
Wei Long's consciousness swirled in a void of primal prehistoric engineered hunger and boundless insanity.

He had thought—no, he had convinced himself—that once his satisfaction and hydration reached fifty percent, his human mind would reclaim control.

That was the plan.

That was what should have happened.

But it didn't.

Instead, the monstrous, Bio-engineered instinct that had overtaken his body remained in command.

His thoughts were nothing more than whispers in the body of this prehistoric looking creature, and his body moved on its own.

His mind tried hard to think.

"So how did I get back last time again?" he asked himself desperately.

A memory surfaced—Zou Fang.

He had tamed Zou Fang.

But that wasn't an option now.

He wasn't dealing with a human.

He wasn't negotiating with a sentient being.

He was locked in battle with himself.