2 Manifestation Attack

Hikaru tensed up as the Manifestation made a dash for him, its warped talons tearing the night. Beneath its heft, the earth shuddered causing the stone steps at the sanctuary to crack like a spider's web.

The fire wrapped around Hikaru blazed even brighter flaming enough to toast his skin yet leaving no scars. He tripped backward, the blaze toasting his breath as he fought to stay put.

"Keep your courage up," echoed Kagutsuchi's voice smooth yet edged like a blade, inside his head. "Go on the offensive. Reduce it to ashes."

Hikaru's palms jittered. Fire seemed to come to life grazing his skin like eager beasts anticipating his orders. Yet, he could hold himself up, cursed energy pumping and threatening to overwhelm him.

"I don't get how this works!" He yelled, his voice broke as he sidestepped escaping the Manifestation's lethal swipe. It crushed into the spot where he just was etching a gnarled scar in the earth.

"Who cares about control," Kagutsuchi mocked. "Might comes . Either let it happen or fall right here."

The Manifestation let out a growl, its bright green eyes getting all narrow as it locked onto him. There was smoke coming off its all sharp and pointy arms, and man, Hikaru was pretty sure he heard some weird whispering sounds coming out of it, like a bunch of voices all mashed up and making no sense.

Scary stuff. Like super scary.

Hikaru bit down on his teeth hard. He didn't have a clue how this freaky thing came to be, but he just knew what it wanted—ready to chow down, never giving up, and kinda like it was choking the life out of the air. The folks in the village. That's where it was headed.

It smacked him right in the feels, like someone socked him in the stomach. If he didn't put a stop to it right here right now, it would mess up everything it stumbled into. No two ways about it, he had to do something.

He whispered, "I won't let you harm anyone," his voice quivering.

"Then quit your dawdling," snapped Kagutsuchi. "Set me free."

Fire blazed up Hikaru's arm again reaching his fingers. He sensed the power twist and throb, fierce and untamed, as though it awaited a single order. The sign on his arm glowed more , and for a second, his sight went fuzzy while the heat swamped him.

The Manifestation bellowed and made another leap aiming its talons straight for his heart.

On pure gut feeling, Hikaru pushed his arm out releasing the fire in a dazzling surge.

Time crawled as fire collided with the beast swathing it in red and gold waves. The 'Manifestation' screamed , its shape contorting in pain as it burnt. Legs shaky, Hikaru backed off fighting to keep standing.

He believed it ended for a brief point. The fire thinned out, a burnt mark on the ground all that was left. But from the haze, the beast's shape reappeared, its skin burned yet alive.

Hikaru panted, shocked, and blurted out, "What?!"

"Thought it was gonna be a cakewalk, huh?" Kagutsuchi sneered. "You just scratched the surface of what I can do. Pretty lame."

The Manifestation twisted its form, its sharp parts clicking into other weirder shapes while it healed up. The splits in its hide kinda flickered, like they were munching on the bad vibes hanging around.

Hikaru balled up his hands tight. His arm was killing him, and the mark was going wild, like the strength inside was trying real hard to bust out. He wasn't sure he could stick this out much longer.

The beast lunged quicker this time. Hikaru's reaction was a swift roll to the side ending up in a clumsy tumble on the dirt, the creature's claws missing him and scratching the rocks instead. He rose, out of breath.

"Man, you're too slow," taunted Kagutsuchi, "and weak. Watch and learn how it's done."

"No way," Hikaru shot back, his voice shaking. "The second I give you the reins, you'd wreck everything."

The monster roared louder, its distorted shape shining more gearing up for another strike. Hikaru's thoughts were a blur. He realized he couldn't just avoid it forever, and his fire skills weren't cutting it to make the monster stop.

He spotted something unexpected. The Manifestation's body showed cracks, and these seemed to pulse in sync with its moves getting more intense every time the creature healed itself. This thing was pulling power from a source. That evil energy hanging in the air.

Hikaru squinted his eyes. If he managed to stuff it with way more energy than it could deal with - like overload it or something - maybe just maybe, he could blast it away .

"Don't mess around, kid," Kagutsuchi threw out a warning. "You're messing with literal fire here."

