Chapter 13: Beyond the Ouranios

It turned out that corruption was far more ubiquitous than he had anticipated, as the originator of the war. Not only was it confined to the now vanished ancient Ouranios Alliance, but was a deeply embedded evil that had infected the very structure of life itself.

Shouts of the unsuspected became news to Nyx, in the earthly subconscious of time, tales of a hidden potential, shrouded in secrecy, beneath a veil of night fog. This secret clique, the Mytikas Aliiance, was rumored to have been a puppeteer operating behind the scenes of any events through history, pulling the strings to serve itself for its own purposes and starting wars in its service. They were the true makers of the pervasive misery, the hidden engine through which emotions for the wars have been put forward and the harvest of chaos that has followed. The battle between the Ouranios Alliance (now Nyx) had actually been only a tool along the way of a much larger scheme.

This reflection reinvigorated in Nyx a new flame, a new force to the question of what it is to be. He understood that real and lasting peace could never come while the Mytikas remained hidden, their power unregulated. Justice, not only authentic but also plenty of it, made it so necessary to bring them into the light where they occupied and became responsible for their conduct. It also launched a new drive, a deliberate, active, single step to crumble the Mytikas's sprawling network of control.