I woke up just in the nick of time for the meeting. It feels weird that I was able to actually sleep last night, but I don't really have time to dwell on it for long.
I skipped through town and bought myself a cheap meat skewer before making my way to Zhang's residence of sorts. I was handed a small piece of paperwork by the official at the front yesterday when I was setting up a meeting. I just need to show the guards and/or whoever is at the front to get through, along with my ID, which further solidifies my occupation, and whatever the official lady told me yesterday, I've already forgotten.
The city's as beautiful as ever, but for some reason, it felt a little different today. Maybe it's the knowledge that I get to meet the big man himself, but something about the streets felt… heavier. I couldn't tell if it's paranoia or if there's something going on around here. I then remembered the conversation I had with Mr. Merchant the previous evening, a soft hum leaving my lips as I then glanced around my surroundings.
Hope I don't get caught in any 'Political' issue nonsense while I'm here… that just sounds like an absolute nuisance…
I reached Zhang's residence sooner than I thought. The towering gates loomed ahead, flanked by armed guards in sleek uniforms. The official I'd spoken to asked me to show my paperwork and ID. I fished them both out of my pocket, flashed them quickly and approached the entrance.
The guards eyed me warily as I stepped forward — which is fair, but the moment I flashed my ID, they stiffened into a professional stance. One of them took the paperwork, glanced it over, then nodded.
Wonder what that was for…
"Proceed inside. Mr. Zhang is expecting you."
I offered a polite nod in return and walked through the gates.
The interior of Zhang's estate is somehow even grander than the city itself. Polished marble floors reflected the intricate carvings of constellations on the ceiling. The scent of fresh herbal tea and incense lingered in the air, and the faint sound of classical music played somewhere in the background.
A man escorted me through the main halls and into what I assumed was Zhang's office. The doors opened to reveal a sprawling room, sunlight filtering through wide, arched windows. At the center of the room sat Hoa Zhang himself. Perched on his fancy little chair, adorned with intricate designs while he stared boredly, yet tentatively at the papers in his hands.
He looks younger than I expected—calm, composed, with an aura of authority that immediately put me on edge. His dark chocolate colored hair kept neat and tied back with a delicate hair pin with eyes of gold. Everything about him just screams professional and well-kept. Once he heard the doors open, he glanced from his papers over to his guards first, then myself, his eyes sharp and calculating. He rose from his seat, pushing up his glasses as I approached.
"Miss Sato, I presume…" he began, his voice steady.
"Izana," I corrected gently. I'd rather not get on someone's bad side who literally has the power to rip me to shreds. "Just Izana is fine."
He nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "Izana. I hope you've had a pleasant journey so far?"
"Pleasant enough," I replied, scanning the room briefly before meeting his gaze again. "Pleasantries aside, I didn't really come here for small talk."
His smile didn't waver, though I caught the slightest twitch in his expression. "No, I didn't expect you did."
Tapping on my watch, a holographic screen popped up. I used my fingers to enlarge the screen enough so he could see what was on it. A picture I'd taken of the Data Chip. "I came across your bounty some time ago to capture a man who had this in his possession. I thought you might be able to help me understand why you have this..."
Zhang's brows raised at this knowledge. His expression softened subtly as he stepped off to the side of his expensive desk, filled with papers and other traditional trinkets of the sort. "So it was you. In that case, I must thank you for doing your job rather quickly. I've had many individuals under my own employment who can't even manage to track someone so minute as quickly as you have."
His tone was calm, but there was an undercurrent of curiosity. I was a little surprised at the sudden wall of compliments. Blinking a tad bit before quickly gathering my thoughts again to continue the conversation on why I've even bothered coming here in the first place.
"I—… am thankful for you ah… kind words," I replied a little awkwardly, which I mentally slapped myself for. "I want to know why you have information about bounty hunters. High-interest targets. Things that aren't exactly common knowledge on that thing."
Zhang chuckled softly, the sound low and deliberate. "Information like that, Izana, is hardly uncommon amongt those with the right connections. Knowledge, after all, is power—and power requires careful cultivation."
He gestured to the holographic image of the data chip hovering between us, his golden eyes glinting faintly in the sunlight filtering through the windows. "This particular chip is more valuable than most realize. It's a curated compilation—names, profiles, activities—all carefully assembled for the discerning eye." He explained as if I hadn't meddled with it some time ago with Sora's help.