Hikaru just shrugged him off. Lifting his arm once more, he zeroed in on the glowing mark. The fire wrapped itself even tighter turning up the heat, until the air around him got wavy with all that heat.

Feeling the change, the Manifestation paused, its own shiny peepers getting narrower.

"Come on," Hikaru whispered pushing his words out in a steady stream. "Try dealing with this one."

A huge tide of fire roared ahead growing bigger and fiercer than earlier. It crashed onto the beast coiling around it as if alive. The atmosphere buzzed as the fire's heat increased shining more , turning nearly white.

A screech tore from the Manifestation as it struggled under the fire's load. Its shape started showing cracks that spread quick, shining more and more until—

An intense blast hit the temple launching Hikaru back. Crashing onto the ground, the slam forced breath from his body. He sprawled there, confused, the world whirling around him.

Standing up at last, Hikaru found quiet in the courtyard. The Manifestation had disappeared leaving only ashes and smoke.

The mark on Hikaru's arm kept burning, glowing dim as nearby flames went out. Every inch of him ached, his muscles quivered wiped out.

Kagutsuchi sounded somewhat entertained. "That move was... gutsy," he remarked. "Yet it worked. Might be you're not a lost cause after all."

Hikaru said nothing. His gaze fixed on the scorched earth where the beast had been feeling his chest constrict. Victory was his, but what had he given up for it?

Smoke choked the air filling it with ash that seared Hikaru's nose while he leaned on the scorched shrine steps. The cursed mark on his arm throbbed pulsing in a taunt to his weariness. Drawing every breath turned into a struggle and his sight grew fuzzy around the edges.

In the courtyard the soft pops of dying embers broke the silence. The "Manifestation" had vanished, its remains now just ash dusting the soil. Hikaru stared at the place it had been feeling his chest squeeze tight.

"He said that? It was me?" he whispered making a sound. He still felt sore all over his body 'cause he'd let loose some serious energy. That power was strange but hit close to home in a hurtful way.

"Not too shabby for your first tango with the grim reaper," chuckled Kagutsuchi in his head sounding like they found it pretty funny. "Gotta admit, you were close to biting the dust. If you went full throttle with my energy maybe you would've wrapped this up quicker."

"Be quiet," Hikaru grumbled, his hands gripping the ashy earth.

The voice had a good laugh in the dark then kept quiet. It was the first moment of peace in his head since that wild showdown, and he was left to think all by himself.

He didn't really notice the soft sound of steps coming closer over the broken bits until someone spoke and shattered the silence.

"Look at this. Looks like somebody's been putting in work."

Hikaru's head jerked upward. A guy was standing at the courtyard's border outlined clear as day against the twitchy light from the busted shrine. Dressed in a slick black jacket catching the soft wind and with hair like silver shining in the night sky, he was quite a sight.

But Hikaru couldn't look away from the dude's eyes—they were bright and seemed like they could look right into him. The guy's mouth moved into a smirk as he checked out the mess.

Hikaru's voice went all shaky, and he had to gulp before giving it another shot. "Who are you?"

Takumi Arata strolled closer, the crunch of his boots mixing with the ashes. "Just call me Takumi. Yeah, Takumi Arata," he threw out there with a hint of fun dancing in his words. "Looking at this disaster zone, it looks like you just went through your very own little... beginning."

Feeling a jolt in his chest, Hikaru tensed up. "What's that supposed to mean? You've got some intel on this?" His eyes dropped to his arm spotting the dim glow of the mark on his skin.

Takumi cocked his head with a wider grin. "Yeah, I'm clued in about hexes kiddo. That design on your skin? Ain't a simple ink job. Bet there's something hitching a ride in there, huh?"

Feeling a chill, Hikaru began, "You—"

Takumi put up his hand getting real earnest. "Hold the chat. We ain't by ourselves."

Hikaru stood statue-still listening hard. All seemed quiet except for a soft crackle of dying fires. Then, inch by inch, a deep roar rolled out from where the trees stood thick.

His gut knotted up. "Not another one, right?"

Takumi whipped his head in the direction of the noise, his eyes getting all squinty. "Looks like your flashy bombs got someone's attention. Manifestations are pretty much like sharks—they pick up on the scent of blood. And right now, you're oozing so much cursed energy it could brighten up half the mountain."

