If words weren't enough to get the attention of this shit, then Arel's really gotta do something.
No wonder Yusol told him to do this. Ain't no way such a gambler like this would listen up to someone lame like the Student Body Head.
Hell, does this blondie(2) even listen to anyone?
"Young man, don't you have class..?"
Arel sighs out, tapping the shoulder of the focused student. The latter swats away the older's arm, why was another infuriating aspect of this kid.
Plus! He sucks at gambling! Lil' bro just lost like, 2 Million RY.
And he's immediately trying again. Just great. Don't gamble guys, this isn't good for anyone.
"I'll turn the computer off if you won't listen to me."
The substitute threatens, hands all too prepared to press ctrl+alt+delete. It's not like the fucker would even know what it can do, right?
But the moment Arel starts to inch closer to the keyboard, he finds himself discarded down to the side. Wait, no. Prior to that, he found himself locked in eye contact with those eerie green eyes of the blonde(2).
"What's your problem, dude?"
The student asks, finally stopped playing the stupid little website cards. Those green eyes lazily glides over the defeated silhouette's body.
Arel can't help but be even more pissed. Who the hell was this kid? Potential, his ass. This isn't something potential gives birth to. This is something that's been trained from birth. What a fucking monster.
"My problem? Not mine. It's Yusol's problem."
The substitute defended himself, dusting his bum as he stands up. 25-year old grandpa coming through.
"Pfft.. All you teachers are Yusol's little dog. What'd he tell you to do?"
"Fetch you."
"Nah, nah."
A small little snort was audible from the teen.
Arghhhhgh. Where's the system notification anyway?
"He's just toyin' with yo- Ah! I lost."
The student continues on, clearly more upset about losing again than being told that he was to be fetched.
"Ha... Where's your ID, anyway? I need to report you to the system."
"Don't got it."
"Name, then."
"What, like my nickname? Full name?"
Wow, this little fucker knows how to step on Arel's nerves. Seriously.
"Full name. Agh, just give me all the details that should be on YOUR ID!"
"Eric June, 12 April 200X.. Hm.."
"Ha.. Good enough."
Finally! Finally! Oh my god! Yes! This is the most inconsistent system Arel's ever seen, and he's read plenty!
[Stats check available for :
[This is a limited time event. Once away, the target will no longer be available for checking.]
Yay!!! Yay! Yay! Arel can NOT stress how happy he is right now. An available stats check..
He could almost feel the piercing green gaze of the student look down at him, but who cares! WHO CARES!
"C-Check stats."
He can't help but stutter, really. It's almost like his first quest is properly finishing up, and he can't help but be glad he can finally move on to the next stage.
HP : 55000
ATK : 20000
DEF : 15000
SPD : 5000
Hahahahah, what. Another one.
Another inexplicably strong potential soldier? ANOTHER ONE?
General Yusol should've sent this fucker back to the past instead! Not Arel! Dude, the two are basically equals right now.
Yusol and this Eric kid..
Fucking rabies, at this point. They're BOTH out for him.
RIP Farrel Bram, you'll be missed.
"Seen a ghost?"
The blonde(2) tilts his head, before subsequently being distracted by his cell phone.
"Nothing, nothing. Just get back to class."
Arel supports himself on a spare desk, looking down at this freaking super soldier.
A gambler, even.
And Yusol trusts the substitute to deal with him? Yeah, okay. The Student Body Head officially hates Arel.
"Hm. It's snack time."
"Great. Go eat.."
The older's voice cracks as he spoke, which went unnoticed by the gambler. Wow, so nice.
Arel really should've guessed from that sweater, really. Who the hell wears bright orange to school if he wasn't someone who could stand up to the spotlight.
The black-haired was faring back to the teacher's lounge when he meets Yusol again.
"You put me up to a death mission."
The ex-colonel complained, firmly sat down on the couch he was passed out on just a bit ago.
"You're alive, though. What a shame."
"No. I want him to know you're my dog now."
What a fucking freak. Really. Arel can't help but judge the choice of word. Yusol definitely means that the substitute only follows the Student Body Head's orders, but that wording!
Mama! What if he catches a case!
"He'll absolutely murder me if I act out, won't I?"
The actual ex-soldier sighs in defeat. Eric and Yusol were definitely a gang together, and whoever acts out against their 'owner' - And dear god, Arel wants to choke himself from using that word - would be hunted down to shreds.
Hahahahah, goodbye, free world.
"No. I'll murder you if you act out. He couldn't care less."
Phew. Okay. Two nuisances, because there's also Aizen, one killer. How great!
Wow, second day of being in Haliben, Arel's sooooo happy it's going sooooo well.
"You hurt his owner."
Ahahah, insane.
"Let's not use such degenerative words.."
Fucking freaking fucker... Arel's not getting out of this time-travel bullshit mentally sane.