extra Chapter : authors love story reality of love

Dear Reader,

So, you picked up this story thinking, "Oh, this is going to be a heartwarming love story with happy endings and romantic sunsets." Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're in for something entirely different. This story is more of a heartbreak buffet—one serving after another of pain, regret, and tears. No sunshine, no butterflies. Just storm clouds and emotional thunderstorms. You've been warned.

Let's talk about Haruki and Aoi. Are they star-crossed lovers destined for eternal happiness? No. They're star-crossed, alright, but the stars mostly crossed them out. Their love is messy, painful, and absolutely doomed from the start. Think of their story like ordering a pizza. You're excited, you have high hopes, but when it arrives, it's cold, missing half the toppings, and the delivery guy accidentally spills soda on your shoes. That's Haruki and Aoi. A love story where the pizza is always disappointing.

Now, about me. Since we're already talking about heartbreak, let me throw myself under the bus. Once upon a time, I confessed my love to a girl. Her name is may . I thought, "This is it. She's going to smile, blush, and we'll have one of those magical moments you see in anime where cherry blossoms start falling out of nowhere." Yeah, none of that happened. Instead, she said, "You're such a good friend." And boom—my soul left my body.

I laughed awkwardly, nodded, and said, "Haha, yeah, totally! Just friends!" Then I went home, opened a bag of chips, and stared at the wall for three hours, questioning every decision I'd ever made. Honestly, the wall was more comforting than my feelings at that point. Pro tip: if you're going to confess, make sure you have snacks ready for the fallout.

But hey, that's love, right? It's like riding a rollercoaster. Exciting, terrifying, and by the end, you're just trying not to throw up. Haruki and Aoi's story? It's not a rollercoaster—it's a free fall. And guess what? There's no safety net at the bottom. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll definitely hate me by the end of it.

But why am I doing this to you? Well, because sometimes love doesn't make sense. Sometimes it leaves you with unanswered questions, tears, and an emotional scar or two. And you know what? That's okay. Because even if it hurts, even if it doesn't have a happy ending, it's still worth it. Or so I tell myself to sleep at night.

I'll leave you with this: love is complicated, messy, and occasionally feels like stepping on a Lego. But for all its flaws, it's still the one thing that makes us feel truly alive. And if you're brave enough to keep reading this story, then congratulations—you're either a hopeless romantic or a glutton for punishment. Either way, welcome aboard.

Sincerely,(not so sincerely)

The Author.

P.S. Oh, and that girl I confessed to? Yeah, her name was fake. What, you thought I'd use her real name here? I'm not that crazy. Actually, I am. But I'm also a coward, so we're sticking with fake names.