
After the accident John left without anyone notice. 'so what are you actually and where are you? Because I can't see you' John ask. 'okay I tell you but don't freak up okay kid' the ball said.' okay I won't so tell me why are you calling your self as guardian of realms?' John ask again. 'it a long story but I make it quick' the ball reply. 'go on I'm all ears' John response. 'well to be honest with you I'm no longer a guardian of realms I'm more like a worrier. And this thing you all call anomaly is same as me but they can't talk the just a normal spirit come from world of spirit. When they inside spirit realm they have they own body and mind but here on earth they lost everything, mind and real body disappear like they don't have one. But they find another way and that's is possessed the dead body. When something or someone died they lost their spirit and leaving only the empty body. When the spirit learn about it they can use that body to become new vase or something like that.' black ball say. 'so you telling me all of the anomaly is actually a dead animal' John say. 'yes you can say that but we the guardian is different we can possessed living things like you and give them our power and as now I'm inside of you just like battery giving you power to fight' the ball reply. ' so where the other guardian?'. John say. 'they all disappear when great gate is open'. The ball say. 'the gate what now?' John ask. 'the great gate. The gate that connected another realms to another realms they all disappear at that time leaving me behind as a worrier who try to return the peace among the realms' the ball explain. 'i see so what can you do no no I mean what can I do and what your power?' John ask again.' as you now you can only use some of my power like that sword you use early, recovery, strength, super speed and the suit to be more specific you basically super human now'. 'wow that coll' John say.'i tell you more about that when we arrive at your home.' John and the ball keep talking about the world of spirit and John start to know more and more about it.

When they arrive at John home 'we here it not big but it done what hose done.' John say. 'good enough' the ball say. 'i going to sleep now' John go upstairs and lay down on his bed and fall a sleep.

Next morning, 'oi kid wake up you have school don't you?' the ball shouted making John to wake up instantly 'oh yeah yeah school' John quickly go take a shower and make some breakfast and go to school. He got early to school and no one arive. 'well look like I'm the only one here. Hey guardian can you teach me how so summon you suit' John ask. 'sure more quick you learn it be good for both of us let's go to roof top for now ' the guardian say and John just get up and walk to roof top. 'so we here what should I do now?' John ask. 'now focus and imagine what kind of armor or suit you wanted but be careful because once you imagine how you suit it will stay forever so things carefully you got it right kid'. The guardian say. 'okay okay here I go' John the concerted and imagine how the suit come out. Afthe a minute John can feel his body get warped around by something. 'well did I done it?' John ask while keep his eye close 'just open your eye and see it your self kid' the guardian say. John quickly go to nearest mirror and see the suit that he imagine. The suit almost like a a mask,hoodie with long sleeve, pants with some teac touch to it and full black and purple strip. 'well what you think?' John ask. ' pretty good but why like that'. The guardian say 'well you see if we want to do some hero work we need hide our identity and what more suitable that a hoodie and a mask.' John say. 'i get what you say but what up with that spring that come out from your suit?' guardian say. 'well you see teac outfit is quite popular now and it look cool' John say. 'what ever kid just turn it off for now. And it the same way you put it on just think about it and it will disappear' the guardian say. John do what the guardian say and resummon the suit and back to his school uniform. 'you a quick learner kid' the guardian say again. 'well thank for that' John say while walking back to his classroom. Not a long after that one by one John class mate come and sit on their tabel and talking about anomaly and another stuff. The guardian the ask 'hey kid where your friend?'.'i don't have any this is new school so it hard for me to making some new friend.' John whisper low whiteout anyone fine out. ' oh okay okay I got it so no friendnor a girlfriend, I see what a sad school live you have' the guardian say. 'can you shut up' John say in annoying tone. The teacher then come inside the classroom and start teaching. The morning go smoothly without any problem. At cafeteria, 'hey guardian why all the spirit is attacking if what you say is true then are the attacking human I got it the lost they brain or what ever but it still not explain why they attacking us?., John ask while eating alone on the tabel. 'i like to know it to you know' the guardian say. Not long after that a spirea Ring and the principal talk trough a speak saying ' all students don't panic and follow the line, it look like some anomaly is attacking near our school and all the students need to escape quickly and don push each other'. Afthe the principal say that the school go chaos and students screaming and running around. 'hey guardian it time was it' John say. 'yes kid why you standing still go save the day or people going to get hurt this time try to use all of my power that you can use' the guardian say. Without anyone notice John go to roof top and summon his suit and run towards the anomaly attack. After arive at the scenes John scan around and noticed there so many reported. 'why they don't running away and keep taking pictures like it some kind of museum or whatever' John say before jump down and land on the anomaly shoulder.all the report zoom in to John who now standing on the anomaly shoulder. 'so how we going to do this. This guy pretty big you know' John ask. ' just do what you do last time. My sword can cut trough anything you want to cut as long as you use it as a good heart' guardian say. 'say less' John the pull out the same sword the he use the last time and slice the anomaly arm and it fall down. The anomaly slap John down to the group. 'uhhh that hurt? What how?' John say. ' you are super human now so get up and finish this fight' guardian say. John then get up and keep slicing up the anomaly.'this is the final blow then' John say while holding the sword up higg and cut the monster into half from head to leg. The anomaly body beginning to disappear like a last time. 'look like our jop here is done' John say before leaving the scene with all the report shock and disbelief what just hapen.

