05- The clash

Aaldore: I'm the leader of this army of this raid,I'm aaldore, can you guys move for us to raid this castle?

Aaldore is the leader of the terrorist who is keep attacking the winderia castle for weeks, aaldore didn't hesitate to ask the question, he doesn't care who's enemy is in his way.

Alpha: who do you think you are?

Whale: if you guys want a fight then bring it on!!

*Aaldore laughs hard from what whale's said*

Aaldore: Are you kidding me!?, someone like you will never put a single wound on my f

All of a sudden, whale already slash aaldore's dace, aaldore is stunned and shocked.

aaldore: H-huh?.... What.... Was that?....

Aaldore: Is this blood?.... No way... This isn't happening..... I never been..... Sliced and scratch before....

He said confused and he can't accept having his face sliced for the first time.

A yellow aura suddenly appears on aaldore:, it's called -Elemental aura, only element power user can release their aura when they can't accept defeat or if they're on a situation of almost defeat.

Whale: no way!, this guy!

Arion: An -Elemental user!!! Quick, defend the castle Everyone!!!

Alpha: Don't tell me this world has magic?!

Whale: yes we all have!!! Now quick!! Don't let aaldore release its elemental skill!!!!

If an elemental user release its aura, the aura they released will give them a power to use their power,

there's a lot of element type in this world that will be explained later on.

Aaldore's aura explodes and send a massive shockwave but only the winderia castle stands it impact and survive it.

Azure: what's going on?!

maea: maybe someone is almost at its defeat..






Alpha: damn it that's strong!!!

Whale: crap! We're in danger!!

Caine: W-what the??

Arion: stay there guys, I'll use my speed and try to defeat him with it!

Whale: no he's now loose control!!

Arion: don't worry, trust me on this.....

Arion is walking slowly towards aaldore, arion's walk is sending cold vibes to their skins and the wind is slowly blowing South the opposite direction as Arion.

Arion: hey!, mister aaldore!!

Arion calls out aaldore's name without any fear of what aaldore can do to him. Aaldore look at arion's eyes and waiting for what attack Arion will unleashed. and out of nowhere, Arion suddenly disappeared from Aaldore's sight.

Aaldore: where is he?.... I can't even feel his presence anymore....

The place was so silent that they can only hear nothing, the wind blows calmly, and then Arion suddenly appears at the back of aaldore and slice him with his knife.

Arion: SURPRISE!!!



Aaldore attack Arion from the front and cut off arion's hands, they fight each other with a impressive speed and accuracy, they're so fast that only their after image and knife colliding to each other is seeing.

Alpha: they are so fast....

Whale: I wanna help!

Caine: no! You already lost your arm before!

Alpha: don't worry whale, let's use Arion as a distraction and while that's happening, let's wait for Arion to let us attack the remaining enemies together.

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-At the winderia castle conference room

Maea and azure is sitting fading alpha and the others, while alpha, whale, Caine, and Arion facing maea and azure.

Maea: alright listen!, the enemy is heading straight to the front of the castle, so arion-

Arion: y-yes?

Maea: I know you have a impressive fighting style, you can use that to kill aaldore, the leader of the terrorist that will attack the winderia castle soon.

Alpha: wait! What about us!?

Whale: yes what about us?....

Azure: listen!, the only weakness of aaldore is his own eyes, he can't see anything moving faster than 50 to 100miles per-minute, so the only way to defeat them is to make him off guard and cut off his แ•ผแ˜ฟแ—ฉแ•ฒ and kill the remaining terroristt.

Alpha: that make sense now...

Maea: and also, not only Arion will do the whole thing, after Arion defeat aaldore, whale, you, and Caine will back him up when he's about to kill the remaining enemies.

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The fight continues, arion keeping his speed to 50 and will push it to 100 sooner.

Arion: crap!, I already use much of my energy, I think I can't speed up anymore..... But wait.....,That's It!!

Arion figure it out, if he use his special skill, he can move really fast until aaldore will be confused.

Arion moves arround aaldore as fast as possible, he was so fast that aaldore finally got confused.

Aaldore: What's this??, I can't see him!, I can't predict where is his next attack...

Arion: say goodbye.....

The last word Arion said, "say goodbye", after he finally cut off aaldore's head, the surrounding went silent for a second until alpha and the others attack the remaining enemies.

