11- roseph's plans

Daedra is woman that can manipulate spirit, the spirit of people that's already dead, she uses this power to summon powerful spirit that roams this world a long time ago....

Kiel: hey, wanna know-..

Daedra: alpha?.....

Kiel: but how did you?...

Daedra: I came here for him and the other friends of him.....

Alpha and whale atop fighting when they notice a new woman that is standing next to Kiel.

Whale: w-who is she?....

Alpha: I don't know either...

Alpha and whale walk to Kiel, Kiel introduces daedra to them.

Kiel: alpha, whale, this is daedra, I don't think she wants to join us but she.... Is the last member we need to complete the ho-rizon union.

Whale: please join us!

Alpha: we want to save this world with you!...

Daedra: yes I'll join.... But first.... I want you....to protect my kingdom from that foolish roseph.....

Kiel: you're right on time..... We already planned a attack to push their army back!

Daedra was surprise and happy.

Daedra: really?!....

Kiel: come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of alpha's friends.

(At the meeting room)

Kiel: so now that we're finally completed.... I just wanna say, we're gonna rename our organization from "ho-rizon" to "hexagram" our goal is to collect the fragments of the clock of destiny before roseph did.

Whale: it's you guys old mission right? And fail.....

Azure: but this time we got new allies and 4 skilled teenagers, and a large territory, now we have a chance.

Alpha: so can you guys tell us? What's going on??

Caine: *nods*

Kiel: so the clock of destiny is the most powerful artifact in the world, it can manipulate time and many bad and evil people try to collect a the fragments but failed, the ho-rizon tried to collect it also but failed and end up to leaving the ho-rizon organization, we want to collect it because we have to protect it from others that have bad intentions on it.

Alpha: so we have to collect of the fragments to build it like a puzzle and then sealed it somewhere that roseph will never find??

Kiel: exactly, and it's time for us to restart again...

Kiel: ....and I have the map location for all the fragments hidden on this world and put all the fragments on the temple of time and build the fragments like a puzzle.

Arion: and it's all new adventure for us again huh?

Whale: yes! I can't wait to see whole new kingdoms and places!

Kiel: well, it's not an easy tasks, but I trust everyone on this.

Whale: now, let's focus on ppushing roseph's army back, to their territory.

Kiel: right I almost Forgot.

Kiel: we attack them at night and surprise them with my explosion and flaming needles.

The sun sets, and they're hiding at the back of a boulder facing the fortress that roseph's army is staying and guarding..

Kiel: alright, you guys go to your assigned positions! Now!

But it was too late....

The enemies already blocked their way.

Kiel immediately shoots flaming needles to the enemies trying to push them back but the enemy's already built a invisible barrier called

"WORDEAN BARRIER" this is a invisible barrier made by combined, light and barrier magic.

The barrier got closed and a Inocent girl is inside of it.

Kiel::A wordean barrier!?, their quick!!

Alpha: look! We have to save that woman!

Kiel: she looks like an enemy....

The girl inside of the barrier disappears, the other enemy attacks trying to push Kiel and the others back, Kiel then use powerful explosions trying to destroy vin the barrier, the barrier destroyed successfully.

Alpha: now it's my turn!

Alpha pulls out his sword he got from the Guardian quest back then, the sword named camael.

Alpha: this is my chance to use this!

The girl from earlier reappears again in front of alpha, her red eyes glowing to the night.

The girl finally speaks.....

Mei: my name is mei archea, and please help me, those bad guys trying to still my fragment....

Alpha: fragment?, isn't it the clock of destiny fragment??

Mei: yes.... I don't know why....

Alpha: come on let's go and I'll put you on a much safer place!

It was too late, the enemy tied up mei and point their swords to alpha...

Alpha: let her go!!, MELTED FLOOR!!!

the soil heat up under the enemies, and melts, the enemies are burning aliveand the grasses arround lit up on fire,mei is in a safe soil that doesn't melt.

Hour later, alpha and the others retreated from the war and focuses on the fragment that mei is having.

They stay inside a cave in serta, they are sitting arround the campfire they made.

Kiel: so... Mei right?

Mei: yes....

Her cat ears move like a cat's does, she's shy and feeling a bit hungry.

Mei: I got this fragment by stealing it from roseph secret castle.

Kiel: he do have he's own castle huh?... So can you be our allies? Well, we need all the fragment to save the world from being destroyed if roseph manage to get all the fragments ffirst.. Mei: yes I can be your Allie.... And plus... I'll tell you about roseph's secrets....

*Kiel and the other leans closer....*

Mei: so....this plan is called.... The hexagon zone..... It contains kingdoms and oceans, evry side of hezagon is a starting point, the first point is in the newly established, (ferrdea kingdom),

- the second point is the (northseacean) a large body of ocean in northeastern point of the map.

-The third point is the (easternsean) , a a small body of ocean in the eastern point of the map.

-the fourth point will be, the southern point of the map in a cold body of ocea

-the fifth point will be the (the great kingdom of HON) at the southwestern point of the map.

-and the last and sixth point is the, (sandoria) the coast of sandoria.

Mei: this points containing all the fragments scattered in the point of the map.... And the purpose of this plan.... Is to trick us from his plans.... To make a chaos by making evry country fight each other and make a massive world War,and to distract us by finding all the fragments while he's already starting the preparation for war.... That's what the whole plan is all about.

Mei: I forgot something else.... The other part of the plan is, the 414 zone, the center Point of the hexagon plan, that's where roseph's castle located and the last bit of the clock fragment.

Kiel: and the oval thing?....

*points at that part of mei's map*

Mei: the oval is called the oval zone.... That's where the war will start, roseph call it, the "NAVAL WAR".

Kiel: now that we know.... What should we do now? ... Ride his hexagon scheme?....

Mei: I guess so.... But we also have to make a plan to stop him and beat his own game.....