

Her frustration was growing.

Rachel walked back and forth in her home while thinking hard about what was happening. The fast changes in Ariana's behavior threatened to drive Rachel crazy. Ariana moved from her distressed fiancée status to becoming someone strong who seemed invincible and dominant. A black vehicle with its engine running waited in front of the building to drive Ariana away at night.

Who was that person?

Something important made her look away from her thoughts as her phone began ringing. She received a message from her colleague Kim George.

The new information arrived for analysis. We have no new details about the car so it remains an unknown element. It's clean.

Rachel put her phone on the counter with shaking hands due to her anger. She talked to herself in disbelief.

She had to identify any possible links between Ariana and her secret companion no matter what she uncovered. She couldn't let Ariana win. She wanted to prevent Antony from becoming more dependent on Ariana.

Rachel received another phone call that interrupted her activities.

It was Ariana.

After the surprise Rachel returned to normal speed. "Ariana," she greeted, putting on her most friendly tone. I keep hearing you associate with advanced tech professionals. People are spreading wild stories at a high rate.

Through her words Ariana kept a pleasant but mischievous tone when she talked. "Oh, you know me. Always looking for new opportunities."

As she held her phone Rachel's grip became stronger. You must find this unusual situation odd. You've always been so... grounded. Your involvement with advanced technology feels unusual for you.

"Maybe," Ariana said, her voice as calm and composed as ever. "But times change, Rachel. I change. People change."

Rachel gripped her phone harder while looking at Ariana's confident behavior. The mysterious coolness she saw in Ariana appeared once more in her steady response to Rachel's hostile actions. It was infuriating.

Rachel said this because she truly wanted to help Ariana avoid possible risks. People spread false gossip about AI but no one knows the truth behind it. You are taking such an improbable danger into your life right?

Ariana emitted a quiet laugh that caused Rachel's nerves to react. "You should be careful, Rachel. I sense your inner doubts reflect in your words to me.

Rachel stiffened. "Insecurities?"

"Mm-hmm. Having someone else succeed must be puzzling. Ariana spoke with combined amusement and hidden bitterness in her words. Nobody should face these difficulties if they have put others through failure for this long.

Rachel's face flushed with anger. "You think I'm insecure?"

Ariana's voice dropped lower, quieter. "I think you're scared. Scared of what's coming next. Scared of being left behind."

As Rachel's heartbeat picked up Ariana terminated the call.

She held her anger in as she stood there. She spoke those words to herself but detected unease in her tone despite trying.

While his mother reinforced her control Antony's relationship with her grew tighter.

Sylvia Raymond told Antony at dinner he faced a deadline before speaking. The company and our position are at risk without securing Ariana now. Your access to both her father and his business empire plus her social power will disappear with her in your grip.

He touched his forehead because an ache was developing between his eyes. "I know, Mother. I've got it under control."

The tension between them grew as Sylvia looked impassive. Over the past few months you have repeated this but recent industry rumors show investors taking an interest in an AI startup. You should take actions to prevent Ariana from leaving you in favor of someone else. Secure your business interest by marrying Ariana before she takes another suitor as her partner.

Antony's mind raced with fear if Ariana chose another man. He couldn't let that happen. He wanted her obedience and needed to dominate her through their relationship.

But there was something else.

His research about the AI startup made him more interested each day. He saw major business chances that motivated him but he needed to act immediately because other investors showed interest. The business opportunity's massive potential made Antony accept it without thinking.

He took his phone in his hand to begin the next steps in his plan. Put me in direct contact with the person who built NovaTech. I plan to proceed with my investment now.

Ariana returned to her office and allowed a grin.

Everything else seemed to come together at this moment. Rachel's insecurities, Antony's desperation, and the perfect illusion of a booming AI startup.

Through her design Ariana tempted Antony to fall completely under her control.