?โ€ข: I'm, ๐•ฌ๐–‘๐–Š๐–•๐–, the creator of the knife portal I sent to your world!, so that means I'm just manipulating you.

Alpha: no!!, I thought it was all an accident!!

?โ€ข: there ain't no accident, I sent you hear to.....

It turns out, this conversation was only a dream of alpha, alpha woke up feeling a bit confused from that strange dream.

After the fight they stayed at the winderia castle for rest.

Caine: alpha, are you okay?....

Alpha: no.... I had.... A bad dream....

Well anyways.....

Alpha decided to hide it, instead he changes his topic to a training topic.

Alpha: so.... How's your skills?

Caine: I never trained.....

Alpha: why?.....

Caine: hey can we talk about this outside?.....

Alpha: umm.... Sure.

They went outside, it's night and the stars are twinkling and shining bright.

Caine: I wanna tell you something.

He opens his palm and shows a red magic aura coming out of it.

Alpha: wait... Is that one of that magic thingy?

Caine: yes.

Alpha: you never told me that.

Caine: I just got this yesterday....after the meeting.... Someone with black cloak give me this magic.... At first I thought he's just a random burglar until he shots me with his magic.... I woke up with my hands glowing and

Now I can use it whenever I want.

Alpha: what kind of magic is that?

Caine: I don't know yet....

(Hello, just a quick explanation, this season focuses on magic and not knife manipulations, but maybe on season 2, the story will be focused on knives.)

Back to story-

A guy with a black cloak showed up once again and he's in front of alpha and Caine.

Kiel: Hello there....

Alpha: huh?..w-who is that guy?..

Caine: that's him!!

Alpha: you mean the guy who gave you a magic?!

Kiel: Oh that's me alright... But you wanna know why I gave him a magic?....

Alpha: ....

Kiel: You'll see why soon.... But do you have an idea about the DARK SAND KING....

Caine was shocked, this is the myth of dark sand king, the sandorian kingdom King, he have the power to control and manipulate sand and the second most powerful horizon (ETHAN) member.

Caine: I heard of that before..... Don't tell me....

Alpha: who is he?

Caine: that's our next target to reunite the horizon member, the sand kingdom king.

Kiel: Reunite??.... What a surprise!, the horizon is already fallen, there's no way I'll join, besides I don't want to either.

Caine: We're doing thisto save the world and you!, you'll not joining just because you don't want?? WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE WORLD PEACE HERE!!!

kiel' shut up, this world have no chance..... If you want to get me.... Then travel across the sea and venture out in the dangerous parts of this world, that's we're you can get me.

Caine attempt to grab kiel's cloak and failed because Kiel already teleported away.

Arion: damn it!!

Alpha: what does he mean by that?....

Caine: we have to cross the SANDORIAN DESERTS, the most dangerous part of this world, it's so wide from side to side no one reached the end of the desert and many people crossing that desert went missing.

Alpha: should we tell whale and Arion about this?...

Caine: off course we need to.

At the conference room of winderia castle-

Azure: Kiel..... It's been a long time since I saw him.

Maea: maybe Kiel wants us to get him in a hard way...

Arion: guys I already pack all of our things for the next adventure.

Alpha: did you packed my swords and knifes??

Arion: all, I said all, that includes yours.

Suddenly a big explosion wiped out the nearby forest and make a massive crater.They all went outside to look for hurt citizens.It turns out, it's aaldore that make the massive explosion, he was supposed to be dead but revive himself for some reason, aaldore is menacingly floating in the air.

Aaldore: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.....

He let's out a cold laugh.

Arion: I thought I killed you....

Aaldore: I have the power of VOID MAGIC, one of my abilities is to revive myself and become imortal... So if you try it again.... A rain of blood may dropped.

Alpha: damn it, how are w3 supposed to defeat him now!?

Maea: I hate to say this but.... I'll 1v1 him.

Azure: Wait!!..... Let's me join. *wink*

Arion: but is it actually okay?

Maea: don't worry....i'll make sure We'll freeze him to death.

They stand facing aaldore up in the air, and maea points his ICY SWORD to him while azure is preparing to use her wind magic.

aaldore: oh my, two versus one?, I guess I have to get serious now or else I'll be defeated....

Maea: even if you don't get serious.... We'll still be win.

Azure: this is your last chance, you'll get defeated trust me.

Aaldore: OH YEAH?!, BEING IT ON!!

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