Bonnie accepted Charles purposal

At lunch break, Stephen, Tyler, and Chloe were sitting under their usual tree when Charles came in. "What's up, guys?" Charles asked.

"We're good. Where have you been?" Stephen asked.

"I've been very busy lately. I'm sorry for not letting you guys know," Charles said.

"It's fine," Stephen said. Charles looked at Chloe and said, "What's up, Chloe? How are you doing?"

"I'm good, thank you," Chloe said.

"So, what about that slimy bitch? Have you guys found anything yet?" Charles asked.

"Of course, we've found something, but I've made up my mind to forget about her," Stephen said.

"That's good news. So that slimy little bitch is out of your head? That's good," Charles said. They all looked at him. "Um, I was just stating the fact," Charles said.

"It's obvious you never liked her," Chloe said.

"It's not like that," Charles replied. "I liked her before she broke my friend's heart, so I just hate..."

Bonnie came in while Charles was still talking. Stephen, acting like a hypocrite, called out to Bonnie. Bonnie replied,

"What is your problem? Can't you see I'm here to see my boyfriend?"

"And who is your boyfriend apart from Stephen here?" Tyler asked.

She looked at them and saw Chloe. "Oh, the stupid cheater girlfriend still has the nerve to sit close to her boyfriend after meeting with another man," Bonnie said.

Chloe laughed and said, "It's obvious the fool doesn't know where she stands in all this."

"And who are you referring to as a fool?" Bonnie asked.

"It's you, of course. You're just so dumb for breaking up with the person who loves you most. After everything he's done on your behalf, he still loves and cares for you, and you're just too blind to see it," Chloe said. She wanted to continue, but Stephen stopped her.

"Chloe, it's okay. Let her be," Stephen said.

"You're so lucky that your boyfriend always saves your ass. Anyway, you guys are the reason why I'm here." She turned back to Charles, smiling, and said, "Charles, I've decided to accept your proposal. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

Charles jumped and said, "Really?"

"Yes," Bonnie replied.

Stephen, Tyler, and Chloe weren't surprised. Stephen said, "Wow, congratulations, Charles. So it was you all along. Well, I'm not surprised because I know that you secretly liked Bonnie, so I wish you guys good luck."

Stephen held Chloe's hand and said, "Come on, let's go." And Stephen, Tyler, and Chloe left.

Bonnie didn't care and she said, "Babe."

"Umm," Charles answered.

"Where should we go to celebrate this?"

"We'll go on a Movie date," Charles replied.

"Yes, that's my baby." Bonnie kissed him, and both of them left.

Chloe's club competition was coming up, and she was telling Stephen and Tyler to be there for her. "Don't worry, we'll be there," Tyler said.

"Don't be afraid, my little princess. Whenever you want to look for support, just look here," Stephen said, pointing to himself and Tyler.

"We're always here for you. Trust me, you will be the winner," he said, smiling.

"Thank you so much," Chloe said, and she hugged him. Tyler interrupted by clearing his throat.

"Um, what is going on between you two?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing. Wait, what were you thinking?" Chloe asked.

"I'm just curious because you two are acting like lovebirds," Tyler said, laughing.

"What if we are?" Stephen asked.

Tyler immediately stopped laughing, and he and Chloe looked at him. Stephen, feeling a little nervous because of their expressions, said,

"Why are you guys looking at me like that? I was just joking."

Both of them just burst out laughing.

"Wait, that wasn't funny," Stephen said.

But they kept laughing.

"Are you guys listening to me?" Stephen asked.

They immediately stopped laughing, and Chloe said, "I'm sorry for laughing. I just couldn't hold it in."

"Man, I'm sorry," Tyler said.

"It's okay," Stephen replied.

"But what was so funny?" Stephen asked.

"We were laughing at how scared you looked. It was really funny," Tyler said.

And Stephen burst out laughing, and they all started laughing together.


Chloe was going to her dorm when she overheard Charles on a phone call, planning to do something crazy to Bonnie. She didn't know what he was talking about, but she knew it was something suspicious, so she called Stephen and told him. Stephen then texted Tyler "SOS."

At 7 a.m., Stephen, Tyler, and Chloe were sitting under their usual tree. Chloe said, "Charles is planning something terrible to Bonnie."

"And what is he planning?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know. I didn't get there on time, but he mentioned sleeping drugs," Chloe said.

"Maybe it's not something serious. I mean, Bonnie is his girlfriend," Tyler said.

"But I don't think so. We have to warn Bonnie," Chloe said.

"And you think she'll listen to us?" Stephen asked.

"I know, but we have to find a way," Chloe said.

