
The teen 'General' stood patiently as the former colonel calmed himself down. If Arel was as drunk as that time, he would enact his need to hug the youth. To thank him for all his hard work in the war. But this Yusol never went to war.

No, this Yusol was far too young, far too small to experience even a tinge of the pain in the future.

Arel hears his General's voice ring in his head. Everything about wanting the world not to get so bad, how he wanted to just be a normal citizen under circumstances of peace.

The black-haired may not succeed, but he sure as heck will try for the man who made him who he is.

"-Sorry, but we might need to get going."

The higher pitch of the Student Body Head catches Arel's attention. Yusol seems to be on a tight schedule, so the teacher smiles and directly follows behind.

Following closely behind Yusol, who was keenly explaining all the facilities.. Arel hears a faint 'ding'.

Oh, a bell.




[System online.]

The sound and interface he had long anticipated since he got accepted finally appears again. The colonel had already come to terms with his condition, which was fairly easy because he finally meets Yusol again. And when there is Yusol, the colonel finds peace.

Even the war was nothing to the colonel because he knew that he could at least rely on his general. Even at the intensity of their war.

[Goal one -> Teach and lead.]

Part 1 - completion 53%

> Became a substitute teacher in Haliben High - 100% complete

> Interact with first 4 relevant characters - 50% complete

> Explore relevant vicinity - 10% complete

[Rewards for completion - Stat upgrade +500]

Arel would've laughed at how similar it is to a game. Or like, well, those manhwas he admits to be a guilty pleasure for a better part of his lifetime. Rewards? Stat upgrades? Shut up, this isn't Q*est S*pr*macy.

Still, he huffs his chest because dear gosh, these buttons are tight on his chest. He really needs a new wardrobe because the old Arel is really.. really basic.

He finally ignores the translucent screen once he hears Yusol call out to him.

"I'm starting to think you're just here for the money, Mr… uh.. Farrel, I think."

Yusol comments as he realises Arel's red eyes gaze unfocused to a trash can instead of the school laboratory he was explaining.

"Ah! Sorry. It's just hard to believe I'm a teacher now.. Plus, just Arel is fine."

The older immediately apologises, attentively paying attention to the Student Body Head now.

"Close tab."

He tells the system, internally, because he would probably seem insane saying it outloud. It would be best to not have a floating screen obstructing some of his vision. He slightly feels like a manhwa MC for this, which definitely shows with how he slightly poses for a.. camera.

Huh? Wait. What camera?


Oh my god, there's still more?

[Stats check available for : Yusol.]

[This is a limited time event. Once away, the target will no longer be available for checking.]

Oh? That's new. The black-haired immediately guesses that the notification he got during his drunken stupor was also related to a stats check with that blue-haired. Whoever he was.

"Check target stats."

He whispers.

[Target112 : "-"


HP : 55000

ATK : 15000(+12000)

DEF : 22000

SPD : 4000

That is. So unfair.

This.. basically unbaked kid has the skills to be so far above him. Shouldn't Yusol just be like.. a normal kid?

Then again, he is Haliben's student head. He is also going to be the nation's youngest Brigadier General, so it shouldn't have been so much of a shock.

Plus, his General did mention that some of the kids here have potential to be a soldier. Maybe the redhead was just foreshadowing? If that's the case, does Arel need to intercept student Yusol's progress? Or should he just let the Student Body Head flourish on his own?

"I think even if I show you the secrets of the nation, you would still zone out."

Once more, Yusol's voice calls out to Arel. He was just smiling at the teacher, but the latter could see his hands slightly curl to a fist. Fuck, right. Where are they?

"I apologise."

Arel had nothing to say except sorry, so he does. Anything but the fiery hair teen's anger, he decided.

Older Yusol, the Brigadier General Yusol, definitely owes him an apology because this is way more than his capability to overpower.

Then again, he can't really blame the younger for putting such a burden. This is something completely out of the ordinary.

"Ha.. No need, Mr. Arel. It's not like you'll be quizzed about this."

The younger dismisses both Arel's apology and his own annoyance, finally leading the two to a hallway. It was the connecting building from the teaching and classroom side to the general hall and cafeteria, which was obscenely packed. However, it seems like Yusol has the status to back him up because these kids immediately gave way for the teen, and also Arel, to pass.

Ah shit. Yusol was a bad kid. Seems like the Student Body were just thugs in disguise.

Well, a bad kid, because who the hell misuses authority like this?


Arel should've known something was off, especially from the incredibly stacked stats of the teen.