"Stop it!" Florence said in a mean tone, holding the woman's hand, but the woman had continued her job of seducing and tried to unzip her tailored fitted trousers more than halfway through and tried to unbuckle her slim belt. While she sat beside Florence, she continued entertaining her, seductively portraying her role that she was very good at.
Florence interjected a gruff, "Don't...I am in love with a special person." Florence was trying to be kind, as she was acutely aware that this was their role in their jobs. It was this woman's job to entertain guests, and at this point, the woman unwrapped herself from Florence's legs and rose to whisper again in Florence's ear.
"Before you marry... call me. I want you to remember what being single is all about," pausing briefly to lick Florence's ear, then walking away to join the others playing. Gathering a feather and a whip as she went. Florence smirked, looking at her wristwatch; her father was almost done in his meeting.