Chapter 2: The Whispers of Lost Power

Years crawled by. The world slowly began to rebuild, but Nyx and his small band remained hidden, licking their wounds and plotting their revenge. Nyx threw himself into the study of forbidden knowledge, poring over tattered texts and deciphering ancient rituals, desperately searching for the power he needed to fulfill his vow. He pushed himself relentlessly, training his body and mind, mastering combat skills, strategic thinking, and the darker arts.

Whispers and half-forgotten legends softly carried warnings about Nyx's burning desire for revenge and ever-present death. Whipids or these other tales scribed in Greywood hold influence over life and death from nyganic forces, placed by ruin that was reasonably constant had driven Nyx to every whisper trail regardless of how ambiguous.

His first point of interest was a much coveted, mythical magic book engraved on the art of shadow manipulation. The tales placed this magical book in the legendary and sunken walls of the Sun Drenched City of Elydria. Nyx seized a boat he owned from his Dacian base of operations and set forth under the cloak of darkness to then maneuver along this dangerous journey to the coast—the way. The crew took hell through the savage storms, the grotesque sea monsters among other fury beside the lingering magic horror that had warped the very fabric of this world. But Nyx had always stayed one move ahead. He propelled them forward, going ever slightly stronger with each burden that drifted their way.Eventual arrival at the coast, however, and they located the ruins of Elydria. With ghostly and hazy outlines beneath the murky sea's mocking surface, the city seemed destitute. Through old diving techniques and private amulets that Nyx had collected from her own exploits, they walked along their way down.As they scoured the city's ruins, Nyx and his party met several ghostly beings-living memories of Elydria's inhabitants, still thereafter to prevent the old magic book from falling into the hands of the wrong person. Nyx, utilizing his burgeoning powers and grouping, fought his way through them to the last.Keeping down in some lost and waterlogged temple, the book was found adrift in the salted water. Bound up in dark weathered leather, its pages were etched with signs of ancient tongues. When Nyx touched the book, there was a sudden outpouring of raw power inside of him, a small taste of the power he desires.

The book being the first step in the events to come.

Nyx was aware of what true power really entailed-that it was not about possessing some singular item; it was about pursuing knowledge constantly, honing skills with relentless commitment, with unwavering regard for the ultimate goal of destroying the Ouranios Alliance. Thus, the whispers of power always called to some extent or the other. Equipped with this invaluable book, Nyx was now prepared to proceed-onward towards even deeper darkness that would determine what his life was all about.