Tomorrow, The Aftermath Hits Like A Brick

A light sea foam green wall told Tomorrow she was not in heaven. Twisting in her bed, she found David sitting in a chair next to her. The movement brought him to her bedside. She must not be hurt badly, or they gave her some really good painkillers she mused.

"Hey sweetie," he said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"He is dead, right?" She asked but knew the answer, she hoping a miracle happened and she was wrong.

"I'm afraid so," he said and ran his hand over her forehead. 

"You got the guy?" She asked as her hopes were dashed.

"Actually, Diego and Quashawn got him. Diego saw him on the rocks." 

Outside the room they heard, "what if she isn't awake." 

"Agent Comorian is supposed to be in there," he heard someone forcefully say. 

Tomorrow gave a faint smile; her family was not the only crazy people.

David stood, and in two steps he was at the door, quickly pulling it open, two Agents stood just outside the door looking embarrassed. 

"Agent Comorian?" One asked. 

"Yes, and you are?"

"I'm Agent Ramos and he is Agent Smith, we just wanted to let you know we are here." 

"Come in," Tomorrow called out, surprising even her with the force she called to them. She was tired of these people. They took away the most important thing to her and she wanted them stopped. Coming around the door, they both smiled as she worked the head of the bed up. Back to being in pain, she adjusted herself up higher. 

"Tomorrow not too high," David admonished as he watched her rise. 

The other agents looked at him thinking he sure took her over quickly.

"So, did you find out anything?" Tomorrow asked, dismissing David's concerns with a hand wave.

"We did Mrs. Monroe," Agent Ramos told her.

Hearing her name she burst into tears, holding her side, she became hysterical as the three men stood by not knowing what to do.

Ramos passed a box of Kleenex to David. He immediately pulled three and handed them to her. Rolling to her side away from them, she held the Kleenex to her mouth and cried. All she could think is he is gone, and it is her fault.

Stepping out into the hall, they huddled up and gave David the information they have gathered so far. Walking back into the room she was asleep; he pushed the pain killer button in hopes of keeping her out. He couldn't handle the tears knowing he was in charge of keeping her safe and had blown it. 

"That should keep her out for a while," David said, waving his hand as he added, "let's go and accomplish something." 

Laurel and Niesha sat talking quietly, finding Tomorrow sleeping when they got there. Pearson was in charge, but Diego and Quashawn along with five other bellhops and yard help took it upon themselves to guard the place. Diego was stoked that he caught the man who killed his boss, but also very unhappy with the turn of events. 

Lucas had given him a job, attention, praise, respect, and most of all his friendship. Everything he sorely needed in his life. Now he is gone, and it took everything in him to keep from crushing that man's head with his foot. All it would have taken is grabbing that greasy mop of his and slamming it against the rocks. He has told the others a dozen times slamming his fist into his hand how he wished he had handled this differently. 

"Nah, then you would be in trouble and Tomorrow needs you," David told him when he heard his frustrated speech. "You were Lucas's right-hand man. I saw you two working together and he depended on you which is what Tomorrow will need when she comes back. We called his mother and told her he was killed; she sounded like a banshee. We will all have to protect Tomorrow from Mrs. Berrington. She plans to take over and sell the place," David told him. Everyone shot concerned looks at one another. 

He doubts Lucas the lawyer had a will already. After the conversation, they had with that woman. Tomorrow is going to have trouble when she gets here. Yelling 'bull shit,' was her answer to them telling her he had just gotten married. Pearson let him in Lucas's office. He was on a quest to find something to help Tomorrow. She has dealt with enough, now this woman will give her hell. 

She is a snotty money-grubbing bitch more interested in what she will get instead of the loss of her son is the attitude they received from her. The first thing he found was the prenup. Scanning it, he thought she did well. Covering his propensity to cheat would have been his concern too. Apparently, it was Tomorrow's concern too. "I'll be damned, that girl was smart." The second thing on his desk was a trust binder. Scanning it, it was all legal jargon that looked like it was probably a program for actual Trusts. 

 Tomorrow gets everything and if she is not alive, it goes to their children. If they are all dead, the property goes to the island beautification league to be used to help the island. David sat back and laughed. "You're good I'll give you that," David said, checking the dates and signatures. All signed Wednesday by employees and Rocco the chef. Plenty of names to keep it legal.

"Tough luck mom," he quipped and searched for the marriage license. Pulling the desk apart, he realized the preacher would have it, probably taken it home with him after all the craziness. Checking on the time, it was past bedtime for all good Preachers. He knows tomorrow is going to be a bitch for all of them. His Mother will be in town. Thank God Tomorrow doesn't want her mother here too. But then again if she is anything like Tomorrow, she would tear that woman a new one. 

