13- celestial army of roseph

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They are the twelveย constellations in the Milky Way Galaxy, and ROSEPH gathered them and make them to life, and now, it was his strongest and the "CELESTIAL FRONT LINES" of roseph's army.

The ROYAL ARMY of roseph is just the 2nd rank army, the 1st rank army is the "CELESTIAL FRONT LINES".


Kiel and the others are having a emergency meeting,they are sitting arround the long table,

the celestial front line of roseph is the one who's launching a full attack on sandoria, the celestial frontlines have 12 people and the one who's attacking is only 3.

Kiel: mei, you're the one who's being targeted by roseph, that's why they're attacking us.

Mei: should I hide?

Kiel: alpha,Caine, whale, Arion, I'm sending you to defend our border, the celestial frontlines are heading to our east borders, and mei, ypu stay here and we'll protect you.

Alpha: can we defeat them by ourselves??

Kiel: don't worry alpha, if we sense that you guys in danger, we're teleporting there immediately.

Alpha: let's go guys!

Kiel: for fast transportation, I will teleport you there right now, just let me touch your forehead....

By placing kiel's two fingers on their foreheads, they got teleported instantly with a amazing speed.

They arrive at the location, but as soon as they got teleported, the three celestia is already waiting for them.

[Aries]-Oshitsujiza (jizza): hey there human..

[Leo]-Shishi-za (Sezza): hmm?... Are they here to play with us?

[Cancer]-Kami-za (kaza): *yawns* ....

The celestial frontline, or the "celestia", they earned the title of the constellations, but their title doesn't have effects on their powers, only their title make them strong, if they loose the title, they will be a normal human again.To loose a title, they must get defeated by a human using normal element magic.

Arion: so they are waiting....

Whale: sorry for keeping you guys waiting, you're death is here!!

Alpha: I'm ready!

The three celestia reacts*

[Cancer]-Kaza: heh?...I've heard this before.....

[Leo]- sezza: aww!, poor thing, they think they can win?..

[Aries]- jizza: they're so embarrassing.... Talking like that in front of Gods??, how foolish....

Alpha tightens his fist*


Kaza reacts*

[Cancer]-kaza: how about you close that disrespectful mouth of yours?

Whale: oh yeah?, well, since we came here to fight, why not fight instead huh?

Alpha attacksย behind of [cancer]-kaza, he prepared his fist with flames mid air, kaza quickly reacts, he doesn't move, instead, he uses a skill only the celestia can only possess, it's called "stare of fear" by staring at the enemy, they will get an illusion of fear and experiencedizziness.

alpha notice, he is walking dizzy because thev illusion of fearm

Alpha: what, is this?..... Why I'm so. Mmdizzy... And shaky?.... My mouth hasn't even moved....

[Cancer]-Kaza, quickly turns his body arround, preparing for a 360ยฐ kick for alpha.

Alpha, immediately snapped out of it, he quickly blocks the 360ยฐ kick by his right forearm, the kick was so hard.

Alpha: Damn it!, my arm!!

Meanwhile, whale, Arion and caine is fighting, [Aries]-jizza and [Leo]- sezza, for a while now, caine is laying down the floor completely wounded, arion is fighting sezza the LEO.

Whale: *panting heavily*, shit, they are strong! *blood dripping for head*

[Aries]-jizza: Giving up already?

" FOCUS!!!" Arion speaks loudly, attacking jizza from behind, Arion air kicked jizza, jizza blocked it by his arm.

[Aries]-jizza: is that it?... You cowards, I thought you guys are elemental users?, hahaha.... How dumb you are.

Whale: that's right!, I forgot!, "BREEZEABUB" NOW!!!

A large ball of water have been summoned by whale, he throws it to jizza.

[ARIES]-Jizza: That will not work on me!

It didn't hit jizza, jizza use the void element, he can also use void magic

Arion what was that!?

[Leo]-sezza: we can all use void magic so be feared!!

Whale: we're screwed, we all wounded and caine is fainted, should I call them?...

Slowly, the wind arround change, a familiar aura is flowing with the wind, it suddenly feels cold for everyone, everyone stopped fighting...

Alpha: huh?.... *Panting*

[Aries]-jizza: It feels odd....

Arion: *breathe* what is this.... This is so familiar.....

[Leo]- sezza: Jizza!, kaza!, quick come here!!

*jizza and kaza teleported to sezza*

Suddenly, six different colored light appears on the sky, and there's a intense music is playing, the lights fall down, the hexagram(ho-rizon) teleported right after the stars fall.

Kiel: sorry for keeping you guys waiting!, you guys are all hurt is that right?

Alpha reacts, dissapointed*


Whale: but at least they're here now..

Kiel points his finger to the 3 celestia*

Kiel: Hey!, are you having fun?

[Aries]-jizza: so you guys are the ho-rizon, or should I say hexagram?

Kiel: yes we are!, and why did you ask?, amaze?, scared?...

Suddenly, roseph communicates to jizza, telepatically, the sound of him is a little distorted but it was clearly him.

Roseph: Get back here now, they have a lot of backup heading to your direction.

[ARIES-jiza: But Lord!, what about-


Kiel noticed jizza is being Steady*

Kiel: what's the hol up?

Jizza, kaza, and sezza, teleported away immediately in a blink of an eye*

Alpha: t-there, gone....

Kiel: our plan work!

Whale: what plan exactly?.....

Kyลซ, steps closer to alpha and kiel's conversation.

Kyลซ: let me explain....

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Kiel, is standing in front of maea and the other ho-rizon, the others sitting on the chair arround the long table, and Kiel is discussing the plan.

Kiel: roseph, is scared, even if they gained a lot of territory, there's this one weakness he can't fight, the fear of loosing, and by bringing a lot of, army to the warzone in roseph border, he will immediately teleport his 3 celestia away.

Kyลซ: how? Should we surpass their military number?

Kiel: yes, so they feel a little scared

Kyลซ: so ev3n if only there's 3 celestia and no army backing them up, they can still be teleported away?

Kiel: yes, celestia isn't that strong you know..... Their only weakness is... The pendant on their special bracelet called, solarium, if our one soldier or one of alpha's friends manage to cut the bracelet, they can win.

Kyลซ: but alpha Don't know that yet so....

Kiel: that's right, that's why I'm sending a lot of backup!

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Alpha: so you're telling us that the celestia are that weak to fight a thousand army at once??...

Kiel: no, they're strong, they have the title of the Constellation, and have the power of void, but if they're grouped, they share lives, remember what void power is having?

Alpha: oh yeah right! Three lives!

Kiel: yes, for example, Aries gave his 2 available life to his other two groupmates, the other two groupmates also share it to Aries, repeatedly, it make them strong physically but, their stamina decrease,and it makes them weaker after using that life too much,it's called, VOID SHARING.

Whale: so that's why roseph wanted to hold them back.

The sun rises, its a new day and a new missionย is coming soon, a crow is flying above the sky, alpha and the others looked up, the crow speaks....

"Awk!, awk!, the village of crows and dawn needs your help, I repeat! Need your help!!"

Maea: the village of crows and dawn?

Kiel: never heard that village in awhile...

Kyu: we save them once.... And we're doing it again!

Azure: what could possibly going on in the village huh?...

Daedra: I hope it's not another rOSEPH'S plans....

alpha/whale/arion/Caine: WHAT THE HELL!?!?

they react, they have no idea what the crow village is and how they can still fight with their wounds.