I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Curated by who? And why would you need something so…" I pause. "specific?"
Zhang rested his hand lightly on the edge of his desk, leaning just enough to give the impression of someone about to share a carefully rehearsed truth. "It's not a matter of needing, Izana. It's about safeguarding. My position as a one of two central figures in this interastral region requires vigilance—alliances, rivalries, even potential threats. The information on that chip isn't just a list of bounty hunters and their targets. It's an intricate map of the power dynamics that keep this city and others like it afloat. A safety net, if you will."
I crossed my arms, my posture relaxing slightly but my gaze remaining sharp. "And you're saying that by you keeping tabs on high-interest bounty hunters is just… business as usual?"
"Precisely," Zhang replied without missing a beat.
Should've figured that…
"Though I assure you, my interest is purely professional. It's not personal—unless, of course, you make it so."
The faintest edge in his tone made me tense, but I forced myself to remain calm. "If it's not personal, then perhaps you won't mind telling me how a target with that chip managed to escape your 'careful cultivation' in the first place."
Zhang's smile faltered, just for a second, before returning in full force. "An excellent question. One I've been pondering myself." He walked over to a polished cabinet near the far wall, sliding open a drawer to retrieve a small tablet. "The man you apprehended was once a courier in my employ. A minor figure, easily overlooked. Yet somehow, he managed to obtain this data and attempted to sell it to the highest bidder. Foolish, of course, but desperation often drives men to such lengths."
"And what makes you so sure he acted alone?" I pressed insistingly, watching his every move.
Zhang turned back to me, tablet in hand. "Because, Izana, if he hadn't, you and I wouldn't be having this conversation. The moment that chip left my network, I ensured every trail it might leave was extinguished. Except for the one that led you to me, of course."
I frowned, feeling the weight of his words settle over me. "You let it happen…"
I have a strange feeling… that there's something critical I'm missing here… after all… why would he post that bounty with such a risky piece of data…?
Zhang inclined his head, acknowledging the accusation without an ounce of shame. "I allowed a controlled leak, yes. A calculated risk to see where the threads unraveled—and who might take the bait. Afterall, that chip itself is difficult to decipher without the proper tools to do so." He tilted his head slightly, his eyes boring into mine. "It seems you've unraveled quite a bit yourself, haven't you?"
My grip tightened instinctively on my arm, a familiar hum I quickly silenced. "I don't quite like being used, frankly."
"Neither do I," Zhang replied smoothly, his voice carrying a note of finality. "Which is why I'd like to propose a mutual understanding. You've proven yourself capable, resourceful, and… refreshingly direct. Let us work together. I can ensure your path remains clear—and perhaps, you'll find what you're truly looking for along the way."
I exhaled slowly, the weight of the conversation settling into my shoulders. His offer was as calculated as his every word, but it wasn't without merit. Still, I wasn't about to agree so easily.
Before I could answer, the faintest shift in the air tugged at my senses. It was subtle—just a breath of change—but it set my nerves on edge. Zhang noticed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he caught my glance toward the door.
"Expecting anyone else?" I asked, my tone sharper than I'd intended, my grip tightening on the hilt of my sword.
Zhang's gaze flicked to the door behind me, his posture stiffening slightly. "No."
The tension in the air grew heavy, and that's when all hell broke loose.
The windows shattered inward, a deafening explosion of glass raining down around us. Smoke billowed in, thick and suffocating, as figures clad in black surged into the room. Assassins.
I was already moving before the first strike came. The moment the glass shattered, I was behind cover, my chains lashing out, wrapping around the nearest pillar for leverage. Instinct guided my actions as I summoned forth my sword in one fluid motion, the metal humming with the promise of violence. Zhang's guards charged, but they were immediately outmaneuvered—these weren't ordinary attackers. They moved like shadows, cutting through the room with chilling precision.
I gritted my teeth as I crouched behind the desk, eyes scanning the chaos. Zhang had mentioned "calculated risks," but this? This was far from a coincidence. It felt too orchestrated, like a trap closing in on us.
