Chapter 21: The Seeds of Harmony

The reach of Nyx's power started, not with a wildfire ending all in its path, but with a loving, soft sunrise of a new world tenderly shining the light on it. Its nature was not an outcome of conquest/coercion, but rather the subtle influence of his thought and the hypnotic thesis of his conception and the unfailing seduction of his act. Consumed by war and exhausted by the violence continuing ad infinitum, people from every social level responded to his call for comprehension, empathy and solidarity. His way of picturing of a peaceful and idyllic man resonated efficaciously in their souls and as a torch in the dark it rekindled a light of hope.

New communities began to emerge, springing up like wildflowers after a long winter, built not on the shaky foundations of power and control, but on the solid bedrock of mutual respect, shared responsibility, and a genuine desire for collaboration. Trade flourished, not through exploitative practices that enriched the few at the expense of the many, but through fair exchange, mutual benefit, and a recognition of the interconnectedness of all economies. Discussions that were in the past settled without the weight of blood and statecraft are now discussed with the weight of dialogue, compromise, and a true effort to understand what happens to "the other" view. Combatant's sword fight was replaced by intellectual exchanges.

In this incredible transmutation, Nyx did not take on the role of ruler, or messianic being, but that instead of a catalyst for change, a peace broker and a balancer. He realized that lasting, sustainable peace could not be achieved by force, either imposed from one state above, or by the force of one dominant organization. It had to emerge organically, from the common consciousness of the peoples, from a feeling of togetherness, entrainment and fate. He did not futuritize the future; instead, he helped create a world in which justice, equity and harmony will “bloom.

He established councils not for the purpose of power, but as open channels for communication among members of adversarial groups, adversary cultures and adversary belief systems, so that they would be in a position to express their grievances, to speak for their people and collectively aim at shared goals. He advocated for free flow of information, making sure that all, irrespective of their social status or location, would be afforded access to the information they would need to make meaningful choices about their work, their neighborhoods, and their future. He applauded the evolution of systems of education which, instead of rote learning and blind following, focused on the exercise of critical thinking, of empathy, of cultural appreciation and questioning, investigating and discovery.

However, the perhaps most unbelievable, the most revolutionary effect of Nyx was the virtually imperceptible change in the very structure of the real world, along with it. The time when understanding and thereby also cooperation extended, as did empathy and compassion in guiding society, the very situation seemed to attract. Natural disasters appeared to fade in intensity, the edges of nature being blunted by a power that is not apparent. Equilibrium, for one, entered the world, a real but subtle shift in the very life essence that animated it. It was as if the world itself was responding to the change in human consciousness, reflecting the newfound peace and understanding in the hearts of its inhabitants. Harmony's rise was not only a social revolution, but also a revolution of the world around us.