Return to Winterfell

300 AC



A week had pass since Jon returned from castle black, the repairs in Winterfell were going well, a lot of builders were brought in, he had the coin for this Afterall, he would use a lot of coin fix Winterfell.

He could see the banners of Falcon in the distance they had received a raven from Moat Cailin informing them of their coming. He did not know who it was, but he would soon find out. 500 knights of the Vale were allowed to pass the Moat the rest returned to the Vale. He watched as horses entered the Courtyard at Winterfell.

'Jon' Sansa said after getting of the horse she was shy

To her surprise he moved forward and hugged her

'Welcome home Sansa its nice to see you after all these years'

'Its good to see you too brother, thank you for taking our home back' she said

Baelish came forward

'I am Lord Peter Baelish' he said

'He helped me escape the Capital and brought me here' she said

'Lord Baelish, I thank you for protecting my sister' Jon said to the man

'It was nothing your grace I was a friend of her mothers when we were young, so I had to help her daughter' Baelish said

'Lord Baelish you are welcome here in Winterfell' Jon said

'AHH I would like to congratulate you on your victories your grace' Baelish said as he glanced to the side quickly and saw Stannis, he was shocked to see him here, but his face did not show any signs of being shocked

'Thank you, lord Baelish, please you must want to rest from your trip, rooms will be assigned, and food will be brought' Jon said

Sansa, Baelish and Lord Royce were allowed to Join the meeting with the Northern lords in the great hall. 3 almost 4 moons had passed since they last met and all the lords were back with their men. News of a new king in the North had inclined lord Royce to travel with Baelish when he suggested an alliance with the North.

The Whitewolf Army was 19 500 now in Winterfell from its original 22 000 ,1000 men were left in the Moat, 600 were left at the wall and 400 were at the Dredfort, 500 was the small number they had lost. Only 19 000 would march south as 500 would be left to defend Winterfell. All together the Northern lords had raised 11 000 men the battle to take back Winterfell was rather swift with only the Boltons suffering major loses. The deal with Mance was that the wildings would fight for Jon, 3423 agreed making Jons army 33 423 strong plus 200 giants who had agreed to fight.

The moral and spirit of Northerners was high this army was larger than the one Rob stark had when he went South with and it had giants. Lord Manderly had succeeded in buying the food the king ordered him too. The supplies of food in the rows of carts brought meant they had enough for 3 times their number, the campaign would last, and they were confident in Jon.

Stannis was astonished and impressed by the large army he saw camped outside Winterfell he wished the army was here in his name, the thought of just tagging along with his barely over a thousand soldiers just to survive did not sit right with him. He was invited to the meeting but seated on a normal table just like a normal lord and not a king, he was not at the head table.

Jon now 17 years old entered the loud hall and it went silent eyes were on him, ghost followed at his said. The sight of the Dire wolf made seem more and more like a trueborn Stark. His presence alone commanded respect. Something Stannis would not find here. He took a seat next to Sansa who was doting on him, the girl was amazed by her brother, by what he had done by he's appearance, the army he had the respect he commanded, you would think she was into him. Perhaps she was.

'Welcome my lords he started; preparations are now complete I'm glad many of you will be joining me' Jon began

'Your grace if I may Cerwin spoke up, I get why you let the wildlings South after seeing the corpses, but why do we have to fight with them, we don't need them we have the numbers' he finished many lords agreed.

'My lords it is safer to take their fighting men south with us then leave them here in the North and the giants agreed to march south because of the free folk' Jon replied the lords looked satisfied with that answer but not please.

'Your grace what is Stannis's position among us' Maege asked, all the lords were curious after all

'King Stannis '' Davos voiced receiving many murmurs

'He is no king here '. Barbrey Dustin blurted out, all the lords were in agreement many things were said against Stannis

'He has agreed to tag along with us my lords, I assure you I did not and will not bow or follow any men' Jon said to cheers by the lords of the North.

'My lord we will now march for the Twins, to avenge our fellow Northern men, the blood of our loved ones will not go unpunished the North remembers' Jon said to more cheers

I'll kill every Frey was what the lords of the north were saying, their bloodlust was evident which Baelish loved, chaos was in the works

'Lord Manderly what news on the sell swords I sent for' Jon asked shocking many lords and Stannis who did not know he was bringing in more men.

'Sell Sword lady' Dustin asked

'Yes, my lady I take no chances our advance South was mainly delayed by the fact that I thought we needed more men, I will not fail the North' he said, pride was written on all the lords faces.

'How many sells swords' Sansa asked Wyman stood up and took out a scroll

'Wendel and Marlon were able to acquire the services of the company of Rose 5 000, the Silver Guild which is 6 000 and the Onyx company of 3 000' Manderly finish

'So, 14 000 thousand men' Sansa spoke up

'Yes, the other sell sword companies were either too far away or under contract' Manderly responded

'Those numbers are good lord Manderly, good job' Jon said

'Thank you, your grace,' Manderly said

'Where are they now? Baelish finally spoke

'Sailing from Essos to the Riverlands as his grace ordered' Manderly answered

'The Riverlands' Baelish asked

'Yes, lord Baelish, some of our allies still hold their castles in the Riverlands and Riverrun has been under siege from the Frey's for months' Jon said

'Lothal you and Lord Reed will take 6000 of our number and sail to Gull town to Join up with Wendel and Marlon, you will then march to Riverrun while we march to the twins'

'Gull town lord' Royce asked 'that would mean you planned on gaining our support before we even came here' lord Royce said

'Yes, lord Royce I hoped the Vale would side with my cause, I am trying to save Westeros after all' Jon said

'I already sent a raven to Runestone. Runestone alone will raise 8 000 men to join the 20 000 I can't speak for the other lords'

'Let's hope the corps you are taking with you will convince them lord Royce' the king said

The meeting continued and all issues were hashed out than concluded as he went out he spotted a face he had not seen in a long time. It was Arya, they were staring at each other, after a moment passed Arya ran into Jons arms, he hugged her so tightly she said

'Ahh you killing me'

'Sorry I'm just happy to see you' Jon said

They continued to speak and she introduced her companions

'This is the Hound, his been escorting me here' Arya said ' 

'I only did it for a reward' the Hound said

' A reward you shall get I can assure you of that' Jon replied

'This is' Arya began

'My Name is Brien of Tarth and this is Podric Payne' Brien said

'So do you also want a reward' Jon asked

'No your grace, I promised her mother Catelyn Stark that I would bring her daughters home, I was only fulfilling the vow I made' Brien responded

They were welcomed into the Castle the hound was given a hansom reward and Jon continued to his chamber.


Jon was sitting in his chamber when the thought of what he had left in Azeroth crossed his mind, the thought of leaving his child there did not please him. Ragnar the White dragon he had hatched in Azeroth was not big enough to make the flight across the vast ocean from the land of Azeroth to Westeros and too big to put on a ship. Ragnar was over three years old when Jon left Azeroth, now he's four.

A year after arriving in Azeroth he had hatched a dragon egg that the Royal family in Azeroth had. The mages helped him hatch the egg in a fire and blood ritual. Ragnar was growing fast, and it would be moons before Ragnar could make his way from Azeroth to Westeros. He was older than the dragons the dragon queen to the east hatched.

 Flying from the west to Westeros was not like flying from the east to Westeros, there were no lands or islands for the dragon to rest when flying from the west he had to make the journey in one flight without any rest. Jon would have to do without him for the time being and it worked to his favour as a dragon would raise the questions.