The air hummed with danger as one of the assassins lunged at him, blade gleaming under the dim light. I sidestepped, twisting my body to avoid the strike, then thrust my sword into the intruder's side, shielding Zhang instinctively as he reached for his own weapon. Blood splattered across the floor, but before I could even fully pull my blade free, another assailant was rushing towards him. I barely caught the second strike, my chain whipping out to bind their blade mid-air, using it to yank them off balance. My sword sliced through their throat with a smooth, practiced motion.
They're not targeting me… why?
I've been caught in the midst of intruding attacks before, and 9 times out of 10, they just kill whoever's in the room. Not caring who's caught in the crossfire at all, as long as they get the job done… unless…
"What the fuck is going on…" I gritted, parrying another attack, my chain snapping forward to wrap around an assailant's sword, pulling it from his grasp before knocking him out with a swift strike to the head.
Zhang, parried several attacks on his own while barking orders to his remaining men. His mask of composure had slipped, revealing the cold resolve beneath. He shot me a glare that I missed, because I'm far too busy trying to comprehend our currently little predicament.
My sword met another assassin's in a violent clash. The sound of steel on steel rang in my ears as I pivoted, sending a chain out to catch another attacker by the ankle, yanking them off their feet. As they hit the ground, I was already on them, my sword plunging into their chest without a second thought at all as bits of blood splashed onto my cheek.
There was something off about this. The timing, the precision….it was all too deliberate. These weren't just random thugs. They knew exactly what they were doing, and they had specific targets in mind. The data chip, Zhang….this felt personal.
My breathing was ragged as I took in the situation. Zhang was still holding his own, but the guards were dwindling fast, and the assassins were relentless. Their goal wasn't just to kill—they were sending a message. Whoever sent them didn't plan on leaving anyone alive.
I lashed out again, my chain wrapping around a figure's neck, pulling them into a knee to the face. As I twisted away, I barely caught the glimpse of a shadow slipping toward Zhang.
Without thinking, I hurled myself forward, pivoting my foot as chains swung through the air like a whip, wrapping around the assassin's wrist just before their blade could strike. I yanked, pulling them into the path of my sword. The assassin crumpled, but I didn't pause to check for a pulse.
Something was still gnawing at me—this was no mere ambush. There was too much coordination, too much foresight… though… I have an itching suspicion on who could've organized this. It's a stretch, and maybe I'm reaching a bit too far in my own head…. But a bit of speculation can't hurt…
I finally meet his gaze as chaos begins to diminish, his offer still lingering in the air like a heavy fog. It wasn't just the words he spoke—it was the unshakable feeling that Zhang knew more about me than he let on. My instincts screamed that his 'mutual understanding' came at a cost I couldn't see yet. After all, all offers come with a taxing cost, don't they…
But before I could respond, his eyes flicked downward to the chains I gripped on one hand and the now sheathed sword in my grasp. He eyed me with a scrutinizing expression, his gaze no longer casual as it was beginning to be before, but now more guarded and cautious…
"How interesting," Zhang said softly, straightening his posture while lowering his weapon, staring at me with a bit of a harder expression compared to before.
I stiffened, quickly masking the flicker of unease that crossed my face. He wasn't just suspicious—he was testing me, weighing my reactions as if he already had the answers.
"If you're suggesting I had anything to do with your controlled leak," I said evenly, "then you've underestimated me. I don't take pleasure in playing games, Zhang."
"Of course not," he replied smoothly, his tone cool and collected. "But timing is crucial, Izana. The courier's apprehension, the recovery of the data chip, your sudden arrival here... It's all quite remarkable, wouldn't you agree? Almost as though the universe itself conspired to align these events."
My jaw clenched. I hate that he's not wrong. The timing of it all felt far too perfect—too orchestrated. But by fucking who??? And for what reason? Well, I have a hunch on who… but as for why, I might as well sit and watch paint dry. Zhang's golden gaze told me he knew exactly what it was.
"Perhaps it's fate," I said dryly, my voice laced with sarcasm as my filter of 'respect' was beginning to crumble. This situation's beginning to rub me the wrong way, and right now, I don't really have the patience to pretend to be nice. "Or maybe you're just that good at making people dance to your tune."
His smirk returned, sharp and deliberate. "I assure you, I don't waste time on coincidences. Nor do I waste time on those who lack... potential."
