I'm sorry I'll leave

Derrick's pov

My life at the moment wouldn't have been any better. It's like I'm getting everything I ever wished for.

My grades at school are very good and if I keep up the good work I might just as well graduate as the best student of year.

I also have by far the best chef one could ever look for. Ever since Lusubilo started working for me I've been eating very good food, food that I might have never eaten before.

Honestly speaking it really surprises me how a young lady like her could possibly know how to cook like that. I always thought no one her age would possibly cook like that.

I make my way to the kitchen because I know that's where I'm going to find her. I need to tell her what she's supposed to prepare today for dinner because apparently I'm expecting a visitor.

"Good morning my dear chef," I greet as I enter the kitchen and I find Lusubilo at the kitchen island busily putting pancakes on a plate.

She looks up from what the plate then with a little bow says "morning sir how may help you?"

"First is that my breakfast?" I ask pointing at the pancakes on the plate.

"Yes it is." She says

"Oh, can I have it like right now?"I ask

"Don't want to sit on the table first before I bring it for you?"

"No, just here please. I can't refuse the urge to eat now that I've seen those delicious pancakes."

"Oh," she says passing me the plate of pancakes "here you go sir."

"Thank you," I say while smiling

"Is that all?" she asks "or there's something else you need?"

"Today for dinner, I want you to prepare fish lasagne because my mom is coming to visit and it's her favorite," I say after swallowing a huge chunk of the pancakes.

"Alright sir, I'll be sure to do that," she answers.

"It should be ready by 7 pm,"

"Alright sir,"

You know it's kinda weird how this girl addresses me as sir. I mean she is the only one who does. Everyone else in this house either addresses me as 'Mr Derrick' or 'young master Derrick'.

I finish eating the pancakes then head to a part of the house that I like to call as the library. Okay it is a library. I specifically named it a library because I've collected about a hundred books in it. Why because reading is a hobby of mine.

At least I'll be able to do a lot of reading because today is my day off from work and I'm currently on vacation from school.

I so can't believe that in six months time I'll be a graduate. Oh I'm so excited and I can't help myself but smile everyday.

I'm also grateful for the fact that Lusubilo is working for me at a time when my mother decides to visit.

My mom is one woman who likes everything to be perfect and she has always criticized the people I hired as chefs. But today I'm pretty certain she won't criticize Lusubilo because my Lord that girl cooks food with exquisite taste.

For lunch my chef treats me to something I've never had before. She fried okra with eggs then that was what acted as a garnish to the perfectly cooked rice.

At six I start preparing myself. I start by taking a shower, then combing my hair and putting on some fancy tuxedo.

What! Don't judge me my mom likes everything to be perfect. That means I also have to dress perfectly or else I risk being scolded. I like to refer to her as a queen because she acts like one.

At exactly 6:50 I'm done with everything and I'm seated on a couch when the door bell rings and Mary goes to get it and there enters the queen in a long black coat. She removes the coat revealing a very beautiful blue dinner dress. To complement the dress she wears black high heeled shoes. As perfect as ever.

Immediately after handing the coat to Mary, she spots me on the couch and then gives me a cold stare and that tells me I'm in for it.

I head towards her saying "oh look if it isn't my lovely queen."

I take her hand before placing a kiss on its back. I'm about to stand straight when she pulls my left ear into a pinch.

"Ouch my queen!" I scream in pain "whatever that is for?"

"Are you supposed to be my son?" She asks tone very angry.

"Of course I am dear mother," I say wincing at the pain from my ear because she still hasn't let go of it

"Oh then if that's so give me one good reason you haven't been to see your mother ever since you came back from school." With every word that comes out from her mouth she pulls my ear even more "did you find yourself a girl that's making you forget your own mother?"

"Oh no dear queen I dare not replace my queen with a girl. Would please let go of my ear so we could talk properly," I say hoping she agrees to let go.

She lets go of it then gives me another cold stare "so then explain yourself did you forget that I existed in your life? Huh?"

"Like I said dear queen I dare not do such a thing. It's just that I've been quite busy with work so I couldn't find the time to visit you."

"It's always work and work and work whenever you come back from school. Don't you know that vacations from school are meant for resting not working yourself to death?" She says worried tone to her voice no

"I know mom but if I don't work how will I be able to live?" I say

"Well, you could always ask money from me," she says her voice barely above a whisper.

"Mom let's not start with. You already know how I feel about that."

"Okay sorry son. But you do know you're not growing any younger do you? When are planning on getting yourself a girlfriend?"

Oh no here we go again. She never stops ranting about me getting a girlfriend.

"Mom please I'm hungry can we not talk about this right now," I say trying to change the subject.

"You're lucky I'm also hungry," she says rubbing her stomach "we'll talk about this later."

Whew! thank God I thought she wasn't going to agree.

We sit down at the table and Mary servers us with some starters. After the starters the main course is brought to the table and soon as the lid is lifted off from bowls, the room is filled with a mouth watering aroma. My chef has striked again.

We eat the lasagne and mom praises it and says she wants to meet the person who made it.

I call for Lusubilo to bring the dessert and as soon as she enters the dinning room my mom goes like "what in the world is this girl doing here?"

"What do you mean what is she doing here?" I ask surprised "she's my chef,"

"Derrick of all people in the world you just had to choose her to be your chef. Why on earth would you do that?"

"Mom nothing you're saying now is making sense. How do even know Lusubilo?"

" Who earth doesn't know her and family? Why would you let her work for you? She has to leave this instant."

"Hold up mom, what reason should I let her leave?" I ask even more confused now.

"Son," mom says voice calmer than it should be "this little girl you see is the daughter of Mulenga Chansa, the richest man in town and apparently he's looking for her and he's willing to do anything to find her. Even kill someone who comes in his way. And you keeping her here is like blocking him from finding her."

"But mom I can't let her go."

"Oh no sir," the girl in question finally speaks "your mother is right I should leave. I should have known at what extents my father would reach just to find me. I can't go around risking other people's lives like this. I'm sorry ma'am I'll leave and you won't have to worry about your son."

"Lusubilo you won't go anywhere, you have to stay." I say

"Why do you want her to stay so bad?" My mom asks " why can't you let her go?"

"Because I owe her with my life. She almost lost hers because of me."

"What do you mean by that?" My mother asks confusion written all over her face

"I hit her with my car and letting her work for me is the only way I can pay her back for what I did to her. Besides he won't be able to find her here unless someone tells him."

"Oh son are you sure this is what you want?"


"Alright fine let her stay." Mom says to me then she turns to Lusubilo and tells her "if anything happens to my son I promise you I won't go easy on you. You may go back to your work."

Lusubilo leaves and I can't help but wonder how so many people know her. First it was the house helpers now it's my mom.

What in the world have I missed and who is this girl anyways?