16- golden pillars


Conversation 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥/𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐲)

𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡-





Alpha, caine, Arion,whale and the spies, arrived at rospeh's base, rospeh's base is a massive kingdom with a castle in the middle of their city, the whole kingdom have a huge Walls surrounding them.

Alpha: let's go to the entrance!

Spy #1:wait! Let's kill some guards to get their armor first!

Alpha: Yes right! I forgot about the disguise...

Spy #2: come on spy no. 1!, we have to hide and guide this kids to their mission!

Spy #1: remember alpha, fighting roseph is no joke! So please! Don't let you and your friends get caught by the guards!

*both spy's teleported away*

Whale: me and caine will investigate the military base after alpha and Arion get the disguise needed....

Alpha: got it!

*The spy no. 1 suddenly speaks to alpha's mind, "Telephaty".... *

=Spy #1=: hey alpha, don't go to the entrance, I think the guard's already know an outsider is here....

=alpha=: alright got it.

*The guards of roseph is already surrounding alpha and his friends so they can't escaped.*

Arion: I think we're being surrounded....

Whale: oh boy....

Caine: alpha....

Alpha: yep I can see....

=spy #1=: alpha! There's no choice! You guys have to fight them!, to escape!

=alpha=: We're ready!

Alpha: alright boys!!, let's get this over with!

Suddenly, the soldiers surrounding them freeze, it's so quiet and windy, suddenly, the soldiers went from freezing to complete vanishing.

Alpha: what the heck.....

Whale: *observing*

Arion: I don't know about you guys but I feel something stronger than other enemy's aura we fight, is coming here right now....

Caine: Wait from that pocket dimension?

Alpha: c'mon guys let's enter this dimension and fight out where the Aura is!

Whale: what about the mission?

Alpha: we can do that akong the way!

They try to enter the big wall to enter the dimension but ended up bumping into it.

Alpha: Outch!, how to enter this thing!?

=Spy # 2=: spy no. 2 to alpha, can you hear me?

=alpha=: good timing!, how we can enter the pocket dimension??

=spy # 2=: use a paper then draw an eye on it like this, I can show you the image in Telephaty...

Alpha done copying the drawing that spy # 2 instructed to alpha, alpha attach the paper on the wall, suddenly, they disappear and they open their eyes, seing a new environment and civilization, they finally entered roseph's base for the first time.

Alpha: woah!! This dimension is so cool!, I thought it will look like help or something!

Whale: so roseph invade kingdoms to steal their resources and make his own kingdom beutiful?

Arion: wow it's so busy on here!

Caine: I think it's their market district..

Alpha: c'mon let's sneak up their castle and see their military activities..

Whale: wait, have you guys notice those pillars??

A pillars is floating arround the city, iit's like a transportation in the sky, they ask a local woman citizen if what's those pillars is.

Citizen #1: umm, it's a local transportation, we ride it and get to the next district easily.

Alpha: and who made them?...

Citizen #1 runs away and didn't answer alpha's question.

Whale: WAIT!!

alpha: what's the deal??

They keep asking about the pillars and people keep running away from them until they reached a blacksmith house, the outside of the house have tables with fine swords and other weapons ready to be sold.

Alpha: look at this swords!

Whale: but you know that your sword is more stronger than those right?

Alpha: I can't tell it's strong, I only use it once or actually never use it....


"..... "

The sky suddenly shines bright, a bunch of pillars fall out of the sky and squashed people's houses, and squashed people as well.

Alpha and the others blocked their eyes to avoid getting blind by the brightness of the sky.

Airon: what's going on?!

Whale: what kind of sorcery is this??

Alpha: this is so bright! I can't see what's going on!!??

Caine: this is so bright!!! Ahh!!

A second later, a light suddenly strike down to alpha and the others, sending them flying, four of them manage to land, a person appears at the lightning strike location ....

Alpha: AHH!!


Caine: "panting*


Suddenly, the sine of the sky fades, alpha takes a peak on what's going on, and saw roseph standing in front of them smiling.

Roseph: Welcome to, MY KINGDOM, I hope you're having a great visit here! ~

Alpha: we're not here for a vacation dumbass!, we're here to spy on you! And to stop you for taking over the world by yourself!!

Whale: And pay for killing my family!!!

Arion: *quiet*

Caine: *listening*

Roseph: really? Well then, I'm so excited for our future battles!! And also, there's a spy on your group, right Arion?

He exposed Arion face to face and with arion's friends, the other three was shocked.

Alpha: that's not true!!

Whale: yeah he's our friend and he will never betray us!!

Caine: yes right!!, right Arion??.... Arion?....

Arion, walks towards roseph and stand besides him, roseph laugh, seeing the situation, betrayal and anger.

Alpha: no way?...you..... Traitor!!!

Whale: after all we've been through!!??so all this time??, you're telling him everything we're doing and planning??

Caine: I hate you....

*Arion laughs evilly*

Arion: goodbye! And thanks for everything!, I'm gonna go to my master now!


Arion: save??, NO!!, I WANT IT TO BE MINE!! AND FOR MY MASTER RIGHT HERE!!! "laughs*