John now back to school and it all return to normal. ' Lucky for us that anomaly is not strong right guardian?' John say. 'yes but look like you forgets something more important.' guardian say. 'and what is that?' John ask. 'all the report was recoding you all the time and now they know about you of course in the suit not this normal guy I'm talking about.' guardian say. 'is that a problem?' John ask again. ' actually no if you comfortable when people talking about you and recoding you then it's not a problem at all.' guardian say.' well I wearing a mask right and nobody can see my fase so let go now I hope I don't late to the next class.'. When John arive at his classroom everyone still talking who is the guy in black and purple suit but one of the student say something about ACA or Anomaly Control Agency caught John attention. 'what ACA kid?' the guardian ask. And John reply ' Anomaly Control Agency in short ACA. They are some elit people who fight against the anomaly. The company start around three year ago and they objective is to take down any anomaly. You see two people the boy and the girl over there?.' .'yes, why you ask?' the guardian ask. 'that girl is the .ost butifull girl in first and also the daughter of the head of the company and that boy is supplier for the company.' John explain everything to the guardian. More and more people started to question about the guy in dark suit whiteout they know that a normal and nerd looking guy is the one behind all of that suit. 'well as long as they don't fine out it's okay' John say while staring at his phone scrolling through all the new. One student come from his back and say 'hey there shadow' the guy say. 'huh?' John lift up his head and see a guy standing in front of him. 'what up?' John say in calm voice. ' normal I see. I'm Alex by the way' reach his hand out to shake John hand.' john reach out and shake the guy hand ' so what up with that shadow name is that the name of that hero?' John ask. 'you can say it like that. Someone who just come from nowhere, defeat the anomaly and just poff disappear like a that.' Alex said. 'and why you calling me that name I'm not the shadow?' John ask again. 'well you see I go around the school and did the same thing to everyone if they panic that mean they are the hero but if it normal like you then it's not' Alex say. 'i see I see.' John reply.' so it a big deal after all it normal don't it. I mean we already have ACA that fight that anomaly and no one talk about it but when this shadow guy show up all people start to talking about it.' John ask again. 'you don't get it don't you. Let me explain, yes sure we have ACA to fight that anomaly but they you high technology to do so but this shadow guy just slice the anomaly into part in a minute. Don't it amazing to you, I mean fight anomaly and become a hero of course it come with big problem. I guse that's why he or she hide his identity. Am I wrong' Alex explain to John. 'yeah you right' John agree to what Alex say. They keep talking about random stuff before the teacher come and all the students sit on their tabel. The school gose smoothly from that point no another anomaly attack or whatever.

'hey guardian I remember you say something about I only can use some of your power but no all of it right' John ask the guardian.'yes is there something wrong?' the guardian answer. ' kinda. What other power you have? ' John ask again. 'let see teleportation but it only work to travel from your shadow to another. I have beg where you can store your belongings and other stuff oh yeah and weapon mastery allowed you to use all kind of swords or knife.' the guardian answer. ' I see so it all dark and shadow but why though?'. John ask again while walking back home.' because I'm the guardian of thedak realm. We the guardian have our own realms. Remember that red orm you broke before that spirit come from fire realm and the guardian of fire hold that ream. ' the guardian say again. 'well how many guardian out there' John ask again. ' there are five guardian fire, group, nature, dark and light. We all hold a responsibility to keep all realms balance before the great gate open.' the guardian explain to John.

' so you mission is?' John say. 'my mission is to find and bring the five guardian back to our original world so we all can keep balance to the all realms. But for some reason I can find any of them. I hope you can help me out.' the guardian say. 'okay I help you and you help me to find my parents'. John reply. 'deal' say the guardian. 'well that settle everything' John say while throwing his beg to the couche and sit down.'let see' John turn on his TV and try searching for something to watch before he stumbled across a news covering about serials kill.

' even without the anomaly people still going around commit a crime what a mees up world. What you think guardian?.' John say while watching the new. 'so what you doing, go out there and clean up the street kidd. You want a better word or you want to see this kinda news going around. You have power now and what use to it if you not using it to help people. Kid let me tell you something, help people out when you have power to do so don't just stand there and just watch, help them and make this world a better place for all human kind'. The guardian say to John. 'well let's go then' John say standing up and suit up.