In the chaotic world where humans, demons, immortals, and beasts collide, a man named Xander is forced into an unlikely reincarnation after an untimely death. Born in a small, ordinary village, Xander lives a life devoid of power, but a twist of fate transforms him into something far greater—an unkillable being with unimaginable power.
Xander possesses a rare bloodline that allows him to shape-shift into different creatures—be it a vampire, werewolf, dragon, or even a devil. As he journeys through multiple lives in his reincarnation, he is constantly challenged by those who seek to exploit his rare abilities. Yet, despite the overwhelming forces around him, Xander remains calm and cold-blooded, strategically moving through life with a mix of genius and cunning.
Xander is born with the “Immortal King’s Heart”—a legendary treasure passed down through generations. With this heart, he is destined to rule a world ravaged by war, beasts, and magic. However, his life takes a dark turn when a betrayal from the royal family sends him into a wild revenge-fueled quest, where he must reclaim his birthright and crush his enemies.