Hikaru got back on his feet kind of -like. His arm was throbbing as the mark went off again, warmth pumping through his bloodstream.

Takumi gave him a look, with just a hint of a smirk showing up again. "Chill out kid. I'm on top of it."

Hikaru didn't even get a chance to say anything before Takumi was on the move lifting his hand up. The atmosphere changed around him getting all dense with some kind of unseen power.

The snarl intensified when a beast stepped out from the dark, its hideous shape even bigger compared to the one Hikaru battled. Its uneven limbs made scratching noises on the dirt, and its bright eyes locked onto Takumi showing raw hunger.

Takumi stood his ground shifting his shoulders and his smirk showing up again. "Guess you got the wrong exorcist in your sights.

In silence filled with shock, Hikaru observed Takumi lift his hand, and the atmosphere seemed to shake around him. Marks complex and shining spun out from his hand creating a shield that looked like sparkling glass.

The Manifestation took a wild leap, its claws slamming into the shield setting off a roar that could burst eardrums. Yet, not even a tiny wiggle from the barrier. The magic symbols lit up with extra zing, and the beast jerked back howling like it got seared.

Takumi flashed a chilled-out grin. "Good effort," he remarked, and flicked his fingers. Boom! The shield burst open sending bits of bright light cutting into the beast like a hot knife.

With one ear-splitting shriek, the Manifestation turned to smoke, its ashes whisking off with the breeze.

Hikaru's mouth went as dry as a desert. "What... was that?"

Whipping around, Takumi flicked off some non-existent dirt from his jacket. "Kid, that there is the mark of a pro in action."

Hikaru's body couldn't take it anymore, and he slumped down on the steps, his thoughts spinning. "You... you took that thing out like it was easy."

"It was easy," Takumi replied, his smirk easing up a bit. "That thing's a joke next to your burden."

A sick feeling twisted in Hikaru's gut as he understood what Takumi was implying. "You're talking about Kagutsuchi."

The light in Takumi's eyes shone bright. "Got it in one. Better get a grip on him quick, or you're gonna draw in nasties way uglier than a few Manifestations."

Hikaru looked down at the glow from his arm's mark feeling it mock him. He felt the weight of his predicament more than ever.

He murmured, "What should I do now?"

Takumi's playful grin vanished turning into a grave expression. He moved in closer fixing his gaze on Hikaru.

"Stick with me," he declared. "I'll show you the ropes of survival. Just remember—if you mess up once more, it won't be just you who suffers."

Those words carried a weight making Hikaru gulp. His mind was in a whirl, his body worn out, but he sensed he had no other option deep inside.

He whispered, "Fine, I'll head out."

Takumi's smirk came back as he nodded. "Nice. You're in the Boundary Keepers now, kid."

The words hung around, dense and immovable.

Takumi had said with a sly grin, "Welcome to the Boundary Keepers kid." His grin had a significance Hikaru couldn't fully grasp.

Hikaru looked down, his fingers tightening on the dirt-smeared stone. A slight ache ran through his arm as the accursed emblem beat in sync with his quickened pulse. Is this the only path ahead? he wondered. Tagging along behind this guy—this exorcist that seemed beyond reach—struck him as odd. Yet, what other option was there?

Takumi eyed him , his keen eyes shining under the faint moon glow. After a moment, Hikaru sucked in a breath and gave a nod. "Alright. I'm on board."

"Good thinking," Takumi remarked tucking his hands into his jacket. "We're out at first light. The village ain't secure at the moment, and we gotta find you a place that's not so... easy to burn."

Hikaru winced when he heard that. "The village? Is it—"

"Safe," Takumi cut in, his voice firm. "For the moment. But the risk will grow the more time you spend here. The thing inside you draws cursed energy like a magnet, and believe me, Manifestations won't just stop at this shrine."

The thought squeezed Hikaru's heart. It hit him hard, the idea of pulling danger towards folks he held dear—like his buddies, and the villagers who'd watched him grow up—was like a twist of a blade in his belly.

"You mean to say... sticking around here puts them in jeopardy?" Hikaru muttered, his words almost a hushed breath.

Takumi hit back, "That's right, I mean what I'm saying. So grab what you need and make your goodbyes quick."

