"Oh, um.. Okay."
Arel nods his head, smiling anxiously at the attitude of the Student Body Head. The ex-colonel had the image that Yusol had been upright, and strict from a young age, but that image had been shattered just around a few minutes after he saw the blazing red hair. Plus. The. Stats.
It was odd for such a young boy, young man, to have such high stats. It made the black haired feel very inferior to such a kind of kid.
He sighs.
Arel does not feel an inch ready to deal with kids, if they were the same as Yusol in their stats regard.
The system wasn't too rewarding either. Arel wished he didn't hope much from the system, considering he's read stuff like S*lo L*veling or *mniscient R*ad*r's V*ewpoint… but it's to be expected! Where's the shop? Trading system? Skill upgrades? It's all false hope!
Albeit the thought was quickly dismissed when he feels an individual run past him, lightly crashing their hand on his back, before going past. Blonde. Great. Are there really no black hairs here other than him? He felt a vein pop when he saw the sprinting figure, almost giving a thought to chase after them.
He takes a deep breath, ready to get into 'teacher' mode and scold the shit out of that kid!
"So.. you are a teacher."
And yet, once more, his thoughts were stopped.
"Ha.. Told good lil' Yusol there'd be a newcomer, but I guess he's the kind to believe when he sees."
The adult, who's gaze was previously focused on the running figure, glances to his right. The sound of that.. boyish voice. Familiar.
It wasn't until Arel saw those blue hair, and obvious facial decorations. That unmistakable, silver nose plaster along with gold cheek highlights, albeit only obvious now because the adult was drunk the last time. Ah. A quite fine-looking kid, if it weren't for that stupid grin on his face. The uniform, even though the same as everyone else's, seemed slightly more refined. Expensive.
"Do I know you, young man?"
Arel asks. It was probably the wrong question given the situation, and the adult realised he probably shouldn't have said that. Because-!
"Oh yeah you do, puker. You vomited on me when I was helping your drunk, sorry self!"
Ah shit. It is that same kid.
[Stats check available for :
[This is a limited time event. Once away, the target will no longer be available for checking.]
No name? The black-haired tilts his head to observe the student. Once more, or twice more, he sighs.
"Sorry about that."
"Eh, no worries. You paid for it, and that's what's good."
The blue-haired sneered. He wraps his quite muscly arms around Arel's neck, slightly pulling the older to his height. Arel yelps. He didn't expect this kid to be that strong..
"Ekhem. Since Yusol ain't here to show ya around.. I'll take the wheel."
Yikes. That stupid sneer. Arel gave half a mind to wipe it off his face, but considering how this blue-hair blue-eyed kid seems close to Yusol, he decides against it.
The younger drags Arel through the hallways, needing to squeeze through the barrage of students that have once more swarmed the place. Seems like this guy isn't at the same level as Yusol, as the ex-colonel notices him shoving the kids around to make way.
The thought almost made Arel glad, it's great this little bugger's suffering. Even though he's also suffering.
This. was. The largest auditorium hall Arel has ever seen in an institution. It stretched till Arel couldn't see, and that's a lot, considering he has 20/20 vision, or maybe 18/20 vision because some stuff are blurry.
The black-haired purses his lips, letting himself go from the student's grip, which made the latter's grunt in annoyance. The blue-haired didn't expect his chokehold to be so easy to break out of.
"Hey! Whatcha done!"
The student frowns.
"Eh, anyways. Welcome to club introductions! School calls it propagandising, but it sounds wrong, so the students decided to call it something.. Cuter."
So even the board of directors for this school is insane. Good to know.
The auditorium was decorated rather plainly. Just a bunch of desks and chairs, some cardboards for club information.. and of course, the students themselves.
All dressed in their thin topwear, grey pants/skirts, and some donned their blue blazers. Arel noticed some kids with pins on their collars, especially those seated at the booths of the clubs. So they were either prefects, or club members.
The pins were cute. Each booth had kids with their own design for the trinket. The ex-colonel wanted to have his own pin too, dang it!
He was quickly reminded of his ID card back in the army, his 'colonel' badge that lit under the fluorescent lights from all the reflections. And all of his partners in war congratulating him for his success, his achievements.
God, his chest hurts just from thinking about it, his right hand already holding back from clenching his chest in public.
He snaps out of it when he sees some supervising teachers, who were eyeing him precariously. Dang, they're basically using dressed down versions of his clothes. He needs to keep that in mind for when he officially works tomorrow..
The stupid pain in his chest can wait till later.
Or, rather specifically, he's going to cry about his colleages later.