As the Super Gorilla approached closer, its eyes burning with fury, Bill's adrenaline surged. Slowly rising, he knew he had to stop landing feeble blows. Another strike, and at best, he would be out of the fight; at worst? He didn't even want to think about it.
Fighting like a savage, Bill employed the martial art of the Nine Limbs, designed specifically for such situations.
With blood boiling in his veins, Bill closed in and delivered a powerful elbow strike to the Gorilla's head. Retreating just in time, he then dealt a huge blow to its knees. The massive beast attempted to fend off each assault, only to receive even stronger hits in return. It was stronger than Bill, but Bill had the advantage that man has over beast—technique.
When the creature collapsed, Bill yelled, "Do you surrender?!"
As if challenged to a duel, the Gorilla tried to rise but was immediately hit with another powerful blow.
This time, the Super Gorilla didn't try to get up again, and seeing it sprawled before him, Bill himself fell to the ground.
Unexpectedly, he began to laugh. Looking up at the tree overhead, he saw something he had never seen before.
A fruit, resembling a dragon's heart, slowly changing color and shape, and Bill couldn't describe what he saw...
But he felt fear.
Three days had passed since Bill defeated the Super Gorilla and saw the forming Devil Fruit.
Sasha had been held captive in a cage in the Super Gorilla's nest. Apparently, after the beast heard Bill and the others, it left its place, deciding to deal with the kids and end it.
With the victory over the Super Gorilla, the game was over.
Before the others had a chance to gather, Bill cautiously collected the Devil Fruit. Just touching this fruit made him shudder, but he knew he couldn't just leave it behind.
This fruit looked exactly like a dragon's heart on Earth, except it was turning dark green with a mosaic of leaves covering its surface.
When the other four arrived, they were initially surprised that Bill had defeated the Super Gorilla and then watched anxiously to see if Bill intended to eat the fruit.
At the time, he didn't dwell on it, but now he was glad no one showed any envy. After all, any fruit consumption had turned Fia into a "human cannon," or as Rance called her, the "main shooter."
The Devil Fruit could change a person's entire life, especially for the three who were fighters.
In any case, Bill knew for certain that he wouldn't eat this fruit. He barely had the strength to just touch it, but not wanting to seem paranoid, he claimed he would bring it back and try to identify it.
When his father saw the fruit, his eyes widened, and he took it from Bill's hands. He said he thought he knew what kind of fruit it was but would officially verify it.
After he took the fruit, Aramaki questioned the five kids about who found it first. He even made them write reports on the event.
Later that night, his father explained that the fruit belonged to whoever found it, and although he knew the kids wouldn't make a fuss, many disputes and betrayals had arisen from discovering a Devil Fruit.
"This is the procedure they will follow in the future as well," Aramaki said.
Now, three days without any news about what the fruit was, Bill was training with his martial arts instructor as usual.
Falling to the ground with a thud, Bill immediately got back on his feet. Watching him, Sagatto said:
"You're practically announcing all your moves! Martial arts are about unpredictability! Anyone can throw a punch or a kick, but what's important is when and how you do it!"
"But I constantly hear people shouting the names of their attacks... Even I can't resist!"
Watching Bill closely, Sagatto replied, "People give names to their attacks, and that gives them more power. But you rely too much on your physical abilities and don't even try to hide your next moves. Obvious feints might work on wild animals, but against a man? Pfft!"
Spitting on the ground, the instructor gave Bill time to prepare. Bill knew his mentor was right, but how could he put a lot of power into a strike without shifting his center of gravity?
Bill understood he had a formal nature, which made it difficult for him to learn the Art of Nine Limbs. Yet he also knew that this martial art was a foundation he couldn't abandon. After all, it was effective regardless of the opponent's size or fighting style.
Taking a deep breath, Bill rushed back into the fight.
He got caught in holds, received punches and kicks. This was a typical training session that had been going on for three years.
Bill had grown so much that Sagatto really had to put in effort to defeat him, but this was only partly because his skills had improved. The other half was due to the fact that, at fourteen, Bill was already on his way to reaching his father's height—nearly three meters. Even without fully mastering the Return of Life, he would have been incredibly strong.