The way he said it felt like both an invitation and a warning. I exhaled slowly, forcing myself to relax my posture. I couldn't afford to show weakness here—not in front of someone like him.
"What happens next, then?" I asked, my tone careful.
"That, Izana," Zhang said, his voice dropping into something almost conspiratorial, "depends entirely on you. I've extended an offer. But should you choose to… decline, I'll trust you'll find your own way forward. Just know that the path you tread may not always be as clear as you'd like."
A threat disguised as diplomacy. Classic.
I know it'd be a good idea to accept, but I already have Sam. I'd be ideal to have two sponsors.. I mean, that'd practically guarantee me double the anonymity… but I'm in no position to do any of his bidding right now. I have my own interests to pursue…
I remained silent for a brief moment, my eye glancing around subtly before snapping back up to meet his own. "I want to ask a question."
His eyes stayed on me the entire time as I retracted my chains, and dismissed my sword, "I want to know if you know a man by the name of Rune…"
The air grew tenser than before the moment I spoke of his name. The guards paused in cleaning up the lingering bodies of dead assailants… So he does…
"I do not," He declared.
"Bullshit," I interjected right as he claims he's 'never' heard of that name, my tone sharper than I intended it to. Completely tossing aside my initial filter as I grew a bit more agitated. Everyone knows of that name, hell, it's even in his stupid little chip. "You claim that chip of yours holds all the information, or whatever, that you need," I exclaimed, calling him out on his lie.
"So try again…" I uttered, my voice a bit low with demand, which caught him a bit off guard, but his expression returned to scrutinizing me again, eventually shifting to a more cautious one, after a soft sigh left his lips as he made his way towards his desk once more.
"I know of his name, of course. Though, I do not know his current position, if that is what you are inquiring about." He clarifies, which earns a faint huff of frustration from me. I pondered on whether or not I should tell him my suspicions or not, remembering Sora's words that he was here in this region not too long ago…
Fuck it…
"I think he did this." I threw out rather bluntly, which managed to get his attention quite quickly, whipping his head around to look at me with furrowed brows.
"..Explain.." He uttered curiously of my sudden conviction.
"…a little someone told me that he was here, in this region not too long ago, which is why…" I shrugged, gesturing to where I'm standing, "..why I'm here…" I mumbled out as I glanced out the window with a pensive expression.
"…I don't know where he is now, I want to track him down— no.. I need to track him down. A stunt like this doesn't sound too far fetched for someone like him."
At that moment, there seemed to be a moment of realization for Zhang. He walked over to one of the bodies still near him, uncloaked one of them to reveal a man with distinct clothing. His expression held a bit of annoyance, probably thinking to himself, 'why did no one take off their cloaks earlier'. He might be hiring new guards soon.
"These men are from planet Mò Lún." He explained, haphazardly wrapping the man's dead body back up before he continued to explain before I could ask any other questions on what that even means.
"That planet borders between my clan, and the Qiánghuì Clan…" He paused, thinking to himself for a moment, "If you haven't visited there yet, which I'll presume you have not by the look on your face, Mò Lún is a rather desolated place. However, It does have its perks in terms of naturistic spectacles. One thing I can assume Rune proposed to those people over there, is anything referring to military numbers and equipment or anything of sorts to better that planet."
That sneaky old bastard…
It feels like I'm all the way back to square one… or more like the moment I answer one question, five more arise. 'Where is he now?' 'Where could he have gone?' 'Why did he come here specifically?'…'what is he planning…'
Ha…isn't this great….
Wǔ Wēi
I tap my fingers against my chair, smoke filling the air as I exhale from my lips, a cigarette occupying my lips while staring at my screen. Finally, I hear a door knock.
"Come in," I commanded, the door creaking open as there's a brief silence.
"Well?" I inquired impatiently. Another pang of silence before the voice spoke.
"A fail.. sir…"
"Failed, or failed in the correct way?"
I interrupted. Killing that rich would've been ideal, it'd give me an easier time intimidating little Ms. Fang Li over on this side of the interastral region… but if she was there… that just makes this game a whole lot better for my own entertainment…
"Was she there?" I asked, turning my chair just enough to glance at the figure a few feet behind me. I could see a faint nod of confirmation, so with that information I couldn't stop myself from grinning.
"Well then… it seems like that pathetic little girl has finally begun to step up her game…"