138. Steps for a new life, 3



I helped them a little on their farm and stayed a few days. The girl seems to like how my body has rosebushes growing out of it. They were kind enough to give me new clothes and equipment. They have large stocks around the place. Everything remotely useful that lied in town they have sorted over the last years. Most of the buildings are now rather empty therefore, while a few houses are filled with goods of a kind or another.


Zeslinry gave ma new tool knife. I lost everything she had given me before, on my way to meet Blume. I don't take any firearm. I have no more demon to hunt down. The knife and Blume's power ware enough. She can create fire at will, and certainly do more if the situation were to require it.


B - I can take a deep breath of the surrounding energy at any time, and blow it away suddenly in the form I wish it should take. I'd prefer not too but I can if we need to. Making some oxygen burn suddenly is one possibility among many. What you already do without noticing is making your body slightly stronger. You get less tired with walking because you breathe a little the same energy.

R - Your power and that energy you talk about are quite the same thing right?

B - Yes. That form of energy is like water or sunlight to me. My power is refining it, turning fruits into sugar or wines with it. I'm alive as I am because it's there. Before that, I was almost non existent. And you saw how much I did grow before we really met. It's like water I tell you. Every life form feels better when there's water available around.

R - Could you create new lives? I remember you couldn't make a new copy of me when I was wounded, because you had consumed the picture of me used as the template. But what about now?

B - With enough time to gather that energy and use it properly, I could probably copy any living creature you give me. I'm not as strong as before since it's a different situation but I probably still can. Would you like me to work on something or someone in particular? Would you like a copy of yourself?


I laugh from the surprise. That's not what I had in mind or even thought about.


R - Not really. I was just wondering. Then you can keep a picture of us as we are now? And if something happens, you can resurrect us?

B - You wouldn't retain your memory from after the moment the picture was taken, but surely yes.

R - Well, that was easy.

B - It is not that easy. You experienced how life can go wrong with the monsters and the crow. And now that I'm bound to you and a very different being from my first instincts, I don't know how I would really survive were you to die. Most of what I am would surely die too. But beyond all these considerations, yes. I can start keeping a picture of your whole structure, in order to create a new one would something fatal happen to you. I cannot promise I would be able to survive you and to manufacture the copy just yet, so don't be rash okay?

R - Of course. It still is funny that immortality is so suddenly within my grasp.

B - If you truly fear about our lives, we can proceed to create trustworthy fail safes, either here or elsewhere, like a seed that would grow if something were to happen to us. I would need some time to set it properly though.

R - Well it is quite an interesting idea. I never thought about transcending my own mortality, but since you still have access to the power and ability to have us do so, why not? You would be able to create a kind of seed that would recreate us as we were just before we died?

B - It wouldn't be easy, but it doesn't sound impossible. We would need to choose how it activates if you don't want a copy to be born while we're still alive, or with too much of a memory loss from when we died. Or even to be reborn still wounded. Such a failsafe would need a proper intelligence programing in order to be trustworthy. To create something intelligent would be perhaps too complex for me yet though.

R - I see, it isn't as easy as it sounded so.

B - Wouldn't you rather have children? They wouldn't need to involve my power and the results would be more safe.

R - That's a logical conclusion for you hm? But what's amusing about your potential is that I actually may have more diverse ways to transcend my own mortality, than just making children. Beside your romantic point of view, what is actually your understanding or feeling toward death? I would like to find us the failsafe that satisfies us both.

B - What I feel about death is very much bound to you. It's not a fear of demise I truly thought about before I had you dying in my arms. I couldn't die like you do. Well, not fully. Today my being is bound to you and would die along, but a slight part of me and my power remains and eventually would start to grow again in another form. I'm a plant see. I wouldn't retain my current memory either I think, or just fragments. But like I had a picture of you, I could make a picture of my mind and set a seed so it would rebuild my memory again. With still a memory loss between time of picture and time of death though. Currently, you are my reason to be alive, and I haven't thought much about what would happen to me after you pass away.


R - As for myself, I had somehow similar feelings regarding my love before. Today, I just wonder what we could stumble upon next. And I somehow like the idea that you could make us live again. More than creating copies or children, having us getting born again as we were after our end, it's seducing.

B - It will take some time to be set properly, but... We can do that.


A glimpse at immortality. Or at least, another life following this one when it ends. It's a sweet idea, don't you think?

We could live again... Blume and me.