"Look, Chloe, I don't have anything to do with Bonnie. If Charles plans to do anything to her, that's her business, not mine," Stephen said.

"And why did you text 'SOS' to Tyler? That shows that you still care for her," Chloe said

"Man, I know you don't want her, but we just have to help, please. You know that Chloe wouldn't just bring something up if it wasn't serious, so please calm down, okay?" Tyler said.

Stephen took a deep breath and said, "Okay, but it's because of you guys."

"Thank you," Chloe said.

"So what do we need to do?" Stephen asked.

"I'll try to talk to her, but if she doesn't listen, we'll have to go to plan B," Chloe said.

"So what's plan B?" Tyler asked.

"We have to put a CCTV camera in his room to know what he's up to," Chloe said.

"And how can we do that? You know we don't have his house keys," Stephen said.

"I know a way. There's something I used to open my door the day I lost my house key," Chloe said.

"Okay, what if he doesn't have a spare key? What should we do then?" Tyler asked.

"Charles has a spare key, so you don't have to worry, Tyler. If you were Charles, where would you put your spare key?" Chloe asked.

"Um, I'd put it in my locker," Tyler replied.

"Yes, that's exactly where it is," Chloe said.

"But how can you be sure?" Stephen asked.

"Don't worry, trust me," Chloe replied.

"So, when are we going?" Stephen asked.

"We have to go now. You know Charles has class at 8 a.m. today, which means he's already at school. So, we have to go now," Chloe said.

And they left for Charles's dorm. They got there, and Chloe opened the door. They placed the CCTV camera in his room and the living room where he would never find it, and they took the spare key from the locker. After everything, they came out and locked the door as they had found it, and then they left.

On her way to class, Bonnie encountered Chloe, who tried to warn her about Charles. Bonnie scoffed, "Oh, you managed to date Stephen, and he's not enough for you? No, no, and now you've got the nerves to come here and warn me to be careful about my own boyfriend?"

"I know you won't believe me, and I'm not forcing you to, but don't say I didn't warn you," Chloe said, and left.


After Charles was done with his class he called Bonnie to come over to his dorm, after some hours later Bonnie came, "oh my baby, you're welcome to my little dorm, please have a sit and be comfortable", Charles said.

Bonnie looked around while she was sitting and said, "Your dorm is so beautiful".

"Thank you, what would you like to drink?

"Ummm, I'm okay with anything".

"Alright, just give me a minute'.

Charles went to the kitchen and brought out the juice he had drug and he gave it to her, "Please manage this".

"It's perfect, Bonnie said.

And he turned it for her, "here you go".

"Oh you're so caring,' Bonnie said.

"Anything for my Bonnie".

He went to get whiskey.

"Oh, you don't drink juice?"

"Not at all. I bought it because I thought you might like it."

"Oh, you're so sweet."

They continued drinking, and Bonnie said, "Um, when I was coming, I saw that stupid bitch..."

Her eyes became dizzy.

"What's happening to my eyes?"

He held her and said, "Um, I think you're a little stressed. Maybe you should drink more. It might make you feel better."

"You're so caring," she said, and drank more.

"Like I was saying, I saw that crazy bitch and..." She dozed off. Charles took her to his room.

"I'm really going to enjoy this. Look at her beautiful legs, such a beautiful girl," Charles said, touching and caressing her from head to toe. He pulled off her clothes and had the hardest sex with her.

Then, he called his two friends, Bright and Damon, to have their turn, and both of them gave her the weirdest sex ever. Meanwhile, Stephen, Tyler, and Chloe had been watching them the whole time. Stephen wanted to go and comfort them, but Tyler stopped him.

After Bright and Damon were done with her, Charles came back for a second round. After he finished, his friends came back for their second rounds. When they were satisfied, Charles took her to the bathroom and bathed her. She was regaining her strength and realized she was in the bathroom with Charles, but she couldn't recall anything. She was in severe pain and asked, "What happened?"

He replied, "You fainted and were sweating heavily, so I called my friends to get some medicine for you. But you couldn't take it, so I brought you to the bathroom so you could bathe and feel a little better before taking your medicine."

"Oh, that's so kind of you," she said.

He bathed her and took her to the living room, asking his friends to give him the medicine. He gave her the medicine, and she said she wanted to rest. Charles took her to the bedroom, and she rested. He came back and told his friends to leave, and his friends said,

"Alright, man, thanks so much."

They left.

Thinking about what he had done, Charles was very sad. "I wish I could go back and make it right," he said, tears falling from his eyes. "What have I done?" He continued drinking and said, "Why does it hurt me so much? Does that mean what I felt for her was real? Oh, I'm so blind to see it. She will never forgive me if she knows. Oh, I'm doomed," he said, and continued drinking.