019. Transcendence, 1



I basked for a little while in this strange sensation, to stand at the open and barren frontier between two worlds, two times and two aspects of reality that only recently began to meet.


Maybe there are inhabitants, islands, civilisation and even spaceships on the other end...

I want to dream as much, but realistically, all there seem to be is the sea.

Nothing has been rising high enough to interact in significant ways with material reality so far, in ways that would hint at something more being there.


So we seem alone so far.

I'm alone, with a drifting sense that I could swim forever.

But my purpose echoes with my name and my concern.


I see the source getting further away in the distance. I've stopped pursuing it, thinking it was a mistake and a danger.

I'm quite convinced I was right on this. I won't follow it blindly to the end of its drift that might very well never end. That thing appeared to operate on infinite inertia for all I know.

But I must consider the dangers opened by this accessible sun over the upcoming times.


Because I doubt I will be the only explorer able to notice this drifting and solid sun at nearly arm's reach. It's just impossible. I'm simply the first still standing.

We were a swarm attracted to it, along its path earlier. We were unable to comprehend what was even happening to us.


Now that I can stand there alive and aware, I know there will be others.

Intelligences able to comprehend and understand this power. They will appear and pursue it.

Optimistically, they will come in order to make the world safer and better. Like we have.

Pessimistically, they will be as sad and selfish as humans and beasts have in the past shown they could be.


Not that claiming this power will be an easy feat, that is clear. It's a good start for better outcomes.

Because as the swarm continues to follow the source forever, and as other intelligences like me manage to reach this perspective in between... It's only a matter of time before either a lucky hero or a scheming intelligence manages to take it over.


To capture the little purple sun, and to hold it gently over. Just as I can now hold and change a few droplets of its scattered power.


Before me, between my shady hands, drops of wind become shifts in colours.

The first spark that hints at the ensuing evolution of things far greater.

Aminoacids will combine...

And in time, we can't even yet imagine what could come together.


Time, energy interfaces, and shifts in potential. In a world brimming with chemical complexity all over.

Evidences of the upcoming encounters become clear to me, even more than they were before.


Eventually something somewhat alive will grow to reach the source. Whether it's from sheer evolutionary selection and luck, or intelligent design, I cannot yet say.

But I would bet on intelligent ambition, because our family has already flown so very close to this sun...

If they've burnt and fallen onto the other ocean by now, I still stand to learn over the edge.

My knowledge remains mostly altogether.


I still remember our promise, and our wish to bring some hope for the future together.

Our name should mean that the world won't end any time further...

But nothing is sold just yet. And I believe more and more that destroying the new sun is not the good answer.


What we should do, what I will focus on and forever, is finding out the way to tweak irremediable destiny.

Some hands will eventually claim this power. Whether it's an amorphous amoeba, a unified civilisation, or even a powerful demon is not set yet.


So what we should do is pave the way to the most utopic of unifications or deification.

We would need to lay the grounds of an ethical civilisation if this was the optimal way. Grow over what we've learned as humans to bring out the best.


However... Now that I see around us the wastelands that have replaced the societies, all of them fallen before the new sun, I think it's not likely to be the likely way for centuries over.


And now that I saw my sister rise after this square of heaven... Now that I witness myself standing over the new possibilities like a shipwrecked mariner.

I believe the claim will come from an adventurer in between. A daiûa...

Another being like me, with intelligence and body navigating between the two fluidities of the world.


Another one someday will manager to sail their way and climb over.

Someone merciful or ambitious, it doesn't matter.

A new god will rise in the north...

And my duty onward for myself and our mother's name, it will be to pave the ground any and every possible way, to insure the winning explorer will be someone virtuous...

Someone better.


It will be a race and competition to reach this brightest light sooner or later.

It may devolve into wars to reach this ultimate power... How much I pray we will find ways to avoid that. It's our duty now. We must avoid the worst for each other, and by that I mean everyone and everything over.


So I'm concerned seeing how I could stand already on my own, by this sight toward the end source and the conclusion for any will to power.


I will need to rapidly figure out ways to protect unexplored seas from blind avidity. And to open the way to true goodness eventually...