Too bad, he couldn't talk her into hiding, in his basement, none of this would have happened. He has only been home ten days since he made the offer. She was here long enough to find a man, get married, and become a widow. He helped solve four cases and got involved in one crazy one. So far rumor has it drug money laundering. The proof is hard to find, but the case is only a week old. Ten dead, one injured, and one in jail refusing to talk. 

Ramos and Smith walked in as David walked out of Lucas's office. "Well, did you get anything?" David asked, knowing they had to be FBI just by the suit they wore.

"Some but he assumes he will be dead by morning. We have an officer standing guard over his cell. He claims he received an email telling him to watch for a wedding and kill the bride. He screwed up. He thought he had killed her and was shocked to hear she was going to be fine. We will get the warrant in the morning, trace the IP address, and see what we find. This is island living and everything shuts down at five," Ramos told him. He knew unless his sister was a computer genius, they would find the emails. Jose Martinez was no genius. 

"Hey Pearson, hook us back up with that nice suite," David called out. They had moved him to a one-person room for the duration of his stay until this happened. 

The cleaning staff was cleaning the dining room rearranging the tables. They had done all the investigating they could. Besides, they had their man. They know where he shot them from, and the rest of the information was locked in Tomorrow's brain.

The restaurant will open tomorrow. Rocco has already expressed his concerns about customers being afraid to come. David knows curiosity will bring a lot of people in. The paper has the short story on the shooting, and they know the shooter was a local and in custody. He was a local drug dealer with a long record. The investigation is ongoing into his connection with this situation. Making sure, they said the hotel was not involved with drugs nor was the owner.

"Hi sweetie, you look so much better," David gushed as he entered her room. He was not going to make the mistake and call her Mrs. Monroe again. 

"I am so sick of people entering my hospital room telling me how good I look after another attack because of those damn LeMoine's. But thank you and I am ready to go," Tomorrow told him with emotions flying as they should be considering the way her life has been going. 

"I'm sorry we are trying, but you do look better. Were you waiting on me to take you back?" David asked.

"Whoever comes first can take me," Tomorrow quipped back. 

"I'll be glad too, but I have to warn you first," he watched as she gave him her undivided attention. "Lucas's Mother is expected on the 2 o'clock flight, she is loaded for bear."

"Oh Lord Lucas was hoping to give me a year before I had to deal with her," she told him as she collected the few items on the bed table. 

"I wish we didn't have to call her, but the law requires us to contact the next of kin after a death."

"So, you talked to her?" Tomorrow asked.

"No, we had an agent go to her home. She was upset about his death. To be candid she was more upset that he got married. She indicated that was 'bull shit.' Uu… her words," David told her. 

"He had a Trust the property goes to you."

"I know he signed it along with the prenup Wednesday. I thought he was being ridiculous. See how little I know. If I didn't have bad luck, I would have no luck at all," Tomorrow said looking defeated. 

"True as of late it has been bad. Let's get you out of here and try to change your luck. The hotel is fine Diego, and the other young men have taken on the responsibility of guarding the place. Diego deserves a hug; he caught the shooter."

"He deserves more than that. He is a good and faithful man. Lucas depended on him so much. He was his sounding board and trusted his opinion of everything island related."

"Everyone should have a go-to-guy like him. Let me go check on your discharge," David offered before going out in the hall.

"Yeah, we found it, he had deleted it, but we found it. We sent the laptop to our IT person, and we will know, hopefully soon, where it came from. How is she doing?" 

She thinks it was Agent Ramos talking out in the hall to David.

"She is ready to leave. I was just about to check if she could leave or it was just wishful thinking," David said as Niesha came down the hall smiling carrying a large bag.

"Yeah, guys I brought her some clothes to wear home." Stopped by a hand in her face Ramos took the bag and searched the contents. 

"What, you think I would hurt my girl?" Niesha snapped at him.

"No, but we have to be careful," he shot back, handing her the bag back. She was an island girl after all.

"Then you should have had your ass sitting outside her door all night," she mouthed off as she entered the room in a huff.

"She had police protection," he protested. 

"You know she is right. How can she stay here, whoever wants her dead knows he failed," Ramos said looking to David for the answer. They knew that once she left the hospital, she had to be protected. This was not over, and whoever wants her dead may double their efforts to get rid of her.

They walked towards the nurse's station. "I have discussed the problem with headquarters, and they are working on it. For now, we guard her. Expecting her to drop everything Lucas worked so hard to build is going to be difficult." 

"True," Ramos agreed and left David to handle the nurse for the release. He was hesitant to approach her after the Mrs. Monroe debacle. But hey, that was what was on her paperwork.

"Well, we don't have the men to cover overnight protection and look into the killer's background," David told him they were the only two people from the FBI covering the US islands.