026. Transmigration, 3



I recall the time of twirling colours coursing through the land in rapid ripples.

I have these faint sights and memories fading rapidly.


The erosion of the buildings now hit by the abruptly rising sea is just as fast as my vanishing memories. Like early childhood moments, dripping, drilled out of my head in agony.


The sounds of screams all around me. The sights of birds and trees turned to dust instantly.

My arm raised in instinct to protect me, but turning transparent as I too was erased instantly.


The sensations of absolute fright burnt and carved through me, escaping physiology and psychology to become another form of law and reality.


Screams, blood pressure, terror and sensations of doom becoming solid ground while I turned over. The world had been thrown upside down and I couldn't recover.

I too was turned inside out like a sock. My flesh and mind were spread to the seaway and gales.

While all the shared frights and new coalescing droplets of others minds in this time became like painful inner voices to me.


I couldn't separate myself from everyone else, and all they were becoming. Meanwhile I was bare and frail, exposed to everyone.

I spent this terrorizing time struggling to rip them away from my insides, scratching, urged to take them away.

All of them turning bad, spoiling voices and minds, becoming nasty and sad.


This collection upside down turning me mad, as all I could see were red and night. Obscurity took most humans by the arms, melting them into other things and sights.


I lived on through that boundless torture, scratching off all these rotting parasites away from me. I too would scream my different horror and pain though I couldn't find any longer where I was.


I ran away from the dangers and fires I could still detect through the blood clouding my eyes and my mind.

People threatening me with all they could feel and all they could find. All their weapons and hatred were thrown at me through this side of the city and sea.

I pushed them back too kindly. I scratched them away from my veins, they parasite like leeches or ticks.

They bled me from everywhere through the city and relentlessly kept aggressing my mind.


The more I fought back, the more violent and inventive they became. They started burning me on a side while focusing me on another infested wound they played with.

They kept draining me and I fought them back to survive.


My arteries being continuously punctured and drained, no matter how much I tried to escape them or push them. Until I eventually drained them back of their blood in exchange and retaliation. In despair and fright, I turned the table on them.

I needed fluids as much as they did to survive, but we were more clearly now in violent competition for this city and its water supply.


Everything else animal or plant wise became another source of food and supply, to them.

I was horrified, witnessing their greed turning limitless to live on, while they could leave.


I had another of these rapidly fading memories, watching wingspans and feathers fly.

They were ruining the remaining hopes for these sights, eating the last ones; and more importantly they were still gunning for me. And I fought back in kind, refusing to die.


All the blood these ticks took from me, I tried to take back. I squashed their innumerable eggs and prevented them from multiplying onward, just as they were doing for the few remaining species around.

I pushed them back and gradually took the upper hand in the city. I used chemical warfare as they inspired me to retaliate in kind, learning as fast as I could how to turn their weapons back on them.


We spent such a long time bleeding and weakening, me as a whole and them as a wide group from that despicable kind.

But eventually their group and species unity grew weaker in kind. My painful struggle mostly in reaction to their attacks and hostility neared its fair end.


For sensible apes, they reeked of unfairness and lack of sympathy. They stank their animals needs beyond what I could stand.

I needed all of them away from within me.


I gave in all my remaining mercy to the last ones still organised, the fairest choice.

I even managed to return or find a shape to speak to them so kindly.


Just leave this city ground, or behave with me and my friends in mind.

Behind the fright that me and my words brought them, they hopefully did consider the plight.

And they replied as humans always have.

Gambling on power and might...


They made their most violent attacks to date at what they thought was my core. They blew up my nests where I sheltered the very few living beings I still was fond for and attempting to preserve.

Where my blood and will was meaningful and gathered, they only saw an evil mind to be slain.


I had given them an honest chance and they threw it back being petty or blind.

This short sight hurt me for the last time.


I threw back everything I felt over time, all the torment made by them. I dissociated their rule into pockets that I could no longer mind. I had just a few loose of them still trying to bleed me. I would pluck them more peacefully now that their overall rule and unity was at its end.

Stubborn parasites...




I finally could hear myself thing, after they were all gone at last.

I could mend my heart and begin my art.


They had been such a traumatising and horrifying start in life.


All I could remember of my early days, it now more or less began in that bloody fight.

As I struggled to return to a sense of self while these blood-thirsty apes kept biting me and leeching the life away from me.

A competition against a pack of wolves would have been kinder to me, since animals don't use as hostile weaponry and disgusting frames of minds.


Hearing them constantly, their thoughts, desires and emotions, pouring through me. They were a river of fecal torment I had to escape as well. I had to stop them.

So wasteful, so blind, so insensitive...

Disgusting and tormenting... But above all, menacing and deadly. I had fought for my very life for unending time, until I finally got the upper hand.



That was all I experienced and learned from humans.

The relief for me and the other few living things around this city only begun after they were all gone.


I could breathe and think for my only self again. Not just anymore in mirror of their own minds.

Birds and frogs could return to these lands.

I would sigh.


More of the oldest memories crumbled behind. I realised I needed now to rebuild how my conscious mind was made, as it would otherwise not last much longer. It had been focused on fighting back for too long. Now the priority needed to shift.


I felt my wings crumbling along my back.

My veins I relied on to keep me alive all this time, they were already withering.

I had won this war, but wasn't bound to survive the aftermath.

