Chapter 17

Opening the cabin door almost broke two big men who appeared at the door entrance looking. They both stood still on each side looking towards me. I held my breath. One guy was about to take one step.

"Don't go near; stay where you are."Florence commanded this huge man.

Stealing nervous glances towards them seems they were negotiating, i didnt know what they are talking, they spoke foreign language that i am not known. Wich make me more nervous and anxious. All i sees, hope is Florence on how she react and respond on these different men every encounter. He was about to step one more, and he stopped. I start to get panicked and pant with a piece of cloth in my mouth. Am i sold to human trafficking? but Florence is there for me?

One guy unbuckled his belt, looking at me. "We are here to check the kidnapper that was in your custody." One of the big guys speaks more deeply in his voice. I understood what he was saying with his thick accent.