The trembling was deafening to the ears of everyone around, an ominous drumbeat that reverberated through the ground, shaking loose debris, dislodging rocks, and making the very air tremble.
Zou Fang could barely stand, his legs weak as he gritted his teeth, his breath short and uneven.
Red'Ribbon, on the other hand, was silent, his lips pressed together in a tight line, his fingers flexing as if preparing to either fight or flee.
The beasts tainted by Demonic Dao essence, the very creatures that had been mercilessly giving them pressure, now stood frozen in place, their grotesque forms unmoving, their twisted expressions devoid of the hunger and malice they had carried just moments before.
Their feral instincts had warned them—something far worse had arrived.
The rumbling deepened, each impact against the earth sending a pulse of force through the surroundings.