Cane become a first being who have the power of time but every power have a a exchange he's life force was absorb even he received the fragments of power of the creator he's was an ordinary human at all. The remaining life he venture To go in find the true meaning of he's life. he meet many being that mysterious of him he was the first one who discovered the heavenly paradise of the angel and the underworld he was the only who discovered the underworld he see many things there he writes all of he's journey to he's journal the signt that he curve in the stone to every distanation. he find happiness and sadness to the place that he was visit. The story of cane was passed to the limited individual they not told them what happened about that human. The last remaining of he's life he find the truely answer of he's question. the book that he was written was the book known as unknown places that he didicated to the place that he go. The first being who can called the god of time.