Hikaru's guts twisted up something fierce. The shrine was his whole life. The thought of ditching it seemed crazy, but sticking around might be asking for trouble. He peered at the burnt-up mess that used to be his spot and gulped big time.

Just as he was about to chuck in his two cents, this wicked sting ripped through his arm. Hikaru sucked in air grabbing the freaky mark that started glowing a wild red and filled his sight with color.

Kagutsuchi's purr vibrated through Hikaru's head, making it ring. "Ah... there it is," he said sounding pleased. "You're feeling that cursed energy sting, huh? Thought you could just leave without saying goodbye?"

Hikaru's pain shot up as if his veins were on fire. His legs gave out sending him crashing to the ground, while the mark on him glowed even more.

Takumi's voice sliced into the confusing fog clear and firm. "Hikaru!" he yelled. Dashing over, he grabbed hold of Hikaru's shoulders trying to keep him upright. "What's going on?"

"I... I can't tell!" Hikaru managed to choke out between his choppy harsh breaths. His sight got fuzzy, darkness creeping in around the edges.

Kagutsuchi's laugh swelled drowning every other sound. "You've just seen a little of my strength kid. Did you figure you could hold me?"

Cracks and glowing lines started from where Hikaru stood breaking the earth. The air turned warmer, full of sulfur's smell and the scent of charred wood.

"Hikaru, you gotta hear me out!" yelled Takumi, giving him a little shake. "You have to rein it in. Now's the time."

"I... I can't do it!" stammered Hikaru, his tone shaky with fear.

Takumi got mad and said, "You got no other option!" He reached for his side and whipped out a shiny silver charm with cool glowing marks on it. As he got all fired up with his cursed power, a sorta light shield popped up around them.

Meanwhile, the weird tattoo thing on Hikaru's arm started glowing even more and those cracks got worse creeping down towards the village.

"Listen to that, will ya?" whispered Kagutsuchi, all sneaky-like into Hikaru's head. "All that scared shouting. They think you're bad news, kiddo. They ain't ever gonna be cool with you. But hey, I'm different. Be on my side, and I'll let you shut them up for good."

"Hikaru bellowed out a fierce 'No!' His voice was shredded. 'I'm not gonna let this go down—'

He couldn't get the rest out before that hexed mark blew up big time chucking a wave of deep red power everywhere. The earth started shaking like crazy, and Takumi's magic wall was flickering holding up.

'Takumi was like, 'Dude Hikaru, quit bucking it! Zero in on that mark. It's getting the best of you!'

But Hikaru, he was gritting his teeth super hard, hands shaking trying super hard to get the upper hand on himself. Inside his noggin, it was like all these voices were getting louder, all mixed up, laughing, whispering causing total mayhem. His body? It felt like it was legit tearing into two, with that evil energy about to swallow him whole.

Takumi's shout sliced through the clamor. "Kid, you've got me! Just zero in!"

A gasp caught in Hikaru's throat. Those words from Takumi seemed far off yet were like a lifeline amid chaos. Hikaru buckled down zeroing in on his target, the intense sting keeping him anchored in the now. He started the tough job of shoving the power back sinking it into his core.

The shine faded away, and the cracks began going back as quiet took over the shrine again. Dropping to his knees, Hikaru shook all over soaked with sweat.

Takumi crouched next to him checking over Hikaru's expression. "Not bad for a beginner," he remarked, a hint of mockery in his voice.

An annoyed look came across Hikaru's face as he took short breaths. "What... was that?"

Takumi got up dusting his jacket. "You just got a small sample of the power you've got inside. You better figure out how to control it, or you're going to end up blowing yourself—and everyone close to you—up," he warned.

Feeling queasy, Hikaru glanced at his arm. The accursed symbol was there shining like the last bit of a fire's glow. The burden of carrying Kagutsuchi's power was more overwhelming than it had ever been.

"Take a break," Takumi told him, his voice getting a bit gentler. "We're heading out when the sun comes up. You need to pick up a bunch of stuff if staying alive is your plan."

Hikaru kept quiet. He just looked at the wrecked temple feeling all knotted up inside because he might not come back here.

Turning away, Takumi didn't notice the whisper from Kagutsuchi finding its way to Hikaru again.

"You're just getting started, kiddo. The hole you've dug is way more immense than you figure."